Big Brother 23 Recap 07/14/21: Season 23 Episode 3 “PoV and Ceremony”

Big Brother 23 Recap 07/14/21: Season 23 Episode 3 "PoV and Ceremony"Big Brother 23 Recap 07/14/21: Season 23 Episode 3 "PoV and Ceremony"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 23 airs with an all-new Wednesday, July 14, 2021, episode and we have your Big Brother 23 recap below! On tonight’s Big Brother season 23 episode 3 “PoV and Ceremony,” as per the CBS synopsis, Tonight on Big Brother it is another PoV competition and after the competition, it will be the Power Of Veto ceremony.”

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother 23 recap between 8 PM and 9 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother 23 recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, the episode begins with the end of the first nomination ceremony. Frenchie says he is the showmance killer. Kyland is overwhelmed by a lot of emotions, he thought he and Frenchie were good and he would be heartbroken if he is the first one to go home.

Derek F. is also confused, he is supposed to be close to Frenchie and he didn’t keep him in the loop. Alyssa is shocked to be on the block, she doesn’t understand Frenchie’s alliance. Alyssa is trying not to cry, she feels like she did nothing to Frenchie to deserve to be on the block.

Kyland goes to see Derek F. and tells him that he is so confused. Kyland is pretty disappointed, concerned, and said that he might be going home. Azah feels bad seeing Kyland look so sad. Derek F. tells Kyland to stay strong, black people don’t break.

Alyssa asks Frenchie why she is on the block. He tells her that he knows she and Christian are close, showmance it up. Alyssa says it is day three, she is not doing anything like that, she is just friends with him. Christian realizes that he is the big fish. Alyssa tells Frenchie that she had his back 100%. Frenchie realizes that the two are not a showmance and Christian had no intention of going after him. Frenchie needs to figure out his new target.

Frenchie has been noticing that Derek X. has been acting really suspicious, now he plans on luring him out and showing everyone what a snake he is. Brent thinks Frenchie should just take a step back, stick to the plan and execute.

Azah says it is beautiful to see people in the house who share her culture, share her upbringing and she can bond with. Derek F. got himself in an alliance called the “cookout” but he still plans on keeping his final two deals with Frenchie. The Cookout consists of Azah, Xavier, Tiffany, Derek F. and they just need to get Kyland on board.

Frenchie is getting himself in trouble, he makes another final two deal, this one with Brent. Time to pick the players for the Veto competition. Frenchie picks Tiffany, Kyland picks Houseguest Choice and he chooses Travis, Alyssa picks Derek X.

Everyone has to put on their swim gear and head to the backyard for the Veto competition. The backyard looks like something out of Cancun, Mexico, there are these massive drinks, straws, fruits. This competition is the BB Swim Up Bar where they serve massive cocktails at the resort.

To win the golden power of Veto, the players must be the first ones to roll their cherry from the top of the umbrella, all the way down to their cup at the bottom of their massive cocktail. Their cherry must roll through the massive ice cubes, up the lime wedge, onto the banana then through the final set of ice cubes. To do this they have to strategically set up their garnish to steer their cherry down and into their cup.

Derek X. wins the first Veto of the summer and he wishes Frenchie luck in finding another backdoor target. Alyssa is frustrated because it was so close between her and Derek X. Frenchie thinks it is horrible, this is the worst possible outcome for him. Kyland is devastated that he didn’t win, he feels like a sitting duck. Frenchie comes up with a new plan, he needs Derek X. to use the Veto and he has to go back on his word and send Travis on the block to go home.

Derek X. goes to see Frenchie and tells him that he wants to rebuild trust with him. Frenchie tells Derek X. that he has been speaking to a lot of people and they said they want to get Travis out and if he goes along with him, he will keep him safe week after week and he has the numbers.

Time for the Veto meeting, everyone is called into the living room. Derek X. decides to use the POV on Kyland. Frenchie has to name a new houseguest as a replacement nominee, he nominates Travis. Little does Frenchie realize, Brent is running his HOH.


Dorothy Gale:
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