The Voice Recap 10/26/20: Season 19 Episode 3 “The Blind Auditions, Part 3”

The Voice Recap 10/26/20: Season 19 Episode 3 "The Blind Auditions, Part 3"The Voice Recap 10/26/20: Season 19 Episode 3 "The Blind Auditions, Part 3"

Tonight on NBC’s Emmy Award-winning musical competition The Voice airs with an all-new Monday, October 26, 2020, season 19 episode 3 “The Blind Auditions, Part 3,” and we have your The Voice recap right below. On tonight’s The Voice season 19 episode 3 “The Blind Auditions, Part 3” as per the NBC synopsis, “The “Blind Auditions” continue as superstar coaches vie to discover and coach the next singing phenomenon. The vocalists compete to be selected by one of the coaches and fight for a chance to be named “The Voice.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Voice recap between 8 PM – 10 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Voice spoilers, news, videos, recaps & more, right here!

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Blind Auditions Part 3! This season was a little different because of all the restrictions in place. There was still a pandemic going on and everybody was doing their best to deal with it. Now, what does that mean for the show? This meant limiting human interactions as the judges still hung out. They just gave themselves a good six feet apart and no one was hugging the contestants. The contestants were instead given a floating arm to shake by John. Or they took team jackets from a closet for Kelly. Or they were rocket-launched a t-shirt by Gwen. Blake however has a cutout of himself and he tells the contestants that they can hug that version of him.

Rio Souma, therefore, had choices. He was the first singer up and he was from Detroit, Michigan. He said his area had been heavily hit by the recession. For a while, it had been really bad there. Rio also added how things were getting better and that area was experiencing a revitalization when the pandemic hit. Rio works the assembly line at Chrysler. He also chose a Motown song in honor of his hometown and the song was “Cruisin” by Smokey Robinson. This was a special choice because not many choose this song. Blake didn’t even know the song and he was the only one not to press his buzzer tonight.

Blake said he didn’t press because he didn’t know what area Rio wanted to go in with this song. He didn’t want Rio to pick him and then both of them be stumped on what comes next. Blake said he leaves Rio in much better hands with the other judges. The others at least recognized the song and John said it was one of his favorites. He wasn’t the first to turn, but he did turn and that was enough for Rio. Rio chose to join Team John. He was the fifth person to do so and that means John was halfway there with a completed team. John and Kelly were the only ones that had filled up their slots. Gwen and Blake were still on four.

Next up was Ryan Berg. He chose the song “Waiting On the World to Change” by John Mayer and that was a hit with two of the judges. Both Gwen and John had loved the performed. They each wanted him on his team and so Gwen made sure to preempt John. She used her block. She was the only one that still had it and she used it on John. John didn’t realize what she did until he turned for Ryan. It was then he saw Blocked on the floor and everyone knew it was Gwen. She lost Rio to John and she didn’t want to take that risk again. She wanted Ryan. Ryan was from Dallas, Texas. He dressed like a cowboy and he loved R&B.

Ryan was the perfect fit for John. If Gwen hadn’t blocked it, odds are John would have gotten Ryan for his team and so Gwen didn’t regret her choice. She blocked John. Neither Kelly nor Blake turned for Ryan and that meant he automatically goes to Gwen. Gwen tried to shoot her air gun with the t-shirt. The thing wouldn’t take off like normally does and so she borrowed John’s extended arm to deliver the item to Ryan. It was a glove on a broomstick. It also kept them six feet apart and Ryan still got his t-shirt. Gwen later used the commercial break to fix her air gun. She had it up and running by the time the next contestant came out.

Becca Kotte went next. She came from a musical family and she auditioned for every play at school as well as the church. Becca lived to sing. She toured with Rod Stewart as a backup singer and she’s been aiming for a solo career. Becca has received many setbacks in the past. She was hoping she wouldn’t receive another one and unfortunately it just wasn’t her time. Becca chose the song “American Woman”. It was a great song. It just didn’t work the way she planned it and so none of the judges turned for her. They later told her that she sounded great towards the end. And if she had sounded like that when she first started out, they would have turned.

Jus Jon was next. He grew up a preacher kid in Newport News, Virginia and so he grew up singing in church. His mother pushed him into it. She always believed her son would be a star and she would brag about him to everyone she met. His mother is now sick. She and her son stay in contact over the phone and it was hard for him to be there at the studio without her. Jus Jon chose the song “Talk”. He was aiming for either John or Blake because he knew either man was capable of guiding him and so he got lucky. He got Blake. Blake turned for him. He was the only judge to do so and that meant Jus Jon automatically joined his team.

Ben Allen had his turn. He was from Estero, Florida and he grew up riding on bikes with his brother. His brother later died in a motorcycle accident. He died a month before Ben’s wedding and Ben was still dealing with the grief. Ben was a county musician. His brother never got to see him live and so now all his performances are dedicated to his brother. Ben’s country twang quickly won over the judges tonight. Blake was the first to turn because of course. Blake was considered the country icon among the judges and so what’s truly shocking is that both John and Gwen also turned for Ben. Ben could have had his pick among the judges.

Kelly was the only one who didn’t turn for Ben. She knew it was a lost cause the second Blake turned for him and so she was the only one that gave up before trying. Both Gwen and John knew Blake was the obvious choice. They still liked what they heard and they turned because they both thought Ben was incredibly talented. Only they weren’t Blake. Blake was the obvious choice and that’s who Ben went with in the end. Ben was the sixth person to join Team Blake and he now only has four seats still open. Kelsie Watts went next and she was another country musician. She was originally from Texas. She moved to Nashville and that’s where she’s been playing for the last couple of years.

Kelsie didn’t want to be a singer when she was younger. She wanted to be a magician and singing came later. Kelsie also wasn’t traditionally country. She performed the song “I Dare You” and she chose that song because it was ambitious. She said she would rather take a risk and lose out rather than play it safe and make it. Kelsie was lucky tonight because choosing Kelly’s song and doing great with it was enough for Kelly. Kelly was the toughest on people who choose her music. She wants them to out-sing her and that’s what Kelsie did. Kelsie was amazing. Gwen even turned for her as well and Gwen also lost out when Kelsie chose Kelly as her coach.

James Mays went next. He was from Memphis, Tennessee and he had never flown before now. He said coming to the studio was the first time he ever got on a plane. He wishes his mother was still around so that he could tell her about it and she sadly passed away because of the coronavirus. James had hoped that he would win Kelly as a coach. He chose the song “The Show Must Go On” and it was a bad choice for him. It was a Broadway song. The judges all thought it was a Broadway song and that’s why they didn’t turn for him. They didn’t know it was a Queen song. They had never heard it before except for Kelly.

Kelly didn’t turn because again she thought James chose the wrong song. She told that was musical theater and so the judges asked him what genre he usually sings. He said R&B and Pop. If he had just chosen a song from those genres, he could have made it. James walked away tonight disappointed and the next contestant had better luck. Carter Rubin went next. He was a little kid and the judges didn’t know that until they turned around. They were surprised when they turned. Gwen and John both turned for Carter and so once again they had to argue against each other to win him.

Carter Robin is fourteen. He’s from Long Island, New York and he has deep dimples on both sides. He was a cute kid. He is also quite talented. He got his singing pipes from his grandfather who was a part of a popular boy band back during the 60s and the band was mostly known for the song “This Magic Moment”. Carter’s parents weren’t musical. It skipped a generation and so Carter sometimes sings with his grandpa. His grandpa wasn’t there with him today. He came with his mom as his chaperone and he chose Gwen because she said her son is also fourteen and she can be a motherly figure to him.

Casmé went next. She was from New Orleans, Louisiana and she started a mentor program in high school. The program is there to help girls become young ladies. It also comes with a set of rules and it’s all about staying true to oneself. Casmé has met many women in the program. She, therefore, had thirty-four bridesmaids when she got married and she was very proud of each and every one of them. Casmé is an older contestant. She’s almost forty and she has been told in the past that her moment had come and gone. And she refused to believe them because she knows there more to her than just a number and it’s a good thing she did.

John turned for Casmé. He was the only one to do so and that meant she automatically joined his team. John was also a great fit for her. Casmé chose the song “Baby I Love You” and she said she didn’t want to stick to one genre. She wanted to mix it up. John promises that they will mix it up one day and him gaining a member of his team came at the perfect time. He was feeling lost after Carter chose Gwen over him. This helped make for that lost and he was back to himself by the next contestant. The next contestant was Michelle Moonshine. She once auditioned on a previous season and she was all set to be flown out when she had to cancel her trip at the last minute.

Michelle canceled her trip because she found out she was pregnant. She’s since had her son Liam and Liam’s father left the picture a few years later. It was just Michelle now. She was a single parent when she met her partner and he treats her son like his own. Michelle was entrusting her son in his care while she finally pursued her dream on “The Voice”. She chose the song “Carolina In My Mind” and she sounded pretty. It’s just that she also sounded timid. She wasn’t confident when she performed the song and that’s why no one turned around. They still liked her voice and they told her where she went wrong. Hopefully, she’ll take that criticism and perfect next performance.

Up next was Dez. She was from Houston, Texas. She also recalls that one of her biggest and most important performance was at her mother’s funeral. She sang at the time to help her through her grief. She channeled that grief towards pursuing a career in music. She went on to high school and college. She majored in Classical Music. She could have chosen an opera song tonight, but instead, she chose a Toni Braxton song and she blew the judges away. All four judges turned for her. They all wanted Dez and Dez’s choice won’t be revealed until tomorrow night.


Kristine Francis:
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