Big Brother 23 Recap 08/26/21: Season 23 Episode 22 “Live Eviction and HoH”

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 23 airs with an all-new Monday, August 26, 2021, episode and we have your Big Brother 23 recap below! On tonight’s Big Brother season 23 episode 22 “Live Eviction and HoH,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on Big Brother it is another Live Eviction and either Claire or Derek X will be going Eliminated and be the second member of the jury.  Following the live eviction, we will have another HoH competition.”

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother 23 recap between 8 PM and 9 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother 23 recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode, the episode begins with day 51 in the Big Brother house. The once confident Derek X. finds himself on the block with one of his closest allies Claire. As much as Claire likes Derek X., her best bet for staying in the house is for Derek X. to go home. Tiffany wants Derek X. to stay in the game, he is one of her closest allies and he is a competition beast.

Tiffany goes to speak to Azah and Hannah and asks them who they think she go this week, they agree after speaking to her that maybe it should be Claire. Xavier finds out by Hannah and he needs to make sure that Derek X.is the target and something tells him that Tiffany is not going to be easy to persuade. Tiffany will tell Xavier whatever he wants to hear but she is campaigning to send Claire home. Tiffany goes to speak to Azah and Hannah, she starts splitting the alliance between the men and the women. She tries to convince the two that it would be better for their game if they keep Derek X. With Tiffany behind him, Derek X. seems to be changing his fate.

All the houseguests are called to the living room, Sarah Beth announces that because Xavier got the strategy punishment, he will have to stay in the Have-Not room all by himself for 24 hours.

Tiffany talks strategy with Derek X., he needs four votes this week and he thinks he might get it from Azah. He tells her that this is the most optimistic he has felt all week. Tiffany promises him a final three with her and Hannah. Derek X. goes to speak to Azah and pleads his case, he gets very emotional and she is really considering that this might be her best gameplay.

Time for the live vote and eviction. Alyssa is first, she votes to evict Derek X., Hannah for Claire, Kyland votes for Claire, Derek F. for Derek X., Tifanny for Derek X., Azah for Derek X., Xavier for Derek X. By a vote of five to two, Derek X.is evicted from the Big Brother house.

Julie sits down with Derek X. and asked him if there is a showmance with Hannah, he says they were just game focused but outside the house, expect the unexpected. A while ago the houseguests had time studying the memory wall knowing that they would need the information for the next HOH competition.

Time for the HOH, this competition is called BB NFTs. Julie will ask questions regarding the NFT’s the houseguests got to see, the person that answers the most questions correctly will be the winner of the new HOH. There is also an opportunity to win additional BB bucks. Xavier and Azah are quickly eliminated.

Derek F. and Kyland are eliminated on the next question. It is down to three women, Tiffany, Alyssa, and Hannah. Tiffany wins the HOH. Tiffany is now in power, but she is in jeopardy, it all depends on what happens with the Coin of Destiny. Julie announces to the houseguests that there will be no Have Nots this week.


Dorothy Gale:
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