American Ninja Warrior Recap 08/30/21: Season 13 Episode 10 “National Finals 1”

Tonight on NBC their obstacle course competition American Ninja Warrior returns with an all-new Monday, August 30, 2021, episode and we have your American Ninja Warrior recap below! On tonight’s American Ninja Warrior season 13 episode 10 “National Finals 1,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The National Finals return to Las Vegas where the ninjas face up to eight supersized obstacles on the world’s most challenging course.

For the first time in finals history, the competitors will have a Split Decision where they must decide between a grueling upper body obstacle or a riskier balance obstacle in the hopes of securing their spot in Stage Two and a chance to win $1 million.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great season 13, so be sure to tune in for our coverage of NBC’s American Ninja Warrior at 8 PM – 10 PM ET! While you wait for our American Ninja Warrior recap make sure to check out all our American Ninja Warrior news, spoilers, recaps & more!

Tonight’s American Ninja Warrior recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s American Ninja Warrior episode, it’s the National Finals! ANW was in Las Vegas and a million dollars was on the line. The contestant that conquers all four stages of the competition would be named the winner. However, this year things were different. The age limit had been lowered and now there are teenagers coming out of the woodwork to compete.

Up first was one of the baby-faced ninjas. Christian Youst was sixteen. He was so young that his father had to be there with him and his father was shouting his support from the sidelines as Christian went roaring onto the course. He was doing well until the final obstacle in Stage 1. He took too long climbing and unfortunately he ran out of time. He failed out of the competition but hope remained alive for the other teenagers.

Next up was Cam Baumgartner. He was a male nanny. He watched two kids and they absolutely adored him. They were watching him tonight. Cam looked promising at first and then made a crucial error on the second obstacle. He fell. He was instantly disqualified. It’s Las Vegas and so anything can happen here.

Next up was Megan Rowe. She was one of twelve women to qualify for the National Finals and she was dating one of her fellow ninjas. There was a lot of support for Megan. She had her cheering section and they were cheering for her as she started her run tonight. She looked good in the beginning and then the third obstacle happened. The bar got away from her and she fell into the water. And was thus instantly disqualified.

Next up was Nate Hansen is also known as “Gnarly Nate”. He lived in an apartment with three other ninjas and they all made it into the National Finals. Nate was up first. He has a condition that fused his bones and ended up meaning he was one of the shortest ninjas in the competition. He was doing amazing at the start of his run. He was even going really fast until the Jumping Spider.

He didn’t get deep enough into the obstacle to get a good handle on the obstacle and so he ended up falling into the water. Nate being disqualified was a shocker because many had thought he would go far. They were thinking possibly Stage 2 or at least Stage 3. He’s going out on Stage 1 took everyone by surprise and so hopefully he’ll be back next season.

Next up is Isiah Thomas aka “the Flyboy”. It turns out his nickname wasn’t just a name. it was a mentality and Isiah did his best to live up to it as much as possible. His coach gave him the name. Karsten Williams was a six-time finalist and he taught Isiah everything he knew. Isiah sailed through the course. He went so fast that he actually gave himself additional time in the end and that was enough for him to make it up the rope climb and be the first to press a buzzer during Stage 1.

Isiah was the first but will he be the last? There were some ninjas during the commercial break. None made it far enough, fast enough to qualify for Stage 2. Next up was Ava Colasanti. The teenager has been competing all over the country and now she gets to compete on the actual stage. Ava was doing well tonight until the jumping spider.

The jumping spider was knocking out some of the best in the competition. Next up was Amir Malik. He and his mother are animal activists and they do their best to finding animals their forever home. He got taken out on the third obstacle. He went flying and ended up in the wrong direction and so that’s how he fell into the water. It was a quick end to a promising start but the night wasn’t over just yet.

Next up was Matt Bradly. The nineteen-year-old has a family barn that was turned into a ninja gym and he and his father also created new obstacles themselves. His father is an engineer. He likes that this is something he could do with his son and so they practiced together and Matt became one of the most talented ninjas because of it. Matt has a tradition where he’s sick right before his run and right afterward.

It was his nerves playing with him. Matt was sick before his run tonight and still, that didn’t stop him from going to become the second finisher of the night. Tianna Webberly was next. She was known as “Sweet T”. She was a stuntwoman and she was an incredible ninja. Tianna survived the Spider Trap otherwise known as the death trap because of how many ninjas it’s taken out tonight.

Tianna also made it all the way to the final obstacle when she ran out of time. Tianna was disqualified. Only there were plenty of other female ninjas around and one of them might just be able to complete Stage 1. Next up was Sean Bryan. The “Papal Ninja” who in fact worked for the Catholic Church and who prayed before every run.

Sean did well on the course. He sped his way through it and soon became the third finisher of the night. Next up was Adam Rayl. The construction worker recently moved and he was doing his best to acclimate to the new area but he will always have ninja world and the connections he’s made through ANW. Adam didn’t race through the course like he normally does.

He instead took his time and he made it all the way to the final obstacle when he hit the buzzer by the tenth of a second. He became one of a handful of finishers tonight. He’s always one of the few people who made it to Stage 3 a few seasons ago and who made it to the National Finals. Next up was Lucas Reale. He was also dealing with the curse.

The curse of Stage 3. Everyone who made it to Stage 3 a while ago was now cursed and they kept getting knocked out early on. The same happened to Lucas. He got knocked out early on and so the curse lives on. Next up was Isabella Wakeham. The seventeen-year-old rookie sped through the course and she was doing well until she got to the balance obstacle.

She was rushing and hadn’t wanted her footing. She fell into the water and was unfortunately disqualified. But she was one of the few women to make it this far and there’s always next season. Next up was Vance Walker. He was a teenager who won several seasons of “American Ninja Warrior: Junior”. He was also accomplished and was known for being fast and always pressing a buzzer. And so that’s exactly what he did tonight.

Vance hit a buzzer during Stage 1. He now can move on to the next round and next up was Jody Avila. He was known as “the Big Dog”. He was able to have his run tonight because Daniel Gil pulled out of the competition. Daniel contracted Covid-19 and so he was forced to quarantine at home. But him being away meant Jody went up a peg and he qualified for the National Finals.

Jody was happy to be back. He was doing really well on the course when he came across the balance beam obstacle and it took him out. Jody has been known to trip up on the balance obstacle because of his height and weight. Next up was Donovan Metoyer. He was the “Classy Ninja” because he wears a three-piece suit on the course and he always throws in some showmanship. He did a 360 turn going up the Warped Wall.

Donovan was also the first to catch the high rode on the last obstacle. He became a finisher of the night with time to spare because of that catch and next up was Joe Moravsky. He has the Safety Pass but he didn’t want to use it and unfortunately, he fell on the last obstacle. He will have to use Safety Pass next week during Part Two of the National Finals.


Kristine Francis:
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