Meghan Markle Ordered DJ Idris Elba Around At Prince Harry Wedding Reception

Meghan Markle Ordered DJ Idris Elba Around At Prince Harry Wedding ReceptionMeghan Markle Ordered DJ Idris Elba Around At Prince Harry Wedding Reception

British royal family news shows that British actor Idris Elba has a side gig as a DJ. Despite his stellar acting career he still finds time to indulge his love of music and get paid for it. In particular the handsome and talented actor has performed at Ibiza clubs and large festivals around the globe.

Not many people may realize that he was the DJ at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The native Londoner is spilling details about the experience and what he has to say may amaze you. Would you believe that as he provided the musical entertainment at the reception, “Meghan insisted on taking control?”

Meghan Markle Is In Control

The former briefcase girl for the game show Deal or No Deal informed Elba what songs he would be playing. “Meghan had sent me a playlist, so I knew what she wanted already,” he said.

Alba has DJ’d for some of the biggest celebs around including Madonna. He has also collaborated with Paul McCartney. According to him those gigs were, “high pressure.”

Meghan Markle Is Pressure

What was his most stressful gig? No surprise here, he says that it was working with Meghan Markle. He says, “The wedding, no doubt. This wasn’t like my cousin’s wedding.” The evening celebration was held at Frogmore House, ironically the house Meghan and Harry ultimately rejected as beneath them.

Queen Victoria’s mother once lived in the exclusive residence.

Idris Alba is a DJ

As he notes, “This wasn’t at the community hall — the reception. This was a big, big deal.” He claims to be good friends with the Sussexes saying, “They’re good friends and I wanted to make sure they had a great time, so there was a lot of pressure.” Of course there was a lot of pressure, if he hadn’t made the Markle’s happy everything could have gone sideways.

Alba was performing under a format of controversy as is usually the case when dealing with the Markle’s. He was gigging the night-time reception and it had people talking for who was and wasn’t invited.

Celebs like George Clooney and James Corden were invited but some of Harry’s closet friends were left out in the cold. Among those who were not told to save the date was Tom Inskip one of Harry’s best friends.

Skippy was with Harry during that infamous Vegas holiday in 2012 in which Harry was caught playing naked billiards—maybe Meghan didn’t want a repeat?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Tanya Clark:
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