Clarice Recap 05/13/21: Season 1 Episode 9 “Silence Is Purgatory”

Tonight on CBS Clarice returns with an all-new Thursday, May 13, 2021 episode and we have your Clarice recap below.  In tonight’s Clarice season 1 episode 9 “Silence Is Purgatory” as per the NBC synopsis, “The River Murders are linked to a pharmaceutical company, so Clarice seeks help from their corporate accountant; Catherine goes outside for the first time since her rescue from Buffalo Bill.”

Tonight’s Clarice season 1 episode 9 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Clarice recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Clarice recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Clarice recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Clarice episode, ViCAP was working on the case. The team was investigating the river murders in spite of all appearances to the contrary and they knew Joe Hudlin was involved. Joe had tried burying the case. He tried blackmailing the man in charge of investigating the murders and his plan didn’t work. Krendler was not frightened off. He instead found evidence that Hudlin was involved by getting his DNA and the DNA proved he assaulted FBI Special Agent Clarice Starling.

She was asked if she wanted to press charges however she didn’t want Hudlin to be arrested because she wanted to connect him to overall conspiracy and the conspiracy is something she wanted to solve. The team believed Hudlin was working for Nils Hagen. Hagen is a rich and powerful man. He owns Alastor Pharmaceuticals. It was the company that made prenatal drugs and one of those drugs seemed to cause deformities in children.

Karolina the latest victim had been taking the drug. She was pregnant when she died and her baby was shown to be deformed. It was deformed because she was taking Reprisol. Reprisol was the drug that the whistleblowers were all talking about and then they had been killed. The team suspected they were killed to keep the truth about Reprisol getting out.

The team also knew that Hagen has a weakness. Hagen has a son. His son is Tyson Conway and Clarice went to see him. She told him that Karolina’s baby had been deformed. She also told him about her suspicions about his father and he told her he couldn’t help her. It turns out the father and son weren’t close. Tyson didn’t know who his father was until he was fourteen and his mother died and it was Hagen who took him in.

Tyson has a weird relationship with his father. They weren’t close and yet Tyson didn’t want to wish to speak of his father to others much less to Clarice. Clarice understood his position. She didn’t push him and she kept working the case. The team later found someone who pushes Reprisol. The pharmaceutical rep sells the drug as a cure-all for everything and she mentioned that they get around the FDA by getting doctors to prescribe it while they’re still in the clinical trial phase. The rep also gave the team information because her immigration status and that of her boyfriend were in danger. They were basically threatened with deportation if they didn’t talk and so they started talking.

Clarice and Tomas also found someone involved. Julia Lawson knows that there’s something wrong with Reprisol and still she wouldn’t talk. Especially not to the FBI. Julia was with a woman who didn’t have insurance and who was stricken with cancer. Julia couldn’t afford to lose her job right now. Not when it was keeping her girlfriend alive. She also had her girlfriend in her ear telling her not to work with the FBI and not to work with Clarice specifically.

Clarice didn’t know why that was. She was told by her superiors that she needed to lean on Julia but she didn’t want to do that. She was just trying to rely on Julia’s conscience and funnily enough, Clarice’s best friend Ardella was hoping to do the same with her. Ardella was part of a class-action lawsuit against the FBI. She and several other agents of color were accusing the FBI of racism.

They even found a lawyer to represent them. Ardelia did something great for the agency and instead of promoting her they instead chose to promote a white man over here who didn’t under the science of DNA. Ardelia’s story was strong on its own but the lawyer wanted to do a compare and contrast of her with Clarice. The two of them worked the case. They found the child killers together and so Ardelia’s lawyer wanted to include Clarice in the class action lawsuit.

The lawyer believed that just by including Clarice’s name they’d get more attention. Even other members of the lawsuit thought including Clarice could be the least she could do for the cause and so everyone had wanted Clarice to use her newfound fame for good. Clarice ran into Julia Lawson again. Julia Lawson is a transexual and the reason she didn’t want to particularly work with Clarice is that Clarice took down Buffalo Bill.

Buffalo Bill was a monster. But the media started calling transexual and they never stopped. They linked a whole movement to him to justify the fact Buffalo Bill was evil. This is what Julia couldn’t get over. Julia reminded Clarice that she was on the tv every day and she never once denounced it or set the record straight. Clarice understood why Julia was angry. She wasn’t going to push her or use her being a transvestite against her and so that put the team in an awkward position.

Without Julia, they didn’t have much and they even lost their pharmaceutical rep. The woman had died of an apparent suicide. The team suspected that she had been murdered and that she was just one more person who had been killed to cover up what Reprisol did. And so it’s a good thing Julia didn’t help, Julia’s life would have been in danger.

Hudlin had found out about their investigation. The team knew they had to play things smartly so that no one else dies and so they called quits for the day and Clarice returned home where she had a conversation with Ardelia. Ardelia told her that she was going to be named in the lawsuit. Clarice once again understood and she said she’s been finding out how much she’s hurt people without really knowing it. And so Ardelia told her she didn’t hurt her but that her fame could help her.

Clarice later received a call from Catherine. Catherine sounded better. She sounded hopeful and she seemed to be a new person ever since she started going back outside but she still has an obsession with Buffalo Bill. She now wants to know where his mother lives.


Kristine Francis:
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