Sweet Home Sextuplets Recap 10/13/20: Season 3 Episode 8 “Six Little Dates”

Tonight on TLC Sweet Home Sextuplets the reality show starring the Waldrop household returns with an all-new Tuesday, October 13, 2020, episode, and we have your Sweet Home Sextuplets recap below. On tonight’s Sweet Home Sextuplets Season 3 Episode 8 “Six Little Dates,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Courtney and Eric take the babies on special individual dates, revealing surprising facets of each baby’s personality.

Wales and Bridge have their first karate test, but Bridge makes a shocking decision. A bombshell leaves the family’s future uncertain.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Sweet Home Sextuplets recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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The babies have been going to preschool for three months now and they are finally in a good routine. Now when Courtney pulls up, they are ready to go. The babies have come so far, they know colors and they know words. Courtney is so thankful for how far they have come, but the thing is about them, it is ever-changing. At home, it is time for dinner and the babies are tired. Eric tells Wales and Bridge that their belt tests are coming up for karate. Courtney tells the boys that they are thinking of taking the babies on individual outings for the first time.

They are always used to being with their brothers and sisters, and Eric and Courtney want to take the opportunity to spend time with each of the babies alone. Rayne’s day is going to the bakery with mom and dad to bake cupcakes. Rayne is one of the shyer babies and is especially shy without her brothers and sisters. In the end, Rayne has a really good time. Meanwhile, Gerry took Bridge out for hot wings. He tells his grandpa that he likes baseball but really doesn’t like karate, and wants to quit. Gerry reminds Bridge that he took karate and he loved it, and he never quit. He tells him not to give up, he doesn’t want him to live with regrets.

Eric is back home and plays basketball with the boys, Bridge tells him that he wants to quit karate because he likes other sports better. Eric is really surprised because Bridge has wanted to join Karate for years. Eric says he won’t force him to do karate if he doesn’t want to.

Next, Courtney and Eric go out alone with Layke, he is the most active and fastest boy, born to be wild according to his parents. They take him to the park and the lake. Layke has such a good time, Courtney wishes they could do this more often.

Its Rivers turn, she gets to go roller-skating; Wells and Bridge are there. Rivers is all dressed up in her skates and protective gear, the boys hold one hand each and they guide her. All of a sudden, Rivers starts to cry and wants to be held by daddy. Rivers just want to sit in the field and look at the cows and bulls.

Courtney and Eric are taking Tag to play basketball. Grandma and grandpa stay with the other children. Tag loves ball, so they thought this would be a good idea. Although Tag can help you lose your mind sometimes, he has a lot of temper tantrums. Tag is loving his special day and when asked if he misses his brothers and sisters, he says no.

It’s time for karate, Wales is on stage. It is Wells’ very first belt test. Wales does the board test and he breaks. Bridge is in the audience and he has taken his eyes off Wales. Gerry is very proud of Wales, he is told that he didn’t practice enough and he didn’t make his purple belt, but he made his blue belt. Which means, he skips the yellow belt. Bridge admits that he is jealous of Wales.
Courtney and Eric take Blu to a farm to visit animals, he is even dressed up as a cowboy. But, they know they have to keep an eye on him because he is always in trouble. The boys have joined the outing since it is the weekend. They bring out a miniature pony and Blue looks happy, he gets to ride him. Blue is not misbehaving at all, Courtney thinks the special days are really good for the babies.

Everyone is back home, Eric thinks Bridge wants to do karate again because he is really competitive. Bridge says he wants to start back and have his belt test. Bridge says he wants Wales to fail a test so he can get ahead of him.

It is Rawlings’ day, she is a girly girl and she is having a tea party with the boys. Eric paints Rawlings’ toes. Eric says two and half years ago he never thought he would be painting his daughter’s toenails. Courtney is loving these individual days, enjoying quality time together. Courtney gets a call about coronavirus, there are 15 confirmed cases in the United States. Eric and Courtney are worried, because with eleven of them in the house when it spreads to one, it spreads to all of them.


Dorothy Gale:
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