General Hospital Spoilers: Monday, August 16 Recap – Jax’s Secret Recording Traps Carly – Wyndemere Masked Intruder with Knife

General Hospital Spoilers: Monday, August 16 Recap – Jax’s Secret Recording Traps Carly – Wyndemere Masked Intruder with Knife

General Hospital (GH) spoilers recap for Monday, August 16, reveals that Jasper “Jax” Jacks (Ingo Rademacher) set a secret recording trap for Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) while a masked intruder with a knife appeared at Wyndemere. Let’s talk about how all the sizzling drama played out on Monday’s show!

By the Metro Court pool, Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) and Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) sipped their drinks as they joked about the stories they’d been sharing.

Dante wondered if this was a date, but Sam suggested it couldn’t be since they were colleagues.

Although Dante didn’t see it that way, he teased Sam about not being her type since he didn’t brood, respected the law and had a sense of humor.

Sam eventually shut Dante up with a kiss and indicated dating was an option.

After Sam ignored the first call from an unknown number, she answered the second one when Dante stepped away.

Sam looked puzzled as the voice on the other end called her by name and frantically asked if she could hear him. “Drew?” Sam replied in shock.

Across town, Jasper “Jax” Jacks (Ingo Rademacher) set his phone so it’d secretly record and put it down on the Corinthos kitchen counter.

Jax then tried to trap Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) into making incriminating confessions about running the mob organization and ordering Cyrus Renault’s (Jeff Kober) cargo ship to be blown up.

Carly eventually caught on and grabbed the phone that had been recording. She was furious and couldn’t believe that Jax would go this far.

At Wyndemere, Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) made some fun photos with Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla), Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and Cameron Webber (William Lipton). They’ll all wore a variety of silly getups as they posed.

Josslyn wanted to go up on the turret with Cameron, so she got Tony the bodyguard to wait downstairs – though he vowed to take action if they weren’t back within 30 minutes.

Once up on the turret, Josslyn reflected on Spencer being spoiled and obnoxious when they were growing up. She could now see that Spencer had been lonely.

Back downstairs with Trina, she filled Spencer in on Ava Jerome (Maura West) giving her some good advice about her mom.

Spencer pointed out that he already offered the same advice, so Trina suggested that Spencer and Ava agreed with each other.

A man named Costas came in and caused Spencer to wonder why he’d left his post. Costas explained that the launch had gone missing.

There was supposed to be one available at all times, but neither pilot could be reached.

Tony wanted to take Josslyn home, so Trina went up to the turret and interrupted her romantic moment with Cameron. Meanwhile, Spencer was unnerved over a phone call. Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) claimed to be on the other end and said Spencer had gotten his attention.

Ryan added that it ends tonight – and soon after, Spencer filled his friends in on the terrifying situation.

There were suspicions about Spencer pulling another prank, but he insisted this was real. Suddenly, the lights went out – leaving a message echoing the earlier one of “It ends tonight” glowing in the dark.

After the generator kicked in, Trina wanted to call the cops. She realized she had no service – and neither did Spencer, Josslyn or Cameron.

Spencer realized he needed to reboot the system that boosted the signal, so Trina went along to help.

Next, Spencer and Trina watched the fireworks together on the turret – finding a little peace in all the mayhem.

Spencer thought they were safe for now, but a masked stalker lurked nearby and was holding a knife. As for Cameron, he worried to Josslyn about this feeling like a trap.

At GH, Laura Collins (Genie Francis) asked if Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) had been in touch with her father about Naomi Dreyfus’ (Gigi Bermingham) death. Liz felt it was an uncomfortable topic, but she suggested there was always email.

The conversation shifted to Cameron, who’d given up his dream school to be closer to home at PCU. Liz felt a little bad about that, but Laura knew Cameron would do well no matter where he studied.

As for Ava, she flashed back to Ryan posing as Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) when she sought therapy. Ava bumped into Kevin and shared the memory, but Kevin insisted that Ryan was locked in tight as his facility.

In the doc’s office, Ava wanted Kevin’s professional opinion on whether Spencer could be the stalker. She pushed him to look at it as if Spencer weren’t Laura’s son.

Kevin acknowledged Spencer never really faced consequences for his actions growing up. Spencer’s goal also aligned with the stalker’s, so Ava thought Kevin was saying that Nikolas might be onto something.

As a suspicious-looking nurse listened in, Laura ultimately joined in the conversation about Spencer.

Ava confessed that Nikolas wasn’t really in Dubai like he claimed and discussed how he was planning to give Spencer a taste of his own medicine.

Kevin, Laura and Ava were all concerned about Nikolas’ plan having catastrophic results. After Laura headed for Wyndemere with Kevin, somebody spied on Ava as she called about the launch.

General Hospital spoilers say some twists and turns are still to come at Spencer’s party, so keep watching.

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