FBI Recap 03/16/21: Season 3 Episode 9 “Leverage”

Tonight on CBS FBI airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 16, 2021, season 3 episode 9, “Leverage” and we have your FBI recap below. In tonight’s FBI season 3 episode 9 as per the CBS synopsis, “When a reporter is kidnapped and held without a ransom demand.

The team must dig into her past relationships in order to pin down her assailant’s motive; Isobel’s relationship comes under fire when the case makes a connection to her boyfriend.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s FBI recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s FBI episode, a journalist was taken. She was kidnapped right off the street. She was out alone one night. She was walking down the street when a man in a mask came up behind her and he told her not to speak or he’d kill her. Addie Ricard didn’t listen to him. She tried to tell him she had money in her purse. She even tried to beg for her life and, when she saw a pedestrian nearby, she shouted for help.

Her kidnapper shot at the witness. He also put Addie into the trunk of a car and he drove away before help could arrive or even be called. The kidnapper knew what he was doing. He had everything prepared for when he grabbed her and so this wasn’t random. He knew he was kidnapping Addie. Addie was a political journalist at the New York Times and she might have won enemies for the articles she writes. She does after all work for a “liberal” paper.

The FBI was called at the moment the cops realized they were dealing with an organized kidnapping. Maggie and OA were first on the scene and they spoke to the witness. He saw that the trunk had been opened before the kidnapper got to it and so the kidnapper really did preplan this.

However, Addie hasn’t received any new threats in the past few months. She was seeing someone and she hadn’t felt comfortable with revealing this man’s name to loved ones. She was keeping her boyfriend a secret for now. It could have been the boyfriend that had something to do with this though he wouldn’t have needed a mask and he could have gotten Addie when she was alone and not outside where anyone could be watching.

The FBI didn’t think the boyfriend was a big deal. They instead chose to focus on Addie’s career as a journalist and what articles she might have been writing right before she was taken. They wanted to see if she had come across a scandal or a possible scoop. They went looking into her contacts and they noticed that she had been speaking to Ethan. Ethan happens to be dating Special Agent in Charge Isobel Castille.

He was with her when Addie was taken and so it couldn’t have been him that grabbed her. Only a paparazzi had gotten photos of Ethan and Addie speaking. It was quite a heated conversation and it could have had something to do with Ethan’s boss. Ethan was Chief of Staff to Senator Walter Hoffman.

Ethan was called down to the FBI building. They questioned him about his involvement with Addie and it said it was professional. It turns out Addie was dating his boss the senator. The senator was married but he has been separated for the last six months and so it wasn’t as scandalous as it could be.

Addie and Ethan only got into an argument because he just found out about the affair. He asked her to be quiet while he arranges things and she didn’t like that. She thought he was coming in between her and the senator. Addie saw the senator earlier that night and he had given her a birthday present. He gave her a smartwatch. The watch has a data plan and so the FBI was able to track it.

It led them to a homeless encampment. They found a homeless man with the watch and he claimed he found it. The feds asked him where. He gave them a location and went there. Only they didn’t find Addie. They found a chair that had ropes nearby and there was fresh blood on the ground. They knew the blood was fresh because it hadn’t started to dry yet. This means that Addie was either just killed there or she was injured.

Her kidnapper wasn’t interested in a ransom. Addie’s family and work were not contacted for a ransom and so this kidnapper had his own reasons for taking Addie. The feds questioned the homeless guy again. They asked him what else he saw the day he got the watch and he apparently saw a man in a mask carrying a woman over his shoulder.

The woman was bleeding out. The homeless guy didn’t want any trouble and so he hid until the masked man left. He then went into the building where he found the watch. The guy didn’t report it because he felt it wasn’t his business and so the feds had him checked for DNA while they continued their search for Addie. They later traced the building as well as the kidnapper back to Viktor and Sergei Branislav. Sergei was in the real estate business and he had a connection to Senator Hoffman. Hoffman went directly from his interview at the FBI to meeting up with Sergei. He seems to have warned him and that’s when Addie was moved from the warehouse. The FBI came to believe the senator arranged for his mistress to be murdered.

Only this created an issue. Isobel was seeing the senator’s chief of staff and the risk she wouldn’t be impartial. Isobel tried to arrange for a second interview with the senator, but he had lawyered up and Isobel wasn’t sure if she could trust Ethan. Ethan is claiming he has no idea what’s going on. He told Isobel he didn’t know why his boss had called for a lawyer and he doesn’t know what happened to Addie.

She was still missing. She was last seen bleeding out and so finding her was more important than ever. The feds couldn’t use the senator, so they had to use Sergei. They cloned Sergei’s phone. They pretended someone broke into his building and that they needed his cooperation to determine if anything was stolen. And that got them close enough to Sergei to clone his phone.

The feds searched Sergei’s phone history. They found he had recently spoken to Ethan and so Ethan was asked to come back to the federal building. They wanted to question him again. Isobel was supposed to have sat this one out and she just couldn’t. She went into the interview room.

She demanded the truth and that’s when Ethan said that the senator had been contacted by the kidnapper. Or at least that’s what he’d been told. Ethan said his boss told him that the kidnapper contacted him for a ransom and that this person was threatening to kill Addie if he went to the authorities. Ethan thought he was doing the right thing by not saying anything. He had nothing to do with either Sergei or his nephew.

Ethan gives his phone to the senator to sometimes use. Isobel spoke to Ethan and she told him her suspicions. She also asked him for help. She wanted him to wear a wire with the senator and at first, he said no. He didn’t want to risk his career over this. But somehow Isobel convinced him to do the right thing. Ethan wore a wire when he confronted his boss. He demanded to know what was going on and the senator told him everything. T

he senator had passed inside information to Sergei. It was an illegal real estate deal. It also went bust because the secret information had turned out to be false and so Sergei wanted revenge. He kidnapped Addie in retaliation. He wanted back the money he lent the senator on the basis of this deal going through and so the senator has to pay the ransom.

If he didn’t, Addie would be killed. Ethan pretended he could get the FBI off the senator’s back and all along the feds were following the senator during the ransom drop. They followed him to a park where he met with Sergei. Both men were arrested and Addie was found in a trunk nearby. She was saved. She was saved because Ethan turned on his boss but Ethan hadn’t liked doing that and so he later moved out of the apartment he shared with Isobel.


Kristine Francis:
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