Chicago Med Fall Finale Recap 12/08/21: Season 7 Episode 9 “Secret Santa Has a Gift for You”

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 8, 2021, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below. In tonight’s Chicago Med season 7 episode 9 called, “Secret Santa Has a Gift for You,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The outcome of Halstead’s investigation weighs heavily on his mind as he works with Scott to save an infant; Hammer and Taylor both struggle to keep their secrets; Marcel and Blake work with Abrams to save a patient in need of a liver transplant.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, Maggie did something she wasn’t supposed to. She tends to do this a lot when it comes to her biological daughter and yet she doesn’t regret it. She helped Dr. Taylor pass a drug test. It took some doing. But the lab results came back. There were no drugs found in Taylor’s system and she thanked Maggie for help. Maggie even blamed herself for Taylor taking drugs because she thought she put undue pressure on her. She apologized to her daughter and Taylor said she was fine now. Taylor doesn’t blame Maggie for her own behavior. She knows it she only has herself to blame and she said that Maggie reacted like person would in the situation. Maggie wanted to know her child. They formed a relationship and Taylor doesn’t regret it in the slightest.

Taylor later treated a woman she suspected was keeping secrets. Mrs. Bennett came in with a stomach complaint and a fever. She was supposedly some high-powered businesswoman. But her insurance information lapsed. She didn’t have insurance. Her husband said to put everything on their credit card and the only one who was suspicious was Dr. Hammer. Hammer was overseeing this case because Taylor as a still a student doctor. It was therefore Hammer who noticed the enlarged liver and ordered several tests be done. Hammer also noticed that Bennett didn’t want her husband calling her office. She claimed she’d do it herself. Taylor didn’t notice anything. Bennet’s husband didn’t notice anything.

It was just Hammer that suspected this woman didn’t really have a job to go to. Hammer noticed the signs of instability because she grew up around a very troubled mother and her mother was forever losing her job. They were often out on the streets. Her mother is actually still homeless. The woman refused the warm bed and hot meals her daughter provided and she chose to go back out on the streets. But Hammer couldn’t prove anything. Not right away. She instead chose to sit and watch. Halstead meanwhile had finally found he evidence he needed against Dr. Cooper. He found out that Cooper was getting a percentage of everyone Vas-Com that was being used by the hospital and so he recorded a woman who worked for the company trying to rope him in on the enterprise.

But what Halstead didn’t count on was the pushback. He and Goodwin reported to the Board what was happening and they wanted to bury it. They didn’t want to go to the FBI. Like Goodwin was suggesting. They just wanted to fire Cooper and have the hospital refuse using the Vas-Comms all together. Neither Halstead nor Goodwin thought that was going to be enough. They wanted more to be done and they felt like their hands were tied. Halstead had even talked to Cooper. He didn’t tell Cooper that he knew. He simply asked the man if he felt guilty about Vas-Com and then he implied that Cooper mentioned it when he was about to die and Cooper said he didn’t remember. He was on a lot of drugs and booze that night. And so he probably wasn’t lying about not remembering.

There was a patient who came in. He was saved after walking into oncoming traffic and he didn’t remember it, but Dr. Charles spoke with him and he found out the man was suffering from schizophrenia. Kyle said he’s still on his meds. The only thing he’s changed is that he’s been drinking a tea and so Charles looked into it. Charles also wanted to keep him in the ED while he investigates. Archer wasn’t too thrilled about that one. He didn’t think a mentally ill person should be on the floor because he might be dangerous and so Charles showed him what it was like living with Kyle’s condition. He gave him a VR googles. It mimics disease even with sound to indicate the voices and Archer barely survived it. He was left in tears after experiencing schizophrenia.

Archer will now be more understanding of the disease. He couldn’t take a fraction of it. Hammer was able to treat her patient because she understood what Bennet was experiencing before Bennett did and that was typhus. Bennett had gotten typhus because she was bitten by a flea that had also bitten a rat. Bennett did lose her job. She’s been looking for a new one and pretending to go to work when really she was staying at their storage unit. Bennett came clean to her husband. He asked how she contracted typhus and she had to explain and he wasn’t angry. He doesn’t feel ashamed of his wife. He loves and accepts her. The couple was going to work on their finances together. His wife was treated of typhus which has a cure nowadays and the couple move forward together. And later Archer spoke to Charles about his own mental health issues.

He even finally admitted his part in Choi getting shot. Halstead meanwhile helped Dr. Scott in treating a little girl under a year old. Together, they saved her life.

And later at the Christmas party, Taylor announced to everyone that Maggie was her biological mother and how she’s blessed to have her in her life. Everyone was supportive. They were all happy and drunk. Crockett and Dr. Blake had just slept together. Which might be a problem because her daughter has a crush on him. But the Christmas party was broken up by the FBI. Goodwin called them and they made their arrests. They arrested Cooper and the poor woman that Halstead got on tape admitting everything.


Kristine Francis:
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