I Love a Mama’s Boy Premiere Recap 08/29/21: Season 2 Episode 1 “Complete Dominion”

Tonight on TLC their new reality show I Love a Mama’s Boy airs with an all-new Sunday, August 29, 2021 episode and we have your I Love a Mama’s Boy recap below for you. On tonight’s I Love a Mama’s Boy season 2 episode 2 “Complete Dominion,” as per the TLC Synopsis “Kim and Matt design their new home, and Kelly is dead set on leaving her mark. Tracy marries her dream man but finds out he invited Mom on their honeymoon! Shekeb and Emily have made amends, but when Laila finds out, there’s no telling what she’ll do.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our I Love a Mama’s Boy recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s I Love a Mama’s Boy Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s I Love a Mama’s Boy episode, Matt and his girlfriend Kim is now engaged. They met on a dating website and she was the first person he’s ever gotten serious about. He loves her. He couldn’t wait to marry her. However, his mother is a problem. Matt is a mama’s boy and things got worse when he and Kim moved in with Kelly. They had to move because their apartment burned down.

They thought living with Kelly would be temporary and unfortunately, it’s turning into something permanent. The couple didn’t plan on staying with Kelly for so long. They even started building on their new house and the pandemic put a stop to the build. It also delayed their wedding. Things were finally getting back to normal and so they were working on designing their new house. And Kelly wanted input.

Kelly didn’t just want input. She wanted dominion. She wanted to design the house and she wanted to make all the decisions. She especially didn’t like it when Matt sided with Kim. Kelly wanted to control everything and she had even been upset that Matt had proposed when she wasn’t there. Kelly had wanted to control that as well. Kelly was overbearing and she crossed certain lines.

Like she gives her adult son massages. He has a future wife for that and yet Kelly didn’t want to relinquish the role. Kelly was bad only Jayne might be the worst. Jayne was Bryan’s mother and she was very much involved in his life with his girlfriend Tracy. Tracy and Bryan have been together for ten years.

They were raising two little boys together. They were also finally getting married, but Bryan and his closeness with his mother were turning into an issue. Bryan wanted to include his mother in everything. He even wanted to bring her with them on their honeymoon. Bryan works from home for his job and so his mother comes in to help with everything else.

She watches the kids. She cooks Bryan his breakfast and she also makes him his lunch. She does his laundry. She cleans the house. Jayne also didn’t leave. Tracy would come home ready to relax and it was hard to do when she had to be at her best around Jayne. Jayne was a single mother. She raised Bryan by herself and Bryan loves her deeply.

Bryan almost lost her once. His mother had cancer when he was fourteen and the fear of losing her has never left. It’s why Bryan wants to involve his mother in everything. He wanted to include her in the wedding because she never had the experience of getting married and Bryan considers his wedding to be the closest his mother ever came to having her own.

Bryan made sure his mother was included when the bridal party had their hair and makeup done. He also invited her on the honeymoon without clearing it with his future wife and so that right there was going to cause strife. Why do mama’s boys have to go above and beyond in wanting to be near their mothers? Shekeb was another mama’s boy and he was still living with his mother.

Shekeb had been dating a young woman by the name of Emily. Emily had been wonderful for Shekeb and she tried to get him to leave his mother’s house but he kept dragging his feet and so eventually he and Emily broke up. Emily and Shekeb’s mother Laila didn’t get on, anyways. Laila wanted Shekeb to marry a nice Muslim woman and Emily was of the wrong religion and race.

Emily was Korean-born. She wasn’t what Laila wanted for her prince. Laila once pretended she was going to play nice to Emily when really it was a trap for Shekeb and she tried to set Shekeb up on a blind date. Shekeb had been furious. He stormed out of the restaurant with Emily at his side and he came close to moving in with Emily.

Shekeb and Emily broke up not that long afterward. But now they’re back together. They’re back together and they’re trying to figure out how to break the news to Laila. Laila once refused to eat a cake that Emily bought because she claimed Emily was trying to poison her. Laila also Emily that she would never like nor approve of her and so Shekeb and Emily getting back together aren’t going to go down well with Laila.

Laila was the happiest she’s been in a while now that she thinks her son and Emily are over. If she were to find out the truth, its going to bring out the uglier side to her. Laila was being happy and believing that Emily was out of the picture when later Shekeb brought Emily over to his house.

Shekeb and Emily told Laila that they were back together. They also asked for her blessing and she agreed to try but she also refused to apologize and she didn’t want to answer any questions. Emily wanted to know why Laila called her a “pig”. Laila said that was all in the past and she said it would be better if they moved on. Even Shekeb thought they should move on.

And so now Emily has to decide whether or not she’ll accept the disrespect or move on.


Kristine Francis:
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