The Bachelorette Recap 12/21/20: Season 16 Episode 12 “Fantasy Suite”

The Bachelorette Recap 12/21/20: Season 16 Episode 12 "Fantasy Suite"

The Bachelorette airs on ABC this evening with an all-new Tuesday, December 21, 2020, episode, and we have your weekly The Bachelorette recap below. In tonight’s season 16 episode 12 as per the ABC synopsis, “Tayshia is ready to take her relationships with Brendan, Ivan, and Zac to the next level in the fantasy suites. One man, whom she saw a future with from the start, is suddenly anxious and reveals why to Tayshia.

But nothing could prepare her for the bombshell surprise that rocks her world. Former Bachelorettes JoJo Fletcher and Rachel Lindsay lend Tayshia their support and advice at crucial times.

We will be liveblogging tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette 2020 and you just know there are going to be tons of drama, catfights, and tears. So come back tonight at 8 PM for our live two-hour The Bachelorette recap of tonight’s episode. While you wait for the recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for this season of The Bachelorette?

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Tayshia is still riding high on the home towns last week, she says they couldn’t have gone any better. Now, she is looking forward to the fantasy suits, to get closet to all the guys. Meanwhile, the guys say it is a strange dynamic, they are all dating the same guy. Tayshia brings in Jojo for one final chat to help her out. Jojo asks if she is starting to feel like she could fall in love with more than one man, Tayshia says yes. Jojo tells her that after the overnights, it changes everything, it brings the relationships to the next level but it also offers clarity. Jojo says it is so rewarding when you get to the end, then it becomes clear.

Chris H. visits the final three men, he congratulates them. He tells them this week is serious and more intimate, if they decide with Tayshia, they can spend the evening in the fantasy suite. The first over night date is with Ivan, “our love is timeless, love Tayshia.” Ivan is really nervous, he tells the other two men that he is going to make the most of it. Zac says Ivan is a good guy, he would let him date his sister.

Ivan is super pumped and super excited to be first. He is falling in love with Tayshia and hopes they can build a family together. Tayshia wants to take the two of them out of their comfort zone. She has ice baths ready for them and they are going to have the world’s longest and coldest kiss. Chris H. shows up, he tells them that the current record holds at five minutes and sixteen seconds, we will see if they can break the record. The two get in, Ivan tells her it is mind over manner.

The water is recorded at 40 degres. Chris H. says the cold my affect Ivan’s performance in the fantasy suite. Tayshia has become very relaxed, Chris H. says the cold tub is becoming a hot tub. They are doing great, they are very focused and might actually do it. Ivan feels like the luckiest guy in the world. We have a new world record. The two don’t stop, they are not just going to hit the record, they are going to obliterate it.

Another date card arrives, this one is for Zac, “let’s explore each other, love Tayshia.” Zac is so excited, Brendan has a problem knowing that the woman he is dating is going on the overnights with other men.

Tayshia and Ivan are both dressed up for dinner. Ivan is falling in love with Tayshia and wants to let her know it. The two are so excited about breaking their record. They talk about the fact they both feel that they can share anything with each other. But, Ivan says the word love, means a lot to him. He has feelings for her, and he probably started falling in love with her a couple of weeks ago, and it is more than that.

He can see this working out, when he looks in her eyes. He goes on to say that he undoubtedly is falling in love with her. She tells him that she has definitely been falling for him too, they two kiss. She has been wanting to hear those words from Ivan, because she has been feeling that as well. Tayshia takes out the fantasy suite card, he reads it. She tells him that it is up to him, he says 100% yes.

Ivan tells her that he spoke to his dad who said to him that he was one step away from love. Tayshia really sees herself with Ivan, she thinks they would have a really good life together. Tayshia says Ivan is the perfect guy, he is drive and ambitious, he is really everything.

In the morning, the two head outside for breakfast. Ivan say the night couldn’t have went better, they stayed up all night talking about stuff and they are dead tired. They both put themselves out there and said they are falling ln love with each other. Ivan tells that he means from the bottom of his heart that he is falling in love with her. They say their goodbyes. They talked about religion, what their future goals and plans are. Tayshia really feels like they could have a beautiful life together.

Ivan returns to the men, he says he is feeling good, he had a great day and a great night. He tells them that they used the fantasy suite, and watched the sun come up together. Brendan thinks the whole thing is weird, hearing about Ivan’s date with the women he is falling in love with. Zac says his goodbyes, he has a date to get ready for. Ivan says he never thought he would be in this position, the day after he tells girl he is in love with her, she goes on a date with another guy.

Ivan is having a hard time, it’s tough to know that Tayshia is going to spend the evening with another guy. Tayshia tells Zac they going to explore each other today and be creative. They paint each other, then roll all over on a canvas. Her biggest hesitation with Zac is that she is getting caught up in the moment. Zac feels like Tayshia has come the closest that he has thought of her being his wife. Zac is ready to tell Tayshia how he feels.

They get dressed, and meeting each other for dinner. Tayshia says they have this level of comfort with each other. He tells her that she is sweeping him off his feet. He says he is a little different in the best ways and she appreciates that. She tells him that she was speaking to his mom and he didn’t want kids. He says he was lying to himself, he told himself that he didn’t want kids, he wanted to be single to protect himself.

But now, he wants to be a good husband, and good father, and those things don’t scare him now. She says she feels like there is something that he wanst to tell her. He holds her hands and tells her that he made a promise to himself, to be honest and authentic. She turned on a light, and he loves her, loves the human being who she is. Tayshia tells him that she loves him too.

She says she has never felt this way before. She is trying to find things wrong and can’t. She kisses him and tells him that she is so happy. He tells her again that he loves her and she loves the sincerity, it is so intentional and organic. Tayshia gives Zac the fantasy suite card, they both take it a head to the suite. They sit down, enjoy some champagne and strawberries, he tells her that he is living in a dream, the best dream that he has ever had. They move to the bed, she says Zac loves her and she loves Zac. In the morning, the two dance on the bed.

She tells him that she told him from day one that he is trouble, and he is. The two laugh. Tayshia is over the moon that Zac loves her. As much as she cares for Zac, she has feelings for Ivan and Brendan. She can honestly see herself ending up with either of these men and knows that she is going to have to say some tough goodbyes soon.

Zac returns to the men, there is a thick air of awkwardness. Zac says the day was intense, they created some art, and it was tough to leave her. Just hearing about Zac and Ivan after their dates, puts a lot of pressure on Brendan, but he is trying to put it behind him.

Brendan is excited, he knows he is going to have fun with Tayshia. She tells him that she wants to introduce him to a friend of hers today. The date is going to be a little look into their future. Tayshia introduces Brendan to Neil Lang. Tayshia first tries on bracelets, then they move on to wedding bands. Neil tells them that his jewellery is hand made. Brendan looks he is going to faint. Brendan has been here before, he has looked at rings before. And when he does this again, he says it is going to be for life.

They sit down for a snack and some champagne. Neil talks about the amazing couples that he has met on the show and how they are still together. Neil makes a toast, “whatever path you take, I hope you both find love.” Tayshia feels like Brendan is disconnect, it is a weird feeling and she hopes that nothing is wrong.

Going into the evening, Tayshia is hopeful. But, she feels like there is something that he is struggling with. She really is hoping that this evening they can see if there is something there to grow on. She tells him that they have been on quite a journey, he was her first one on one and she thought back then that she could totally marry him, but she doesn’t know where he is. He says the day really reinforced how he feels. He says he is not going to lie, the past couple of days have been challenging for him. When he came there he thought he was ready, he starts getting emotional.

He says he want a wife and children so much, but he knows that there is a big part of him that is still broken and needs time to heal and grow. He says he just wants to give her his whole heart, but as he sits there today, his heart is not whole. And, it really breaks his heart, she deserves a man that is complete and is healed from his past. Unfortunately, he is not that man right now.

He says he is sorry. She says a younger version of her would have been angry, but she has also been married before. She asks if she can walk him out, he says yes. Tayshia is sad, Brendan is something who she thought that she was going to end up with. He hugs her and wishes her the best. Tayshia is crying, he kisses her on the cheek and leaves. Seeing Tayshia that upset was devasting for Brendan. Tonight was the first time that she ever told him that she could vision a future with him.

The next morning, Tayshia calls Rachel, The Bachelorette Season 13, to sit down and talk. Tayshia tells her that she had her last fantasy suite last night, it didn’t go as planned. She says she got the validation she needed from the first two fantasy suites. Tayshia tells her about Ben, she liked him a lot and he cared a lot. He was in the military for years, and it made him hardened about showing any emotions. And, when she said goodbye to him, he didn’t show any emotion. She knows there was something there and it sucks. Meanwhile, Zac and Ivan are getting ready for the rose ceremony, they don’t know that Brendan has left.

Ben is back, he knocks on Chris H.’s door, he doesn’t like the way things ended with Tayshia. He says he feels the need to express himself, he is on love with Tayshia and he needs to tell. Her. He says he would just love to resolve that really weird breakup, he needs to tell her that he loves her.

Tayshia is all dressed up for the final rose ceremony and Ben knocks at her door. He tells her that he knows that he is supposed to be long gone, but the way it ended, he was completely knocks off guard. He didn’t even see that coming. He had feelings this whole time, he has been in love with her, he blew it by not telling her in the moment. He never felt this feeling and he was terrified.

The life they could have together, it keeps him awake at night. He couldn’t leave, he had to tell her. He sees a life with her. Tayshia asks him to hold on a second, she needs a minute. She gets up and tells him that she needs a minute. She just wants to cry, she doesn’t know what to do.