FBI: International Recap 11/02/21: Season 1 Episode 5 “The Soul of Chess”

Tonight on CBS FBI: International airs with an all-new Tuesday, November 2, 2021 season 1 episode 5, “The Soul of Chess” and we have your FBI: International recap below. In tonight’s FBI season 1 episode 5 as per the CBS synopsis, “The team investigates an American journalist’s death by poison after his attempt to meet with an anonymous source in Poland; Kellett takes Forrester to task for being overprotective with her during the mission.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our FBI: International recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI International, an American journalist has been found poisoned in Krakow, Poland. The journalist has been working in Europe and he was allegedly working on a story involving Russians. Russians and poisonings tend to go together. It also create an international incident. FBI Special Agent Forrester and his team have been called in to investigate Phillip Blake’s murder.

Forrester was lucky with this case because Polish police were very forthcoming and helpful in assisting the Americans. They also allowed the FBI to conduct their own investigation. Forrester and his team spoke with Blake’s contacts. Blake was apparently very secretive about what he’s working on. He wouldn’t even say who was involved and now his contacts were happy because they might have been killed as well if they had known.

But there is something strange about the case. Blake’s killer managed to kill him with moments using a poison and then this killer went to his apartment to also douse it with poison. They killed the maid that way. Blake’s killer or killers had gone back to his apartment and they had probably cleared any hints about the story he was writing. Another thing that was strange was the CIA’s presence.

Blake’s story was seemingly big enough to earn the CIA’s notice and yet they didn’t make any moves to protect him from the Russians. There were two Russians spotted following Blake in the lead up to his death. They could have been involved or like the CIA they could have simply been spying on him in the hopes of finding out more about his story.

Forrester spotted the CIA Officer following him. He confronted him and he had a member of his team verify him once he identified himself. The CIA had been following Blake. They also had a USB with his files on it. They handed it over to Forrester’s team. Forrester’s people looked into it and they found out that Blake was reporting on a new Russian missile. One so fast that it wouldn’t be detected by any American missile system and so this new weapon could potentially be dangerous. It also would be worth killing for. The Russians wouldn’t want a new weapon getting out because then that would force the Americans to finding something to counteract it and so Blake’s research has been vital.

Forrester reported what he found back to Washington. He also spoke with his Europol friend to warn her that this case might take on a life of its own and she decided to stay on. She also contacted her spy friends. She wanted more information on Blake’s work, but Forrester and his team found a lead. They found out that the woman Blake was working with had known more than she originally claimed.

She knew enough that she felt her life was in danger and the team was able to prevent the two Russians responsible for Blake’s death from coming after Alina. They got her to safe house. They also got her to confirm certain things. Blake’s article about the new missile was coming from a defector by the name of Dasha and Dasha was wanted by both the Americans as well as the Russians.

Dasha stole information about the new missile from his own government. He then went on the run when he got into contact with Blake and told his story. Blake was killed to keep that story from coming out. He was killed because the CIA wanted to use him to find Dasha and so they didn’t care enough to prevent the Russians from murdering him. But Dasha was still out there. Dasha tried to reach out to Alina because she worked with Blake and so he wanted to meet up. The FBI wanted to use Alina to find Dasha. There just one tiny part with that plan and that was Alina. She hadn’t slept in days. Her hands haven’t stopped shaking since those two Russians almost killed her and so a member of Forrester’s team offered to pose as Alina.

Special Agent Jamie Kellet said that Dasha has never met Alina. She could pose as Alina and she could meet with him. Forrester was opposed to the idea at first. He claimed that he didn’t want a member of his team to be in danger and the truth is that he didn’t want Jamie to go because they were in a relationship. They were dating. He was afraid of her getting hurt because he didn’t want to lose her and so she had to threaten to end the relationship. It forced Forrester to let her do her job. Jamie pretended to be Alina and the plan almost worked. Then the Russians happened. The Russians interrupted the meet as they tried to kill Jamie thinking she was the journalist and she was able to kill the assassin.

Dasha was back in the wind. He wasn’t responding anymore to texts from Alina’s account and there is doubts he’ll ever be found now. But Europol Agent Jaegar came up with a plan to safeguard Alina. She got the Russians to agree to stop targeting journalists in exchange Alina doesn’t publish anything she got from Dasha nor does she insinuate that there was a rouge member of the Russian Ministry of Defense in her article. Blake’s widow also had to stop accusing the Russians of her husband’s murder. The two men who killed him had been found and were either apprehended or killed but that’s as much justice as she’ll ever get.

And Forrester also heard from his new CIA contact that his mother has been sighted in Russia. The same mother that spied on her country and was wanted by the United States for her crimes.


Kristine Francis:
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