’90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After’ Recap 06/20/21: Season 6 Episode 9 “Not So Silent Partners”

'90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After' Recap 06/20/21: Season 6 Episode 9 "Not So Silent Partners"'90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After' Recap 06/20/21: Season 6 Episode 9 "Not So Silent Partners"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? airs with an all-new Sunday, June 20, 2021 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After season 6 episode 9 “Not So Silent Partners,” as per the TLC Synopsis “Elizabeth’s family road trip is off to a rocky start. Angela plans to spy on Michael.

Yara reveals some scary news. Kalani comes clean to Asuelu. Natalie holds a grudge against Mike’s mom. Nerves run high as Tiffany travels to visit Ronald..

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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In tonight’s 90 Day Fiance episode, Elizabeth’s family is having a family reunion. It’s something her father Chuck has wanted to do for a while and what he wanted more than anything was for them to travel together in a large RV to the reunion. Elizabeth’s husband Andrei is the only one equipped to drive a large vehicle. He has his license and he was therefore in charge of the RV and so he’s really glad he doesn’t have to ride with Charlie. Charlie is his brother-in-law. Charlie and his wife were going to fly to the reunion. They didn’t want all the drama and it was just Elizabeth and her sisters who were traveling in the RV with their families and with Chuck. It was supposed to be family fun time. It quickly became something else when they ran out of space to put their luggage and that’s what kicked off the first fight.

People were concerned about where they would sit if they brought luggage inside. Andrei called it whining and so that upset his sister-in-law while the rest of the trip went downhill from there. Andrei doesn’t who he offends as long as it’s not Chuck because Chuck’s the one with the money. Chuck’s family reunion was to see his parents. He was excited to see them after so long in quarantine and he didn’t let anyone take that away from him. Not even Andrei. Andrei wasn’t that great of a driver. It’s a good thing he didn’t do it full-time. He took sharp turns and he literally drove over signs. Andrei was also impatient, rude, and the only one who can stand him for long is his wife. Elizabeth ignores the problematic side of her husband.

Angela couldn’t ignore Michael’s issues. Michael hasn’t been talking to her since she started doing all of the surgeries and it was clear that he was still angry with her. Michael didn’t want her to do all of those surgeries. He wanted to save that money and use it to have a child. Michael has never had a child. He always thought he would have one with his wife and then he married a grandmother. Angela wouldn’t be able to get pregnant on her own. She would need assistance and that could be costly. Only Angela likes the surgeries she’s doing for herself. She didn’t like how she looked before and so she’s taking the steps to improve herself so that she can like herself. Angela used to an incredibly jealous woman because she was insecure about how she looked.

Angela was overweight. She had a double chin and her bra was so big that she used it as a purse most of the time. Now, Angela is losing weight thanks to a procedure. She’s also decreased her bust size and now she wants to get surgery on her face. Angela felt happy about what she was doing. She just wishes her husband could be more supportive. Michael isn’t really taking her calls anymore. He’s always busy doing nothing and it’s been like that for the last four weeks. Angela was getting sick of it. She wanted her husband back. She wanted him to support her. She also wanted to feel young and beautiful and so she wasn’t going to stop the surgeries. Not for Michael and not for anyone else.

Mike and Natalie have been going through a few things. They recently celebrated the holidays with his mother and it had been a bust. The whole thing was horrible. Natalie and her mother-in-law actually stopped talking after a while. Trish told Mike to give her five grand and put her back on the plane to Ukraine. The trip had been a horrible idea. The couple returned home and they tried to put the trip behind them by getting a pet but then they got a pet rat. They got it after a woman came into the store and ordered two rats to feed to her snake and Natalie went on a mission to save as many rats as she can. They got a pet rat. They both seemed to like it but it hasn’t changed anything in the grand scheme of things.

Natalie claims Trish called her a hooker. She said Trish looked directly at her and called her a hooker. Trish is denying that and so Mike believes his mom. He doesn’t believe his wife. He told Natalie that she imagined it and that his mother would never say anything like that. Michael swears his mother welcomed Natalie with open arms. It’s technically a lie because you know she did try to ruin the wedding. Trish did try to come between them and they married in spite of her and not with her blessing and so there’s no telling what she said to Natalie. Some think Trish might have said Natalie is a good cooker only most people don’t add the “er” to cook. Trish might have said it. The cameras didn’t seem to catch it but there’s no telling what was said and who owes who an apology.

Then there’s Tiffany and Ronald. They’re doing the paperwork to get Ronald to the United States and in the meantime, Ronald convinced Tiffany to fly to South Africa with the kids. He wants to see his family. He wants them to feel like they can call South Africa home and so he built his stepson his own room. He also did some work around the house. Ronald did everything to make his place feel like home because in the back of is mind he was worried his visa would be denied. He had a gambling problem. He’s been arrested and so he has a record. Which doesn’t look good on the visa application. Ronald could be turned down and that’s why he wants his family to be able to move to South Africa if need be.

Speaking of on the move, Yara decided to leave her mother-in-law’s place early. Yara went through hurricane season there and now she wants her own space. She wanted to move back to her apartment. Her mother-in-law tried to convince her to stay. She said she’s getting help with the baby and Yara replied that she knows what’s best for them. She moved back into the apartment. Her mother-in-law helped her move and there are no hard feelings. Gwen is pretty easygoing. She saw a bad idea and she still supported it because she’s a good woman. Yara and her daughter moved back to the old place. Gwen eventually left. It was then up to Yara to do everything by herself and now she can’t complain about that to anyone.

Kalani and Asuelu’s time away hadn’t gone as planned. Kalani had still needed to nurse the babies and she didn’t feel sexy or desired when she was in mom mode. She just felt tired. She and Asuelu got back into the romantic mode and they went touring around the compound they were on. It was nice. It also got Kalani opening up. Kalani admitted to Asuelu that she spoke with a lawyer about his immigration status. She had wanted to know if she was still responsible for him and it turns out she was. She was responsible for him for the rest of his life. Kalani and her father both found out about this at the same time and her father Low suggested that she reconsider the divorce. Kalani eventually did reconsider after Asuelu’s accident.

The accident brought them closer together but now Kalani was feeling guilty and so she confessed to everything. She told Asuelu what she planned. She told him that her foot had been out the door on their marriage and he told him that he felt betrayed. Asuelu said he would need some time to feel okay again. Which sucks. Asuelu and Kalani were doing so well on vacation. They were sleeping together and exploring each other and then this happens and it takes away everything they’ve just experienced. But at least she’s not tracking down Asuelu’s phone to keep tabs on him. Angela did that and the guy who was helping her had to inform her what was legal and what was illegal when it came to keeping tabs on her husband.

Angela wanted to do the illegal crap. She wanted to spy on her husband from miles away and she couldn’t. she could only do the legal crap. She called Michael and she demanded he turns on the location. Michael was driving in a car. He asked why he needed to turn on that if they were talking right now and then Angela lost it with Michael. She demanded that he allow her to track him and she spoke quite rudely. Michael’s back went up. He didn’t like the way Angela was talking to him and he told her so and so Angela began yelling at him. She called him everything from SOB to scammer. She even said they would be divorced if he was living in the US right now. And Angela said she’s a good crazy bitch and that Michael had been turning her into the bad one because of his behavior.

Angela said that Michael’s attitude has changed since they got married. He’s now demanding things and he doesn’t want to just talk to her anymore. Michael and Angela got into another fight. She blamed her mouth abscess on him because she only gets them when she’s arguing with him. Angela is back to wearing the mask to cover her mother so that it could heal on its own and she’s blaming Michael for that as well. She blames everything on him. She even says she couldn’t stop smoking because Michael makes her smoke and yet she’s been smoking since she was thirteen. Can he really be blamed for that? Michael was having enough of Angela’s attitude and he seems to be at the end of his rope as well.

Then there was Tiffany and Ronald. They met up again in South Africa with the kids and it was great. Ronald did the work. He got bonus points for designing his new home and extra points at that for the way he designed Daniel’s room. It had looked great. Back in the states, Kalani and Asuelu’s marriage was falling apart. Asuelu was angry. He didn’t want the anger to control him and so he agreed to speak to his therapist about what he was feeling because he didn’t want to take it out on anyone else. Asuelu didn’t even want to take it on Kalani. He asked her if she was going to hug him and she did and then she cried in his arms for a while. They both wanted to work on their marriage. They didn’t want to give up on it or each other and so they made up.

Yara later came down with Covid-19. It affected her so badly that she ended up moving back to Gwen and Gwen helped her take care of the baby. Gwen truly is a great woman. She didn’t hold any of what Yara said before against her and she helped when needed. Only Yara did complain to Jovi. She misses him and she wonders when he’s coming home because she needs help.

Andrei meanwhile had an issue with his sister-in-law and so he pulled over into the woods to talk to Rebecca alone but she refused to come out and speak with him. Rebecca saw that scary movie enough times to know no good will come out of it.

Angela later called Michael and she told him that she doesn’t want to be with him anymore.


Kristine Francis:
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