The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Thomas’ Apology Tour to Prove He’s a Changed Man – Suspicious Victims Doubt Recovery?

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Thomas’ Apology Tour to Prove He’s a Changed Man – Suspicious Victims Doubt Recovery?The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Thomas’ Apology Tour to Prove He’s a Changed Man – Suspicious Victims Doubt Recovery?

The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers tease that it’ll be interesting to see what happens once Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) reenters the mix. Thomas can’t stay MIA forever, so we need to think about what his first move will be upon resurfacing. Will Thomas make a vengeful move or take steps in a positive direction?

Fortunately, Thomas may have learned a valuable lesson after his last wedding debacle. Now that Thomas has been properly humiliated for his manipulation and other atrocious behavior, he’s hopefully been thinking about how to turn things around.

Thomas may have taken the time to do some soul-searching and understand that he’s hurt people he cares about.

With that in mind, Thomas’ first mission when he returns may involve making amends. This determined Forrester may pop back up with plans for an apology tour. Thomas certainly has a long list of people he needs to tell he’s sorry. This is Thomas’ chance to express remorse for his mistakes and promise to do better in the future.

For starters, Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) and Zoe Buckingham (Kiara Barnes) both deserve apologies. They were caught up in Thomas’ latest scheme, which involved what Thomas hoped would be a bride swap at his wedding. Thomas’ plot crashed and burned, but he may hope that he’ll have better luck when it comes to making amends.

Henry Joseph Samiri (Thomas Forrester) won’t be filming for a while as part of the new safety protocols, but Thomas still needs to apologize to Douglas offscreen.

Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) and Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) may get apologies of their own since they were manipulated, too. Thomas needs to make things right with his family if at all possible.

What about the people Thomas has clashed with in the past? Will Thomas suck it up and apologize to Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton)? What about Brooke Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang)?

Those apologies might be pushing it since Thomas loathed Liam and Brooke when we last saw him. In fact, Brooke and Liam would find it highly suspicious if Thomas shifted gears.

Nevertheless, B&B fans may see a more peaceful version of Thomas when The Bold and the Beautiful returns with new episodes. It might take a while to get back around to Thomas’ storyline, but proving he’s changed may become his new obsession. That could set Thomas up for trouble if he hasn’t put enough work into his recovery.

Regardless, there are bound to be doubts about whether Thomas is being sincere! As other B&B news and updates come in, we’ll give you all the details. The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers say some highs and lows are ahead for several characters.

CDL will have other hot Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, updates and news to pass along, so drop by again soon.

Heather Hughes:
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