General Hospital (GH) spoilers recap for Tuesday, July 27, reveals that Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) confirmed Peter August’s (Wes Ramsey) body was missing while Stella Henry (Vernee Watson) stole signed divorce papers. Shawn Butler (Sean Blakemore) also got a new job offer, so let’s talk about how things went down on Tuesday’s episode.
At the Metro Court pool, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) wondered why Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) wasn’t hanging out with Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) and Cameron Webber (William Lipton).
Joss admitted there was something Carly should know, but Spencer Cassadine’s (Nicholas Chavez) arrival halted their chat.
Carly raised an eyebrow as Josslyn and Spencer bantered – seemingly thinking there might be a spark. Talk turned to Carly’s engagement, so Spencer offered his support and thought it must be comforting to wind up with a friend.
Spencer guessed that’s how Josslyn wound up with Cameron, so the news shocked Carly.
Josslyn tossed Spencer in the pool again for opening his big mouth and wished he’d stayed in Italy! “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Joss asked once Spencer emerged from the water. She ranted about how Trina was so out of Spencer’s league before Carly dragged her daughter away.
Carly warned Josslyn to stop throwing Spencer in the pool since Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) would sue them if Spencer hit his head.
However, Carly didn’t deny that Spencer deserved the dunk. After Joss brought up Spencer and Trina, Carly wondered if Joss wanted to talk about them or her relationship with Cameron.
After Josslyn explained, Carly suggested it was “weird” and “great.” Since Trina thought Joss and Cam were the last to know what was going on between them, she asked if that’s what happened with Carly and Jason.
Carly suggested it wasn’t exactly the same and ultimately cracked a joke as a distraction.
At home, Trina commented on the screeching front door being better than an alarm system. She recalled that it was after midnight when Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) came home last night.
Trina assumed the hospital was working Portia too hard, but Portia admitted she went out with Terry Randolph (Cassandra James).
Although Portia tried not to offer too many details, Trina eventually pried it out of her mom that she’d been at The Savoy with Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner).
Portia suggested it was a new thing for both of them, but they really enjoyed each other’s company. She pushed for Trina’s thoughts, so Trina assured Portia that she only wanted her mom to be happy.
Trina was glad that Portia told her, but she asked if Commissioner Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) knew since she thought Portia and Jordan were friends.
Portia was hopeful about preserving the friendship and was pleased to be keeping the line of communication open with Trina.
After Trina left, Portia stated aloud that the conversation went better than she thought. Outside the house, Trina didn’t look as happy.
Back at the Metro Court pool, Shawn sought assistance from Curtis on his search for Hayden Barnes’ (Rebecca Budig) shooter.
Curtis insisted he was out of the PI game, but he found out his ex-partner Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) was pitching in.
Shawn wondered if maybe there was something in the old file that didn’t click back then and might register now.
Shawn also thanked Curtis for being a strong role model for TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) while he was behind bars.
Curtis then offered Shawn a job managing The Savoy, but Shawn suggested he couldn’t commit to anything long-term. After Curtis kept pushing, Shawn eventually caved in and agreed to help him out.
Shawn had a sweet reunion with Carly and Josslyn, but Joss later stepped over to join Trina by the bar.
Trina said Joss wasn’t going to believe this, but Spencer barged in the discussion and wanted to know what was going on. That led to a confrontation and Spencer’s declaration that he was done trying to help people.
While Trina talked to Joss about the awkwardness of her mom opening up, Carly got updates on Shawn’s new job at The Savoy.
Carly assured Shawn there’d always be a place with the Corinthos clan if things didn’t work out and thanked Shawn for stabbing Jason with a laugh.
After Curtis arrived at Portia’s place, he found out she’d told Trina about the two of them. Portia admitted it was nice to be confiding in Trina like a friend and felt she could use one right now.
Curtis assumed Portia was thinking about Jordan and felt he’d better tell her before she found out about them another way.
In Jordan’s office, she filled Stella in on witnessing Curtis and Portia in a close moment. Stella wondered how close, so Jordan confessed it was close enough for lips to touch.
Jordan wanted Stella to stay out of her business and put the signed divorce papers in an envelope – ready to be delivered to the courthouse.
Once Stella was alone, she declared that her family was her business and stole the signed divorce papers. At GH, Jason thanked Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) for helping with the security cameras.
Jason said there was something else he needed Spinelli to do. Later, Jason called again and asked if Spinelli had found it.
After Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) asked Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner) about justifiable homicide, he pulled her into a private room at the hospital so they could talk.
Liz insisted her friend didn’t mean to kill anybody, but she admitted it wasn’t self-defense. Scott pointed out that Liz was accessory to murder if she knew and was keeping quiet.
Scott put it together that Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) must be the friend and that Peter must be the victim, but he didn’t name names.
Scott warned that it’d be a conflict of interest if he helped Liz’s friend.
Scott’s priority was protecting Liz, so he told her to call him and “dummy up” if the police came knocking at her door. Jason peered through the window as Liz hugged Scott, who had a tense exchange with Jason on his way out.
Down in the sub-basement lab, Finn confessed that Peter was dead and added that he killed him. He recapped the fatal story and admitted that faced with the same circumstances, he wouldn’t “do a damn thing different.”
Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) assured Finn that he wasn’t a murderer, but he felt a jury of his peers might disagree. After Finn said he checked Peter’s breathing and pulse, he added that he found neither.
Anna wondered if Finn was certain, but Finn admitted he didn’t spend a lot of time lingering over the body. He had to take care of this and get back to Chase.
Finn felt he owed Anna an apology since he was so hard on her for keeping secrets before.
Although Anna suspected Finn had help, he refused to divulge any information about Liz. Finn and Anna eventually opened the freezer, but they were stunned when no corpse was inside.
Back with Liz, she cornered Jason alone and asked what he did with the body. “Nothing,” Jason confessed to a stunned Liz. “I opened the freezer; Peter’s body isn’t there.”
General Hospital spoilers say the truth about Peter’s whereabouts should bring plenty of drama, so stay tuned!
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