Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Wednesday, July 14 Recap – Chanel Kisses Theo – Lucas Hiding Kristen’s Letter – Gabi’s Titan Takeover

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Wednesday, July 14 Recap – Chanel Kisses Theo – Lucas Hiding Kristen's Letter – Gabi’s Titan TakeoverDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Wednesday, July 14 Recap – Chanel Kisses Theo – Lucas Hiding Kristen's Letter – Gabi’s Titan Takeover

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Wednesday, July 14, reveals that Chanel Dupree (Raven Bowens) kissed Theo Carver (Cameron Johnson) – and it was revealed that Lucas Horton (Bryan Dattilo) was hiding Kristen DiMera’s (Stacy Haiduk) letter. Gabi Hernandez DiMera (Camila Banus) also had a Titan takeover plan, so here’s how it all played out on Wednesday’s DOOL episode.

In Allie Horton’s (Lindsay Arnold) bedroom, she had a cute conversation with Tripp Johnson (Lucas Adams) before they acknowledged what happened between them last night.

Tripp enjoyed feeling so close to Allie and was glad to hear she had no regrets.

However, Allie pointed out that Tripp couldn’t go out into the living room since Chanel Dupree was still out there. She mentioned that Chanel didn’t know they slept together, but Chanel had a flashback out on the sofa.

After Chanel remembered watching Allie and Tripp go into the bedroom together, Allie came out and offered to make her some breakfast.

Chanel suggested she could get something herself. “Besides, don’t you think Tripp is getting a little lonely in your bed?” Chanel asked.

Allie realized that Chanel already knew Tripp was there – and then Chanel called out to Tripp through the bedroom door.

Tripp joined them, so Chanel assured Allie and Tripp that she was fine with them being together.

Although Chanel thought things were going a different way last night, she suggested it was good they all knew where they stood.

Allie and Tripp let Chanel know she didn’t have to rush off, but she felt she’d overstayed her welcome and wanted to find her own place.

Chanel seemed annoyed throughout this whole exchange and didn’t respond when Allie told her friend to text her later.

Once Chanel was gone, Tripp suggested she seemed more hurt than she claimed to be. Allie felt like it was her fault for leading Chanel on, but she assured Tripp that she wasn’t confused about her feelings anymore.

“You’re the one that I want to be with, and that’s not going to change,” Allie said.

Meanwhile, Nicole Brady (Arianne Zucker) had a flashback of her wedding day before Theo found her looking upset at the pub.

Nicole admitted she was alone on her anniversary and got some supportive words from Theo, who also revealed that he’d traced Kristen’s number.

Unfortunately, it was a burner phone and no longer active for Kristen. Lucas appeared as Theo left, so he joined Nicole at her table.

Nicole made it clear that she still intended to find proof Lucas and Sami Brady DiMera (Alison Sweeney) slept together.

After Nicole left, Lucas had a flashback of watching Sami with the lit match as she prepared to burn the letter. It turns out Lucas was the one who rushed over and got the letter out of the fireplace.

Lucas seemed pleased over the affair evidence while Sami ran into some trouble at home with EJ in bed.

EJ admitted that he knew Sami snuck out on him after their rendezvous yesterday afternoon. He wondered where Sami was, so she thought back to burning the letter and lied that she went down to get a drink.

EJ suggested he didn’t see Nicole when he looked for her, so she lied again about sipping iced tea out on the porch.

Sami got nervous when EJ revealed that he had a surprise, but it ended up being a wonderful one. EJ noticed a necklace Sami had been admiring at a vintage shop in Tuscany, so he had the shopkeeper ship it to him.

EJ gave the necklace to a thrilled Sami and suggested it was a gift of gratitude since she’d been so loyal when he was recovering.

After EJ headed to work, Lucas called Sami and found out that the letter wound up in Jake DiMera (Brandon Barash) and Gabi’s hands.

Sami was relieved to have gotten it back from Gabi and burned it, but Lucas kept dropping hints about how the secret could still come out.

Lucas pointed out that Nicole was determined to prove they had an affair.

Sami had to go and disconnected, but Lucas headed to DiMera Enterprises and approached EJ in his office. EJ wanted to know what brought Lucas by.

At Basic Black on Wednesday’s Days episode, Brady irritated Xander Cook Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) by snatching his phone out of his hands.

Brady pointed out it looked like his own missing phone, but he was sorry for jumping to conclusions and gave it back. As they bickered, Brady admitted he knew about Xander’s hookup with Nicole.

Xander struck a nerve by pointing out that Brady once came between Nicole and his own brother. He didn’t think Brady should be acting like some paragon of virtue, but Brady fired back that Xander should shut his mouth.

When Nicole found them arguing, Xander insisted that she’d better put a muzzle on Brady. Xander wanted to be treated with respect and announced that he was taking the rest of the day off since he couldn’t work like this.

Once Xander made it back to the Horton house, he got a visit from Sami. She was there since she needed the truth about Xander and Nicole. Back with Nicole, she lied about finding Brady’s phone and gave it back to him.

As for Nicole’s marriage, she wasn’t sure what she was even fighting to protect anymore.

Brady advised Nicole to go home and enjoy her anniversary anyway, so she returned to her apartment and found some flowers along with a card.

Nicole smiled as she read it, but then Eric came out of the other room to surprise her. “Happy anniversary,” Eric said to an emotional Nicole.

At the Hernandez house, Jake pointed out that Sami’s cheating secret could still come back to haunt her. He assured Gabi that he wasn’t a snitch, but he still wanted to take EJ down.

Instead of stewing over the ouster, Gabi suggested Jake could show those jerks at DiMera he was better and vowed to get Philip Kiriakis (Jay Kenneth Johnson) to hire Jake at Titan.

Since Gabi thought Philip’s grip on the company was tenuous at best, she expected to become his successor.

Gabi wanted Jake to be right there with her and said her first act as CEO would be to take down DiMera once and for all.

Although Gabi was already dressed for work, Jake negotiated and got 12 minutes of her time as things turned passionate.

In the town square on Wednesday’s Days episode, Theo ran into Chanel and could tell she was upset. He assumed this was about the bakery and said she should let him know if he could help her feel better.

Chanel suggested there might be something Theo could do and planted a steamy kiss.

Once Theo pulled away, he wondered what Chanel was doing. Theo pointed out that they broke up months ago and revealed that he was engaged.

Chanel was flustered as she congratulated Theo and told him she was fine – even though she clearly wasn’t.

Theo was sorry if he hurt Chanel’s feelings, but she admitted this wasn’t about Theo or even the bakery.

When Theo offered to go somewhere to talk, Chanel insisted this was something she had to deal with on her own.

We’ll fill you in as other Days news and updates emerge. Days of Our Lives spoilers say Chanel will continue to struggle, but she’ll have another source of support soon enough.

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Heather Hughes:
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