Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Thursday, March 18, reveals that Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) was stunned when Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) returned to the DiMera basement wearing Sarah’s wedding dress.
Kristen made it clear that it was HER wedding day now – and then she revealed a Sarah mask that would allow her to pose as the bride.
Sarah pointed out that they sounded nothing alike, but Kristen had an answer for that. There was a mechanism in the mask that would change Kristen’s voice.
Sarah was certain this plan still wouldn’t fool Xander Kiriakis (Paul Telfer). She once again tried to convince Kristen that she wouldn’t blab if was granted her freedom, but Kristen just couldn’t take that chance.
Kristen detailed how she’d convince Xander that Sarah never got over the deception and devastation connected to the baby swap. Meanwhile, Rex Brady (Kyle Lowder) stopped by the Basic Black office and found Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) with Brady Black (Eric Martsolf).
Chloe was too busy to let Rex take her out to lunch like he wanted, but Brady and Chloe could tell something was bothering him.
Rex had a big problem with Sarah marrying that loser Xander. Once Rex admitted the mistakes he made with Sarah, he acknowledged that he never really got over her.
After Chloe and Brady pushed Rex to make his move before it was too late, Rex called Sarah – and Kristen answered with the mask on.
“Sarah” agreed to meet and then showed up at the Brady Pub as promised on Thursday’s Days of Our Lives episode. Rex didn’t want “Sarah” to marry Xander, so she surprised him by quickly agreeing she wouldn’t.
“Sarah” told Rex that she thought she was past everything that happened with the baby switch, but she wasn’t really.
“Sarah” said she hoped this wedding would be a clean slate somehow, but she woke up in cold sweat last night and wondered how she could possibly marry Xander. Rex noted that “Sarah” was going to go through with it anyway, but “Sarah” insisted that Rex showed up like an open door – her way out.
Rex wanted to go somewhere more private to talk, but “Sarah” suggested they skip the talking once they got up to his room. Rex was confused yet elated, though he assured “Sarah” she could change her mind. “Sarah” promised she wouldn’t and sent Rex on up ahead of her.
Xander was on the hunt for his bride, so he talked to Bonnie Lockhart (Judi Evans) on the phone and then showed up at Basic Black.
Xander was upset about Chloe and Brady conspiring to make sure Sarah didn’t marry him, but they felt like Xander should face facts – that maybe Sarah didn’t want to be found.
Still wearing the mask, Kristen eventually called Xander and used her Susan Banks (Stacy Haiduk) voice to tell him something was “wrong, wrong, wrong” at the pub. “Susan” insisted she saw Sarah going up to Rex’s room.
After disconnecting, “Sarah” made a beeline upstairs and started stripping down for lovemaking with Rex. Rex tried to be sweet and gentle, but it was plain to see “Sarah” didn’t have time for that.
Once Sarah and Rex were half-naked on the bed, Xander flung open the door and looked horrified over the cheating happening right in front of him.
Back in the DiMera basement Sarah worked on her restraints and was encouraged to wiggle out of a portion of them. “Xander, I’m coming!” Sarah declared.
At the hospital, Claire Brady (Isabel Durant) got an earful for trying to hook up with Tripp Dalton (Lucas Adams). Ciara Brady Weston (Victoria Konefal) snapped that Claire could have Tripp and never wanted to see Claire again.
Claire assured Ciara that she loved her – and that Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) loved her, too. Ciara wondered if Claire had sent Ben to kill her and remained furious.
After Claire reconvened with Ben and Kayla Brady (Mary Beth Evans), they all discussed Ciara’s strange memory loss. Kayla eventually quizzed Ciara and figured out that the last thing Ciara remembered was right before her motorcycle accident. Ciara assumed that crash was the reason she was in the hospital.
Once Kayla offered updates to Ben, he practically hyperventilated over the thought of Ciara not remembering him or how they fell in love.
In Ciara’s room again, she was alone as she flashed to Claire saying that Ben loved her – and then Ciara recalled Ben saying that he loved her and would never hurt her.
Days of Our Lives spoilers say Ciara will have to process some big news about her reformed serial killer husband down the road. DOOL fans won’t want to miss what’s in store for Ben and Ciara, so stick with us for Days details.
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