The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Matthew Atkinson’s Shocking Athletic Skills – Thomas Forrester Star is Scary Sculpted

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Matthew Atkinson's Shocking Athletic Skills - Thomas Forrester Star is Scary Sculpted

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers suggest that Matthew Atkinson, AKA Thomas Forrester, is doing what all good actors on hiatus do these days. B&B fans may have noticed that Matthew has been posting a lot to his Instagram account, and there he’s been showing off his muscular … uh … assets.

B&B Spoilers – Matthew Atkinson Builds Out His Home Gym

Apparently, keeping in good … scratch that … amazing shape is one of Matthew Atkinson’s top priorities. From his Instagram account, to his Facebook and Pinterest profiles, B&B fans can check out Matthew’s been up to in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Since having to self-isolate, Matthew’s been getting in a lot of extra workout time in his homemade gym. How can B&B fans tell? Well, some B&B viewers may have thought Matthew Atkinson was simply naturally gifted with his rocking body, but the fact is … to get shredded like that, he puts in a lot of effort.

From lifting weights to skiing, from taking an open water swim from a boat to a tiny island and back, from running 800 meters in 5 minutes to doing 50 burpees in 5 minutes and then steadily decreasing the time while attempting to maintain the same number of reps … Matthew Atkinson pushes himself to the limit! (Imagine running back and forth inside your home gym to get those meters in like Matthew! It’s tiring just to think about it!)

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers – Matthew Wants to Keep His Job

While some B&B fans think actors like Matthew Atkinson just happen to love working out, that’s not always the case. It does so happen that Matthew enjoys working out though. And thank goodness! Many B&B viewers get the benefit of having an aesthetically pleasing man to look at when they see Thomas Forrester waltz in to Forrester Creations don’t they?

The truth is though; Matthew probably enjoys performing the part of Thomas Forrester just as much as B&B fans love watching him play the part. However, if Matthew wasn’t scary ripped, he might not be able to keep the role.

Other actors on series other than Bold and the Beautiful have lost their jobs for not being fit enough. Sure, they start fit as a fiddle like Matthew is now … but over time they let themselves go as fame (and food) take their toll.

If all Matthew wanted was to be a character actor, his level of physical fitness might not be as much of a priority. However, let’s face it … the man is a Forrester on a show that’s called “The Bold and the Beautiful.” Matthew couldn’t rightly be any sort of leading man on a show like that if he wasn’t, well … both Bold and Beautiful could he?

Bold and Beautiful Spoilers – Timing for Matthew is Everything

Normally, when not having to self-isolate and stay at home, Matthew would need to plan his day. Like most professional actors, Matthew likely has to schedule his workouts and plan his meals. As other actors have noted, staying in great physical condition like Matthew isn’t easy but it absolutely can be simple.

B&B fans who want a glimpse into Matthew’s mindset should pay attention to the following statement that Matthew left for his fans on Instagram: “If you have a choice, choose the physical option. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Park at the back of the parking lot. You’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel. Those small wins add up.”

Considering Matthew’s bulging biceps and calves, many B&B viewers can agree with his sentiments. Moreover, as the Coronavirus pandemic rages on, B&B fans who want to practice self-care as Matthew Atkinson does could certainly do worse than to take his advice! We’ll always have the latest Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, updates and news to read up on.