Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap 8/02/21: Season 10 Episode 5 “A Ruff Road”

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap 8/02/21: Season 10 Episode 5 "A Ruff Road"Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap 8/02/21: Season 10 Episode 5 "A Ruff Road"

Tonight on VH1’s hit series Love & Hip Hop Atlanta returns with an all-new Monday, August 2, 2021, episode and we have your Love & Hip Hop Atlanta recap below for you.  In tonight’s season 10 episode 5, “A Ruff Road’,” as per the VH1 synopsis, “The passing of legendary rapper DMX sends Kirk and Safaree to New York to pay homage to the rap superstar while facing some of their own family issues. Renni Rucci balances a budding music career and life as a single mom.

Omeretta The Great attempts to find common ground with her mother, while Sierra uncovers a recent rift between her and her younger sisters.”

Tonight’s episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta will be packed full of drama that you won’t want to miss. Don’t forget to bookmark this spot and head over to our Love & Hip Hop recap tonight at 8 PM –  9 PM ET! While you wait for our recap of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 10 Episode 5, don’t forget to check out all our L&HHH Atlanta recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Love & Hip Hop Atlanta recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Love & Hip Hop Atlanta episode, the rapper community changed once DMX died. They all went into mourning and Kirk for one was asked to be a part of the festivities celebrating the late rapper’s life. It turns out DMX was huge in the biker community just as much as he was in the rapper community. The bikers were all coming together in the final farewell and Kirk was one of the riders.

Safaree was another rider. Both men were glad to be a part of such a momentous moment and it helps that it took them away from family drama. Kirk was trying to reestablish a relationship with his son Ky. He brought his son Ky with him to New York and they were going to ride together while Safaree was going to New York to escape his wife.

Safaree wasn’t in a good place right now with his wife Erica. They were fighting all the time and Safaree was more or less showing himself to be a jerk. He badmouths his wife in public. He expects her to just ignore it and the fact that he wasn’t really a hands-on father says a lot. Safaree and Erica often fight about what little he does at home.

It, therefore, wasn’t surprising that he left at the first opportunity he got and now he’s a part of the last ride for DMX. Safaree also got in touch with a few people when he was in town. He was reaching out to friends and family and so hopefully one of them will get him to see how much of a jerk he was being. Meanwhile, Omeretta the Great was still getting flak for the things she said about her mother.

The rapper created a diss track in which she accused her mother of putting a man before her kids. Omeretta’s sister and mother don’t see it that way. They claimed that the mother was never that bad. They also said she shouldn’t have put that in a song and that she should move on. Only how can you tell her how she feels. Omeretta remembers what it was like growing up.

She remembers how she so badly wanted to get out of the house that she was practically running around on the streets and that anything could have happened to her during that time. The fact she’s still alive and not in prison is a miracle. Omeretta remembers exactly how things used to be. She remembered her mother running after this one man and her children were doing their best not to come home.

Omeretta didn’t regret making that track. She told her truth and now her relationships are strained. She needs to find a new manager. Her mother was her old manager and she’s not sure she wants to give another person that amount of control over her life again. She’s manager-shy now. Omeretta was looking for a new manager as Sierra was hosting a ceremony for her Money Monster Academy.

Sierra has successfully taught tens and hundreds of women how to run a business, gain their license, and create a trademark. Sierra was a businesswoman. She was helping other women achieve success and so it’s unfortunate that her home life was lacking. Sierra wasn’t speaking with her three little sisters.

Sierra had this one sister that was working as a makeup artist at one of her stores. Her sister wasn’t paying rent or helping in any way and so she kicked her out. Ever since then, her other sisters have all ganged up on her and they’ve threatened to either kill her or jump her. Sierra has always wanted a good relationship with them because she felt bad when she was forced to leave home at fifteen when she got pregnant and she had wanted to make up for a lost time but her sisters were ungrateful and violent. They expected Sierra to give in to whatever they want because they were “family”. They failed to grasp that true families don’t be acting like that. Sierra and Omeretta are both trying to reestablish bonds with people who just might not deserve them.

Omeretta went with her mother, sister, and cousin to a demolished place. They got to destroy stuff in a smash room and it helped Omeretta with some of her anger. It just wasn’t enough to stop the questions. Omeretta tried to once again get her family to admit that the mother put a man before them and they refused to hear it. The only one who wasn’t denying the past was the cousin.

She was on Omeretta’s side. The other two on the other hand claimed her truth was not their truth and so they stormed off rather than argue the point. Omeretta said she was okay with not having a relationship with them. She said she would focus on her music and her career. And right now she’s staying away from family because she says she finds it triggering.

New face Renni Rucci was new to the show but not the game. She’s been out for a while and she’s out touring. When she tours, she used to bring her children with her and she couldn’t do that anymore now that they’re older. They were in school. They had scheduled. Renni couldn’t disrupt their lives with touring and so she leaves them with her mom. Her mom raises them in the south.

The children’s father isn’t in the picture. He hasn’t had anything to do with them in a while and so that’s why Renni is so dedicated to Foogiano. Foogiano treats her children like his own. He was good to them. He was the closest thing they had to a father and Renni was never going to take that away from her children.

Safaree later met up with his mother. He told his mother about the new baby and he also told her about the problems in his marriage. Safaree’s mother blamed their problems on his tweeting. She said she doesn’t want to see that again. She also told him to make his marriage work and he took her advice. His mother is one of the few people he completely trusts to tell him the truth.

She would never just side with him because she’s his mother. She tells him what he has to hear and not what he wants to hear. She told him marriage is work. He listened and he agreed to try and fix things with Erica. Kirk meanwhile met up with his older son Christopher. Christopher went through a tough phase where he didn’t want to be around family and now he’s better.

Christopher is a father now. He’s healthy and he’s ready to be a part of the family now. Kirk wants all of his children to come together. He didn’t like seeing them fighting.

Sierra herself was sick of the fighting. She invited her sisters to lunch and the twins showed up with their mother. Sierra tried to get her sister that has a problem with her to see the issue. The sister wasn’t paying booth rent and that’s why she put her out of the shop.

The sister was also arguing with the stylist and putting her stuff everywhere. She acted pretty entitled at a business that Sierra built from the ground up. Sierra said as much and the sister still tried to claim that Sierra was the problem. She said she pays booth rent at the place she’s working from now. So, if that’s the case, why didn’t you just do that at Sierra’s place?


Kristine Francis:
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