Teen Mom 2 Recap 10/13/20: Season 10 Episode 7 “Dilemmas and Debacles”

Tonight on MTV Teen Mom 2 returns with an all-new Tuesday, October 13, 2020, episode and we have your Teen Mom 2 recap below. On tonight’s Teen Mom 2 Season 10 episode 7, “Dilemmas and Debacles,” as per the MTV synopsis, “Jade is caught between her mom and Sean, but a drug test could reveal the truth. Meanwhile, after Ali has a bad fall, Leah is forced to balance her growing concerns and supporting her sister during childbirth.”

Teen Mom 2 should be another episode filled with crazy drama. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Teen Mom 2 recap tonight from 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait, don’t forget to check out all our Teen Mom 2 recaps, spoilers, news & More, right here.

Tonight’s Teen Mom 2 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Aubree has her first cell phone. She was a big girl now and that came with responsibilities. She even bought her cell phone with her own money. She used all the money she saved in her piggyback to purchase the phone and her parents advised her to be smart about the phone. She couldn’t put too many numbers in there. She couldn’t run up her phone bill and the adults all had the number. Aubree’s mother Chelsea had given the number to Aubree’s grandmother. Aubree hadn’t liked that because she didn’t want to put her grandmother’s number on her cell phone. She just hadn’t told her mother in time and so Chelsea was going to let the grandmother use only for emergencies.

Chelsea said she’d take the blame. She’ll be the bad guy and that way Aubree won’t get in trouble with her grandmother. Aubree was getting older. She was becoming moody and so Chelsea was just going to let her ride it out. Chelsea was doing what she thought was best for her child. Jade was trying to do the same and it wasn’t working because she kept making the same mistakes. Jade kept giving these habitual drug users more chances. She did that with her parents and she does that with Sean. Sean still hasn’t apologized for what he did. He tried to pin his drugs on her parents and to this day he hasn’t called Jade or let her know how he’s doing.

All Sean can do is complain. He blames Jade’s parents for their being issues at the house and he said the fight was all their fault. He wishes they had never moved in with him and Jade. He never once mentioned how he brought drugs into a household where so many addicted people were living. He never once owned up to his part. He’s an addict and rather than acknowledge he’s struggling – he tries to pin it on Jade’s parents as he does with everything else and it wasn’t fair to Jade. She threw everyone out after the fight. She later changed her mind about her parents and they moved back in. She probably would have done the same with Sean if he ever showed.

Kailyn’s big trip to Dallas was canceled. Her son Lincoln got the flu and so the family stayed home while he recovered. Kailyn also thought the drama was behind her with her exes, but Javi could be condescending and sometimes he was just a jerk. Like he was with the drop-off. Kailyn asked her exes to meet in a location that was between her house and theirs. Javi was first okay with it. He only changed his mind when it was his turn to pick up their son and so Kailyn got angry with him. He started saying some crap to her in text messages. It got so bad that Javi accused Kailyn of being difficult and he claimed she was mean to both him and his girlfriend Lauren.

Which is funny. Kailyn doesn’t have a problem with Lauren because she never talks about her or brings her up with other people and so it was just Javi she had a problem with. Javi was the same guy that tried to sleep with her less than a week ago. He spotted her at a gas station and he basically told her he wants to f*** her right then and there. Javi later sent her text messages saying the same thing. He wanted to cheat on Lauren with Kailyn and she was the one who turned him down. Javi must have realized he crossed a line with the whole drop-off because he also sent Kailyn a text message asking her not to say anything on camera. And so it was a little too late for that.

Kailyn was telling the cameras everything. She told about all the times Javi has tried to sleep with her while his girlfriend was either pregnant or at home with the baby. Javi even tried to start something in front of her son Isaac. Isaac looks up to Javi and so Kailyn didn’t want any of her sons to see him disrespecting her. Kailyn was just so tired of Javi’s behavior. He only acts a certain way at certain times because he tries to see what he can get away and that was manipulative. Kailyn leaned on her friends. She told them how hard it’s been to co-parent with Javi and still she had to try because she didn’t want her kids to see the cracks in their relationship.

Briana has been trying to co-parent. She got used to it being just her after a while and so learning to co-parent wasn’t easy. Only Nova seemed to appreciate it. Nova liked getting to know her dad and his family. She met the night with her paternal grandmother. Her grandmother also took her to school the next day and Nova waited until she was at school to cry. She wasn’t harmed or anything. She also liked her grandmother. It was just strange for her not to see her own mom before school that she had needed some reassurance and so Briana had to pick her up from school early. Briana and her mother spoke to Nova. They told asked her if she was okay. She said she was and she seemed to want to put the whole crying thing behind her.

Sean eventually called Jade. He told her that the drugs at the house weren’t his and that they belong to her parents. He said her parents have been acting suspiciously. Her mother said she was going to work one day and then she never left the house. Sean believes Jade’s parents are back on drugs. He claimed he was clean and so Jade wanted to test him. She asked him to come to the house because she wanted him to do a drug test. Jade had him come over after her parents went out for the night and truthfully she was open to hearing what he had to say because her parents failed to keep one of the promises they made.

They told her they would help Kloie. They instead did everything other than that and so Sean coming back was convenient. Him not failing the drug test was also convenient. Jade wants to work with him in the best interest of their daughter and so Sean was slowly getting Jade to forgive him.

Leah’s sister went into labor and Leah was there for her. She also had to be there for her daughter Ali who suffered a fall. This could be because of Ali’s muscular dystrophy or could just be a fall. Leah has to take her daughter to see the doctor just to find out. Her daughter’s foot was hurting her.


Kristine Francis:
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