The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap 12/09/20: Season 15 Episode 9 “The Lies That Bind”

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap 12/09/20: Season 15 Episode 9 "The Lies That Bind"The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap 12/09/20: Season 15 Episode 9 "The Lies That Bind"

Tonight on Bravo TV the original housewife series, The Real Housewives of Orange County returns with an all-new Wednesday, December 9, 2020, episode and we have your RHOC recap below.  In tonight’s season, 15 episode 9 called, “The Lies That Bind,” as per the Bravo synopsis, “The ladies begin to self-document their lives during the mandated lockdown due to the global pandemic. Elizabeth has a change of heart about her divorce proceedings.

Emily and Shane’s relationship takes a turn, and Kelly travels across the country to be with her fiancé, Rick. When tension arises between Shannon and John, Gina gives her two cents. Meanwhile, Braunwyn struggles to keep her sobriety and marriage intact during the quarantine stress.

So make sure to tune in between 9 PM and 10 PM ET tonight for our The Real Housewives of Orange County recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our RHOC spoilers, news, photos, and more, right here!

Tonight’s RHOC episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Quarantine: Day 5, Elizabeth loves saving animals and she is creating a Go Fund Me page for people to donate money to sanctuaries who save animals. Day 6, Gina is on the phone, she is dong online work. Day 7, Braunwyn is at home, her daughter is helping make the beds and the boys are playing around.

This is the first time that she has gone without a housekeeper and she is having a hard time. Things that were kind of annoying, she is finding really annoying. Day 11, Emily says she just needs to take her kids somewhere and drop them off. She has three little kids that are addicted to her and even though she has a big house she feels she has no place for herself.

Kelly says that it is absurd that the economy is shutting down, people need to work.

Shannon is under a lot of stress, Joe is visiting and she tells him that if he stays there he can’t come and go. Then Joe leaves and so does John, she wasn’t taken seriously. Kelly is in NY having a hotdog from as street cart, she is not scared, but she is cautious. She is determined not to let this virus take her down.

Kelly is spending her time with Rick and she vows that nothing is going to stand in the way between her and her man.

Day 18, Emily is at home, she knows she lives in an Orange County bubble, but she does think about other people and how they are managing right now. She thought that being with Shane 24/7 would be tough, but they are doing ok. Although she says they have less sex because she is so tired keeping the house clean. She recalls last year when they fought all the time. And now, she finds that her marriage is solid and it is good for her family.

Day 19, Braunwyn and Sean are at home, the kids are doing a lego puzzle. She says that sometimes she feels like the only grownup in the house and she is so tired.

Shannon and Gina are on video chat, salons are not essential business and they are not getting their hair done. Shannon tells her that she was so upset when Joe and John went out. John is back, she is compromising. Shannon tells her that if they pull it again, she shouldn’t let them back because she is immune compromised.

Day 24, Kelly calls Jolie and asks her why she is being difficult. Jolie says that she doesn’t like being couped up. Now, Since Kelly is in the epicenter, she is stuck there. Kelly misses her.

Day 31, Elizabeth is having a hard time staying home, it is driving her nuts. She is upset that her divorce is not proceeding and she is just spending money.
Day 39, Braunwyn is finally out of the house, she has been raging and angry, Sean is driving her crazy. She actually smacked Sean when she was upset. She feels trapped in her house, trapped in her marriage. There are some big things that have been happening in her life and they don’t talk about it. She is 89 days sober and hasn’t wanted a drink, but now, she wants to drink, she feels like she is not ok.

The women get together, but they remain six feet apart from each other.

Emily is on a video chat with Braunwyn, she tells her that Shannon asked her how well she knows Elizabeth, she was trying to suggest that she doesn’t have money like she says she does. Braunwyn says she will ask her about it when they meet.

Elizabeth is putting a trip together, she tells Gina that they all need a break. Shannon wants to get to the bottom of Elizabeth, but Braunwyn says everyone lies, they should just let it go. Elizabeth is used to being discredited and if they dig into her personally, she is going to have a problem with that. Elizabeth is inviting everyone on the trip and hopes they can all talk.

It is Black Lives Matters, May 31, 2020 Braunwyn marches in a protest. Showing her kids to stay up for what is right is important to her.

Shannon, Adelaide, John and Sophie gets tested for COVID because her twins snuck out for a party and was hugging everyone.


Dorothy Gale:
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