Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Susan Panics Over Devil Discovery – Horrifying Showdown with Marlena

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Susan Panics Over Devil Discovery – Horrifying Showdown with MarlenaDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Susan Panics Over Devil Discovery – Horrifying Showdown with Marlena

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Susan Banks (Stacy Haiduk) will panic over her devil discovery, so a horrifying showdown with possessed Marlena Evans (Deidre Hall) is on the way. DOOL viewers know Susan and Marlena aren’t really that close, but Susan thinks they are!

That’s why when Susan returns to Salem, she’ll be eager to catch up with her “bestie.” Days spoilers say Susan’s psychic abilities will leave her deeply troubled during the week of November 1-5.

Susan will have a bad feeling about Ciara Brady Weston’s (Victoria Konefal) pregnancy, so she’ll pay Ciara and Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) a visit to tell them first.

Ciara may be surprised to learn Susan already knows she’s having a baby. That’ll back up Susan’s story about the grave danger surrounding this unborn child.

Days spoilers say Susan won’t be able to put her finger on what the threat is, but Ciara will put enough faith in Susan’s abilities to help her figure it out.

Ben will be worried as well since Susan’s visions and gut feelings have been right before. He may fear that wind gust was a bad omen after all and suspect Susan is corroborating what he already knew deep down.

However, possessed Marlena will discourage any notion that there’s evil around this baby. She’ll use Ben’s trust in her to manipulate him and will act like Susan’s just talking crazy.

If Susan realizes Marlena has been so dismissive of her feelings on this, that could give her another reason to track down her friend.

Regardless, Susan will find Marlena’s behavior to be incredibly strange during the week of November 8-12. The devil will probably have zero patience for someone as kooky as Susan.

Susan will get in possessed Marlena’s face and ask way too many questions, so it could force the devil to turn on her quickly.

DOOL fans can expect Susan to be aghast after a major discovery. She’ll find out something shocking, so it sounds like Marlena’s eyes will glow as her voice changes. The devil will likely reveal himself to Susan and take steps to silence her.

Of course, that could mean Susan will land in the DiMera crypt with John Black (Drake Hogestyn) or perhaps another hiding spot that Marlena cooks up.

One way or another, Marlena should get rid of this exposure threat for the time being – and that could leave Ben as well as Ciara wondering why Susan suddenly disappeared.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say the devil has more pain to inflict and chaos to cause, so stay tuned.

CDL will have lots of other great Days of Our Lives spoilers, news and updates, so pop back in soon.

Heather Hughes:
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