The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap 11/11/20: Season 15 Episode 5 “An unexpected Guest”

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap 11/11/20: Season 15 Episode 5 "An unexpected Guest"The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap 11/11/20: Season 15 Episode 5 "An unexpected Guest"

Tonight on Bravo TV the original housewife series, The Real Housewives of Orange County returns with an all-new Monday, November 11, 2020, episode and we have your RHOC recap below.  In tonight’s season, 15 episode 5 called, “The Splash Heard Round The OC,” as per the Bravo synopsis, “After her explosive meltdown at Shannon’s housewarming party, Braunwyn finds herself trying to make amends and move forward.

Braunwyn opens up to Gina about her life-long struggle with alcohol, and their friendship takes a drastic turn. As Jacob experiments with drag, Sophie continues writing her book about dealing with her parents’ divorce leaving Shannon to worry about the effect it had on her daughters.

So make sure to tune in between 9 PM and 10 PM ET tonight for our The Real Housewives of Orange County recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our RHOC spoilers, news, photos, and more, right here!

Tonight’s RHOC episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Emily and Gina talk by FaceTime about Emily seeing Braunwyn the night before. Braunwyn admitted she was out of line with Gina, who shares that she has too much going on to worry.

Braunwyn and the family hang out with Jacob who tries on an array of dresses. He wants to do drag. It makes it feel better. They are all supportive of him.

Gina meets with her lawyer. She is able to get her license back soon. She has been getting rides for almost a year. Her lawyer asks her about writing a victim statement.

Shannon talks with her daughter about going away to college and how her daughter is writing a book about her parent’s divorce. Her daughter shares that she isn’t screwed up from the divorce and also likes John.

Braunwyn and Kelly head to a dress shop for Braunwyn. They both try on dresses. Kelly hopes the third time is a charm. They talk about Jacob wearing a dress. Kelly didn’t think he was gay or transgender. Braunwyn is supportive no matter what.

Beth talks with her mom about her sister who is a heroin addict. The whole situation is sad and upsetting. She wants to help but doesn’t know-how. She has tried with money, love, and more, and now she worries about her niece.

Shannon and Gina hang out at Liz’s who shows them her beach house. Shannon vents about Braunwyn and how she invited her to her vow renewal. She is torn and doesn’t know what to do.

Gina gets to talking about her license and situation with Matt. She doesn’t know what she should do now that they have been co-parenting so nicely. She gets emotional. They circle back to Shannon’s daughter heading to college.

Liz brings Shannon and Kelly to Klass Dealer. Liz and Kelly pick a fast car and take it off a ride, laughing and having fun. Shannon stays behind and drives a toy car!

Gina and Braunwyn decide to spend some time together and talk over their issues. Meanwhile, Emily has a friend over to go over some new designs. They look over several new ruffle shirt designs. Emily is excited.

Gina and Braunwyn continue to hang out and talk about their lives. Gina lets her guard down and talks about her life, Matt, and the kids.


Sarah Luoma:
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