Charmed Recap 01/31/21: Season 3 Episode 2 “Someone’s Going to Die”

Charmed Recap 01/31/21: Season 3 Episode 2 "Someone's Going to Die"

Tonight on CW their reboot of the 1980s popular show Charmed airs with an all-new Sunday, January 31, 2021 episode and we have your Charmed recap below! On tonight’s Charmed Season 3 Episode 2 “Someone’s Going to Die,” as per the CW synopsis, “The Destruction of the Sisterhood looms large as the Charmed Ones (Melonie Diaz, Madeleine Mantock, and Sarah Jeffery) face down The Faction. Harry (Rupert Evans) and Macy are divided over a potential ally – Julian (guest star Eric Balfour).”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our Charmed recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Charmed Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s episode, Maggie has a terrible vision of someone dying. She tells her sisters. They head to the guardian to find out what is going on. The guardian tells them if anyone touches the black amber in her chambers then the dark ages might come about again. The sisters want to seal the door but then they cannot get her help. As they talk further about it, Maggie feels weak and faints.

Vivian shows a buyer her device that collects magical powers. She tells her team that Julian has gone missing and he cannot be trusted. Meanwhile, Jordan heads through the woods to a house. Mel brings Maggie tea after her panic attack. They talk about her vision. Mel isn’t worried, they are back to the power of 3.

Macey and Harry speak by phone with Julian who has taken over Nadia’s body. He is with Viv as she attempts to sell the prism device. Julian plans to get it. Harry worries he may double-cross them. Mel and Maggie are also scared.

Viv sees Nadia looking for the prism. Nadia lies, saying she wants to protect it from the charmed ones. Meanwhile, Macey gives Harry a set of magical headphones so they can communicate.

Outside of where the prism is, Harry calls the sisters. He cannot breach the perimeter. Maggie steps away to call Jordan. She tells him about her premonition. Mel meets with Ruby. Viv questions Nadia about an event from their past. She knows something is wrong.

Viv knows Nadia is Julian. Julian admits it is him. Harry gets in. Macey gets scared. With the help of Mel and Maggie, she goes to Harry. After casting the spell, Mel starts to bleed from her nose. Maggie panics. Mel drops to the ground.

Macey finds Harry. Together they locate Julian whose outward appearance is changing into himself. He no longer looks like Nadia. He is dying. Macey heads to find Viv. Harry stays with Julian who passes away.

Harry and Macey head back to the command center. They tell Maggie and Mel what happened. Minutes later Viv tries to get in. They try to seal the entry but Viv makes it through. She puts her hands into the basin, sucking up magical powers. The sisters come to. Viv laughs now filled with new powers.

Together the sisters strip her of her powers. The next morning, the world hears of Julian’s death. Jordan returns to see Maggie. He talks about a magical errand and Abby. Ruby and Mel meet. Harry and Macey plan a date.

Ruby begins coughing up ash. Mel brings her to see the others. They head into the command chambers and the room where they speak with the guardian. Everything is ash. Something is very wrong.