Darcey & Stacey Recap 08/02/21: Season 2 Episode 3 “Digging Up The Past”

Tonight on TLC their new reality show Darcey & Stacey premieres with an all-new Monday, August 2, 2021 episode and we have your Darcey & Stacey recap below for you. On tonight’s Darcey & Stacey season 2 episode 3 “Digging Up The Past,” as per the TLC synopsis “Darcey goes to Washington, DC, looking for answers about Georgi’s past but is left with even more questions. Stacey and Florian have a hard discussion about their future. Darcey makes a decision that could put her entire relationship on the line.

So make sure to tune in tonight between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Darcey & Stacey recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s Darcey & Stacey Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Darcey & Stacey episode, Darcey and Georgi are getting ready to go to DC to get the rest of his stuff. Stacey and Florian are also packing since they are going on the trip too. Stacey hopes they can find out if Georgi is hiding something. The 4 hit the road. They talk about what Georgi is taking home with him. He shares that he wants to get his car but it was repossessed. The whole car gets quiet.

They make it to Virginia. Darcey talks to Georgi about the car situation. She doesn’t like how he hid it from her. He tells her he didn’t want to stress her out while she wants to know all. He tells her he was raised to deal with his problems and not complain. They hug. He is going to try harder.

Stacey and Florian head out on a bike road. They are tandem biking. She tells him to slow down. He tells her not to peddle so much. She gets scared she will fall off. He tells her he will call 1-9-9. She laughs.

Darcey and Georgi head to his old apartment. Tonight they will meet his friends. She cannot wait to see how he used to live. She is excited. He is quiet and irritable. She asks him how he is. He tells her he is fine. She needs to wait in the car because of COVID. He goes in alone.

Georgi comes out with 4-5 boxes and they leave. Meanwhile, Stacey and Florian head to a romantic lunch. They talk about children. She wants to go to a doctor and he wants to leave it up to God. He finally agrees to go to the doctor. He wants to make her happy.

At home, Stacey’s daughters make cookies with their friends. Their grandfather shows up. They are much closer to him now. They head off to hang with their two best friends and talk about how their mom told them about the birds and bees.

Stacey and Darcey hang out while talking about their night ahead. Stacey plans to keep her eyes wide open.

Stacey and Florian go with Darcey and Georgi to meet his friends. It is revealed Georgi’s friends didn’t know he even moved to Connecticut until after. They admit they have never met his ex-wife. Stacey asks Georgi if he just wants her sister’s money.

He tells them he loves her. Georgi and Florian then get into a fight about how their girlfriends pay. Stacey and Darcey leave the table. They decide to Instagram Georgi’s ex-wife so they can talk to her. Meanwhile, Georgi sits with his friends.


Sarah Luoma:
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