General Hospital Spoilers: Ryan & Esme’s Halloween Horror – Port Charles Reign of Terror?

General Hospital Spoilers: Ryan & Esme’s Halloween Horror - Port Charles Reign of Terror?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) and Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) could be gearing up for a Halloween reign of terror. Is that when these twisted partners will set their plan in motion?

GH has been known to take a spooky turn once Halloween arrives, especially if Ryan happens to be on the loose!

Ryan could indeed make his escape from Spring Ridge soon with Esme’s help. We know Ryan is faking his locked-in syndrome and has obviously been planning his getaway for a while now.

Ryan is in a minimum-security facility where people like Ava Jerome (Maura West) can walk right over and nearly yank his ear off.

Nobody’s paying much attention, so that can work to the schemers’ advantage.

Esme just waltzed right up to Ryan and will apparently be able to have a clandestine chat with him on Monday, October 4 – though viewers may or may not become privy to that conversation.

Regardless, Esme’s behavior with Ryan was interesting in that moment alone. She apologized for the delay and smiled as she suggested she thought Ava would never leave.

There was almost a familiar connection – like maybe Ryan and Esme have been interacting more than fans have seen.

Ryan blinked for Esme to go the last time she showed up, but maybe he feared she was going to blow their plan by blabbing to Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel).

After all, Ryan should love a devious woman taking an interest in him. Esme seems to admire Ryan a great deal, so why wouldn’t he be her partner in crime?

They may have had other meetings on the sly since we pointed out the security at this place is practically nonexistent.

No matter how they got here, Esme certainly has Ryan’s attention now! Since Esme is so much like Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier), it makes sense for Ryan to see a kindred spirit in her.

There’s even been speculation that Esme might be Ryan’s bio daughter, so that’s something to keep in mind.

Ryan and Esme are both people who thrive on chaos and do whatever it takes to further their agendas. They make the perfect alliance, but that also means they could do some serious damage.

That’s especially true since Esme’s stalker plot with Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) just exploded.

Spencer is trying to cover for Esme as best as he can, but what happens if he turns on her?

Even worse, what happens if Spencer dumps Esme for sweet, compassionate Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla)?

The bond between Spencer and Trina is definitely growing, so that could be something that sets Esme off.

Whatever the case, Esme is almost as twisted as Ryan and is most likely planning to break him out of the joint.

In return, Ryan could go after anyone on Esme’s hit list, so that could include Spencer, Trina, Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and Cameron Webber (William Lipton) depending on how things play out.

Something’s obviously going to happen with Esme and Ryan’s partnership, so do you think some Halloween horror could be in the works?

General Hospital spoilers say some scary and potentially bloody bombshells could be brewing, so don’t miss all the action.

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