Darcey & Stacey Recap 08/30/21: Season 2 Episode 7 “Fights And Flights”

Darcey & Stacey Recap 08/30/21: Season 2 Episode 7 "Fights And Flights"

Tonight on TLC their new reality show Darcey & Stacey premieres with an all-new Monday, August 30, 2021 episode and we have your Darcey & Stacey recap below for you. On tonight’s Darcey & Stacey season 2 episode 7 “An Unwelcome Return,” as per the TLC synopsis “A petty argument between Darcey and Georgi turns explosive. Stacey receives some unsettling news at her ultrasound appointment. Darcey and Stacey both leave for Turkey with unanswered questions.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Darcey & Stacey recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s Darcey & Stacey Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Darcey & Stacey episode, Darcey cries as they all sit at dinner. She is upset about how the dinner is going as they all try to hash things out after Georgi’s ex tells them he called them all trash and just wants money. Georgi says that it is all a lie. He never said these things.

He doesn’t care about money. He thinks Darcey is smart and ambitious. That is all he needs. Stacey likes that he seems open. Reina is also happy. Darcey cries. Dinner turned out better than she thought.

Stacey and Florio are at the doctor’s. She gives blood for lab work and then undergoes an ultrasound to see her eggs. The doctor sees a small cyst in her ovaries. Stacey tries to stay calm. She is upset. Back at home, Darcey and Georgi continue to fight. They haven’t seen eye to eye lately.

Her girls are coming home. They are cooking as she tells Georgi she wants them to get along. She doesn’t want dinner to be bad like he once was with Jesse. Georgi gets mad. He starts to make comments asking her if she misses him. She tells him no and to not trigger her.

Darcey’s dad drops the girls off. They talk a bit. Georgi says nothing. Darcey just wants things peaceful.

Darcey talks about her trip. The girls will stay with her dad. Darcey cries. She is going to miss the girls. Georgi is polite. He doesn’t want the girls to be exposed to their troubles.

Stacey and Florian head to do errands. She needs to grab money for her trip to Turkey. She wants to get Florian money too. He doesn’t need much, he tells her. He still isn’t working because of his visa. Stacey is worried he will get into trouble while she is gone. She misses her entrance twice as she drives and worries. He tells her to relax. Stacey hits the ATM and gives him money. He doesn’t like taking it. He wants to work.

At home, Stacey packs. She brings up sharing their location. He is annoyed. He will do it though. Meanwhile, Darcey says goodbye to her girls. She talks to Georgi after, telling him she wants to be all right with him. He tells her she can be controlling and pushy.

None of this is easy for him. He doesn’t even want to be here. She reveals she has been talking to his ex to better understand him. They get into even more of a fight. Georgi doesn’t want her talking to his ex-wife. Now he is going to have trust issues. He thinks she is pushing him away. She feels love bombed. She is going to Turkey and she isn’t looking back. She is going to work on herself and he should do the same.