Keeping Up With The Kardashians Premiere Recap 03/18/21: Season 20 Episode 1 “Beginnings and Endings”

Keeping Up With The Kardashians Premiere Recap 03/18/21: Season 20 Episode 1 "Beginnings and Endings"Keeping Up With The Kardashians Premiere Recap 03/18/21: Season 20 Episode 1 "Beginnings and Endings"

Tonight E!’s most-watched series Keeping Up With The Kardashians (KUWTK) returns with an all-new Thursday, March 18, 2021, season 20 episode 1 and we have your KUWTK recap below. On tonight’s KUWTK season 20 episode 1 called, “Beginnings and Endings,” as per the E! synopsis, “Khloe and Tristan face roadblocks while expanding their family.

Scott faces decisions about his relationship; Kim prepares for a test that will determine her future as a lawyer.

So make sure to come back to this spot between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! for our Keeping Up With The Kardashian recap of the episode. Meanwhile, while you wait for our Keeping Up with the Kardashians recap head over and check out all our KUWTK news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s KUWTK recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, the family has rented a house in Malibu where they have been hanging out during the pandemic. Khloe visits Scott. She notices Sofia his girl isn’t there. He shares that they really weren’t on the same page. He thinks it is because of the pandemic.

The family meets up in Malibu. Kim has been studying for her baby bar. The kids are away. She tells Corey, her mom, and Scott how she is afraid of the essays she has to write. Tristan shows up and hangs out with Khloe. They sit by the ocean and talk about the family and how Khloe thinks she is ready to have another baby. Tristan is excited. Her eggs are already frozen so she plans to use those. Tristan feels likes this is a way to get their family back together.

Kim is at her house. She is at home in her pajamas, studying for the bar with a prep teacher. Her test is in a few days. Meanwhile, Kourtney tells Scott she is moving into the Malibu home. She likes the vibe. She asks about him and Sofia. He explains that things just got too hard. They spend so much time co-parenting and they are close. That can be difficult for people to understand. She wants him to be happy though and make himself a priority as well.

Khloe learns that our eggs were too fragile. None of them took. She tells her friend Malika. She plans to try again though. Meanwhile, Kris calls Kim to check on her before her baby bar. She wishes her luck. She will be taking the test online and is ready.

After taking the baby bar, Kim arrives at her mom’s to see all of her friends and family who wanted to celebrate her. She thinks she passed and will find out in 2 months.

Khloe is still continuing on the IVF process. She is tired of all of the hormones. She doesn’t mind taking the shots but all of it is a lot.

Scott and Khloe talk the next day by the ocean. He is spending the 4th of July with her. Sofia wants to see how it will go. Khloe just wants to see him happy. Later, Khloe heads to her egg retrieval appointment. Tristan is driving her.

Khloe comes out of surgery with a dozen eggs retrieved. She did have heart issues so the doctors plan to run tests. Later, she heads to see her family. They all talk about Scott and Kourtney and her close relationships and how it must be hard for Sofia. Kris thinks he needs to let go and move on with someone who makes him happy.

Khloe and Kim talk alone. Khloe doesn’t think she can get pregnant again. She might have to have a surrogate carry her baby. All of these roadblocks are a lot.

Later, Khloe and Kim talk to Scott. He was given an ultimatum by Sofia. It’s her or Kourtney. He was put in a tight spot by her. Kourtney comes with the kids. He couldn’t give that up so he and Sofia are done.

Khloe shares that she has 3 embryos. She is excited. They are healthy and can be tested. She has girls and boys as options.


Sarah Luoma:
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