The Young and the Restless Spoilers Update: Wednesday, December 23 – Nick Hears Kyle Sing Sally’s Praises – Sharon’s Disaster

The Young and the Restless Spoilers Update: Wednesday, December 23 – Nick Hears Kyle Sing Sally’s Praises – Sharon’s Disaster

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers update for Wednesday, December 23, reveals that Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) is on a mission to carry out a Christmas tradition in Rey Rosales’ (Jordi Vilasuso) family. At the cottage, Sharon’s in an apron and admits she’s been whipping up some Cuban tamales. Celeste Rosales (Eva LaRue) offered the recipe during one of their phone calls.

Rey teases Sharon about talking to his mom behind his back. He loves that Sharon’s embracing this tradition and is madly in love with her. Rey tries a tamale while Sharon’s out of the room and is visibly disgusted. After Sharon returns and asks how the tamales are, Rey lies that they’re great.

Sharon notes that Rey’s only had one bite, but he claims he wanted to wait for her. After Sharon tastes one, she spits it out and declares that the tamales are awful. “They’re not that bad,” Rey insists. “No, they’re worse!” Sharon exclaims.

Rey knows Sharon worked hard and didn’t want her to be disappointed. Sharon’s embarrassed, but Rey insists tamales are tricky. Practice makes perfect, so they’ll get in the kitchen together next time and make this a new tradition. Sharon says she loves Rey madly.

Next on Wednesday’s Y&R episode, Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) could use some advice about Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) from Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman). Nick thought the loan and payment plan would help Phyllis, but Jack isn’t surprised that Phyllis is having a hard time with this.

Nick wishes Phyllis could see her self-worth, but that’s just Phyllis according to Jack. Phyllis is independent and driven, so Jack gets why she’s frustrated. Nick worries about Phyllis planning something that’ll cause trouble, so Jack admits that Phyllis occasionally becomes her own worst enemy.

Phyllis has a present for Summer in The Grand Phoenix lobby, so Summer jokes around about it being a big box to disguise tiny car keys. Summer thinks her mom seems a million miles away, so Phyllis opens up about her issues. She can’t even put into words what this hotel means to her; it just hasn’t ever been simple or easy.

Summer learns Aunt Victoria tried to screw Phyllis over, so Nick came to her mom’s rescue. Summer’s puzzled about what the problem is, so Phyllis admits she’s struggling to navigate the difference between being under Victoria’s thumb and owing Nick a fortune.

She thinks if she’d been tougher,they wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. “If other people aren’t going to play by the rules, why should I?” Phyllis wonders.

Summer doesn’t want Phyllis to go too far, so Phyllis lashes out over her daughter’s reaction. “Can you blame me given your history?” Summer asks. Phyllis questions how Summer would feel if Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) made everything in her career happen for her.

Summer admits that she’d be miserable and would wind up resenting Kyle for it.

Phyllis doesn’t like this feeling and gets choked up about paying Nick off until her dying days. “A Newman owns me,” Phyllis grumbles. Phyllis wants to feel like she controls her life again.

Talk turns to Summer and Kyle on Wednesday’s episode, so Summer insists they’re trying not to rush anything. She has a feeling that things might turn a corner over the holidays. “What is that supposed to mean?” Phyllis says as she starts to freak out.

Summer notes that she just wanted to get Kyle a special gift, but her plan hit a snag. Phyllis invites Summer to tell her what the snag is since she might be able to help.

At Crimson Lights, Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) walks in and says she’s swept away all over again by how handsome Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) is. Nikki thinks it’s wonderful that after all these years, she still feels the same way about Victor.

Once Nikki joins Victor at a table, they revisit the idea of taking a trip to London. Nikki thinks this trip is so important after the crazy year they’ve had. Victor seems reluctant to go, so Nikki gets irritated.

“When you look at me with those beautiful blue eyes, what am I gonna do?” Victor asks. He assures Nikki that he’ll call the pilot and make the flight plans for Christmas night.

At the penthouse, Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) can only imagine the emotions Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan) is going through. Amanda explains that her mom as well as Hilary Curtis Hamilton’s (Mishael Morgan) mom was Rose Turner’s cousin – and she’s still alive.

The investigator did a deep dive into Rose’s background. Her younger cousin was named Naya and was from a wealthy family.

When Naya was in college, she suddenly took a sabbatical and went to Evanston. Nadine, who was Rose’s neighbor, remembers Rose spending time with a college girl back then. Amanda has a current pic of Naya on her phone, so she shows Devon.

Amanda says if the PI is right, Naya had her twins and then gave one to Rose. Amanda wonders why Hilary was raised by Rose instead of her – and if Naya even knows that Hilary died.

Didn’t Naya ever wonder about her other child? “She clearly had the resources to come and find me, but she didn’t. Why?” Amanda asks as Devon looks sympathetic.

Amanda is grateful to have somebody to listen – somebody who cares. Devon wants Amanda to get the happy ending she deserves. The PI left messages for Naya, but he deliberately didn’t reveal why he was calling – only that it involved her cousin, Rose.

Amanda wants to go see Naya. That’s her first impulse, but she’s had wrong impulses before. Devon thinks Amanda should follow that impulse since there’s no blueprint on how to handle this.

Amanda doesn’t know what happens if he shows up to see Naya. She might slam the door in Amanda’s face. Devon notes that Naya might give Amanda a big hug and tell her it’s the best day of her life. Amanda’s concerned about the reality of meeting Naya being worse than she imagined.

There’s a lot of risk involved here, but Devon doesn’t think Amanda will know anything until she tries. Amanda worries she’s a coward because she’s too overwhelmed to make this decision right now. Devon doesn’t think so, but he wants Amanda to stay open to the idea of connecting with her mom.

Kyle makes his way over to the Abbott mansion, where Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) asks for his son’s take on Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope). “Well, she’s definitely ambitious…but she’s pretty upfront about it, which is kind of refreshing. She’s smart and savvy and pretty hard not to like,” Kyle admits.

Nick appears and thinks that’d better be his daughter Kyle is talking about. Kyle admits they’re discussing Lauren Baldwin’s (Tracey E. Bregman) new assistant. The way Kyle talks about Sally, Nick thinks she sounds downright perfect.

Kyle hopes there’s nothing wrong with him saying something nice about a person who isn’t Summer. “Not at all,” Nick insists. He thinks Summer and Kyle are doing great this time around – but he hints that Kyle is on probation forever.

Once Nick steps away to take a phone call from Christian Newman’s (Alex Wilson) nanny, Kyle reveals a Christmas problem he’s having. He talked to a jeweler about splitting his tie clip emerald and putting part of it in Summer’s infinity necklace, but that necklace is lost. “Don’t give up,” Jack contends. “You’ll think of something.”

Later, Phyllis and Summer join the Abbotts for a holiday celebration. Jack seems distracted and reflects on memories of Dina Mergeron (Marla Adams) involving ice skating. Kyle thinks they should go skating again in Dina’s memory, so they file out with Nick – but Jack and Phyllis stay behind for a moment.

Phyllis explains that Summer wants to take some of the diamonds from her infinity necklace and put them with the emerald in Kyle’s tie clip. Jack smiles since Kyle had a similar idea and wants to put part of the emerald in Summer’s necklace.

“Oh, no!” Phyllis says with a laugh. “We have to fix this. This is too adorable and romantic to let go.”

Kyle, Summer and Nick show up at Crimson Lights for some hot chocolate later. When Kyle steps away, Nick talks to Summer about her relationship. What Summer wants for Christmas is for Nick to be in their corner 100 percent. Phyllis walks in and interrupts, so Nick wonders what she’s been up to.

When Kyle finds Jack on the patio, he gets some good news. Jack offers up the altered necklace in a box and says Kyle can consider his Christmas wish granted. Meanwhile, Phyllis gives Summer the altered tie clip in a box and grants her Christmas wish, too.

Back at Devon’s penthouse, he stands by the Christmas tree and remembers reading the letter “Annie” aka childhood Hilary wrote to Santa when she was a little girl.

As for Amanda, she returns to her suite and texts her PI to find out the city near Chicago that Naya lives in. The PI texts back that it’s Wilmette, so Amanda types it in a search engine to figure out the driving time from Genoa City.

Amanda calls Devon soon after and admits she’s made a decision. She wants to go and see her mother. Amanda notes that Naya lives about an hour away and confesses she doesn’t want to go alone. It’s two days before Christmas and the roads are covered in snow, so Devon seems taken aback that Amanda wants him to drop everything and visit her mom.

However, Devon says Amanda should make a playlist and he’ll pick her up tomorrow. On Wednesday’s Young and the Restless episode, Amanda thanks Devon and looks a little overwhelmed about the meeting ahead of them.

At the Abbott mansion again, Jack stands in the living room and takes in the Christmas decorations before Sally texts him. Sally’s just making sure the offer to join the Christmas celebration still stands. Jack seems pleased and texts back that they’ll be glad to have Sally there.

Kyle meets back up with Summer in The Grand Phoenix lobby, where they allude to their surprises for each other. Since they’re still freezing from ice skating, Summer and Kyle are on the same page about how to warm up.

Kyle just wants to know if Summer wants to go to her place or his. Although they’re taking things slow, Summer hopes the answer to that question will soon be “our” place.

Nick sits down with Phyllis at the coffeehouse, where she updates him on the whole necklace and tie clip exchange. “Yeah, it’s pretty cute,” Nick says unenthusiastically on Wednesday’s Y&R episode.

Phyllis teases Nick about being a Grinch, but Nick suggests he’s trying to get on board with ‘Skyle’ – though he still seems wary of Summer getting hurt.

The conversation shifts to Victoria, but Nick wants to table all the drama until the new year. Phyllis promises to help make Christmas special for Christian; she’ll be an elf to Nick’s Santa and won’t talk about Victoria until 2021.

After Phyllis pulls down some nearby mistletoe, Nick jokes about putting it above all the doorways in the house.

The Young and the Restless spoilers say Nick and Phyllis have more trouble in their future, so they’d better enjoy the holiday cheer while they still can! CDL’s your go-to source for fantastic Young and the Restless spoilers, updates and news.