The Real Housewives of New York (RHONY) Recap 07/30/20: Season 12 Episode 16 “Not Very Merry Achi”

The Real Housewives of New York (RHONY) Recap 07/30/20: Season 12 Episode 16 "Not Very Merry Achi"The Real Housewives of New York (RHONY) Recap 07/30/20: Season 12 Episode 16 "Not Very Merry Achi"

Tonight on Bravo TV The Real Housewives of New York airs with an all-new Thursday, July 23, 2020, episode and we have your RHONY recap below.  On tonight’s Real Housewives of New York season 12 episode 16 “Not Very Merry Achi,” as per the Bravo synopsis, “Luann hosts a spa day for the women she met through the Fortune Society.

Ramona gives Sonja a talking-to over her birthday night antics and gives Leah the cold shoulder. The women head to Cancun, Mexico, where Sonja gets liquored up too soon and Leah confronts Ramona about her “unspeakable acts.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Real Housewives of New York recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our RHONY news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s RHONY recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Luann meets with salon staff. They are getting ready to welcome a group of ladies now out of jail to come and enjoy a spa day. Ramona shows up and sees Luann with bangs. She doesn’t recognize her.

Meanwhile, Dorinda and Leah meet up at the salon event. Luann and Ramona talk about the night before at Ramona’s birthday party. They think Sonya got out of hand, walking across a mirror and breaking it she was so drunk. Ramona doesn’t even want to get into Leah and her dancing. She is so disgusted.

All of the ladies arrive at the salon. Things are uncomfortable. Luann and Leah talk on the side about how Ramona has been treating Leah. She has been singling her out. Ramona tries to talk to Sonya about her behavior. Leah comes in and yells at Ramona, calling her a hypocrite and asking why she is two-faced. Ramona ignores her completely. Leah leaves. Dorinda leaves to get the glass out of her foot. Luann finishes out her event, happy to help all of the women.

Sonja shows up to see her line at Century 21. Dorinda and Ramona show up to support her. They are really proud of her. She has a huge display. They talk about Mexico. Ramona says she will just be civil to Leah. But she has had it and she has heard that Leah is bipolar and she is drinking.

All of the ladies pack and head to the airport. Hours later they land in Cancun. Leah and Ramona are ignoring one another.

The ladies arrive at their hotel to a large staff with drinks ready for them. Ramona accidentally falls into the pool as they look around. Sonya and Ramona hang on the beach and talk about Leah. Ramona says she was hurt by it all. She had to pull Leah’s dress down. She was so embarrassing.

All of the ladies sit to eat. After they play a trivia game. The winner picks their room. Luann wins and picks a great room.

Dorinda and Leah sit and have a drink in Dorinda’s room. They talk about Ramona bashing Leah for her Bipolar. Dorinda pulls Ramona aside later and tries to get her to be nicer to Leah.

Dorinda brings a great dress to Leah to wear to dinner with the girls. She wants her to feel confident. Meanwhile, Sonya is very drunk and naked. They try to get her ready for dinner. Dorinda hates hypocrisy. Ramona says nothing about Sonya being three sheets to the wind.

At dinner, Sonya is extremely sloppy and drunk. Ramona ignores it. Sonya starts a conversation about Ramona and Leah. She wants them to talk. Leah just wants to know why Ramona is talking about her vagina. Ramona doesn’t want to get into it and gets annoyed. She heads back to her.

To Be Continued…


Sarah Luoma:
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