NCIS Recap 10/11/21: Season 19 Episode 4 “Great Wide Open”

Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all-new Monday, October 11, 2021, season 19 episode 4 called, “Great Wide Open” and we have your weekly NCIS recap below. On tonight’s NCIS season 19 episode 4, “Great Wide Open,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Gibbs and McGee head to Alaska while the team works at home to uncover the conspiracy behind the serial killer.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s NCIS episode, FBI Special Agent Aidan Parker wanted to be the man to take down Gibbs. He got a warrant for his arrest because a suspect died in Gibb’s custody and Parker wanted to blame him for it. However, Gibbs wasn’t home when Parker used that warrant. Gibbs and McGee flew to Naktok Bay in Alaska. It was there that the copper mine was being open.

The same mine that the CEO of Sonova Industries was so obsessed with that she paid a hitman to eliminate anyone who might argue against said mine. The copper mine was worth potentially billions and so that explains the obsession just not the lengths in which Sonja Eberhart was willing to go. She truly did hire a hitman to kill people. She stalked and spied on people who “might” have reacted negatively to the mine and that was a big might.

These people didn’t do anything to her. They didn’t have any concrete proof that they would argue against the mine and so Eberhart only knew about them through the illegal spying. She used her app to spy on everyday Americans. She then collected a list of people who might say something and she killed them before they could. But, and it’s a big but, the team didn’t have evidence to prove this.

They couldn’t tie Eberhart to any of the payments to the hitman and she denied all knowledge of it. She’s claiming that a rogue agent at her company must have hired Paul LaMere. She also said she would look into it and everyone knew that was a lie. She quicky flew off to Alaska right after meeting with NCIS.

Eberhart wanted to be there to break ground on the new copper mine. She didn’t even wait a day or at least pretend to investigate who in her company was willing to kill to open that mine and so that confirmed to the team at least that she was involved. They just needed to prove it. Which is why Gibbs and McGee flew to Alaska. They wanted to speak with the first victim’s family.

Libby Alonak was a native to the area and she was a journalist. An environmentalist journalist. She wrote a report that said Eberhart’s initial environmental impact said the whole area would be devastated by the mine and she had an inside source. The team was now looking for that source. They wanted to prove Eberhart knew her mine was going to be destructive and she killed the person who figured it out.

It took Kasie less than a day to find out who the source was. It was a Marine Biologist and one of the victims. It seems him and her were the only ones killed with a clear motive of greed. Everyone else was either simply to kill any future adversary or to act as window dressing for a serial killer.

But there was never any serial killer. Just a hitman and the person who hired him. The team planned on getting the person who hired LaMere. They believe it was Eberhart. They later got their hands on the biologist’s computer and they found out he wrote the original environmental report. They also learned that Eberhart signed off on it. This means she knew the true environmental impact and that she was motivated in eliminating the biologist.

Eberhart couldn’t be the only one in the know. There had to be more people out there and the team went looking for them. They were sidetracked for a bit what with Parker showing up in Alaska. Gibbs called him because Gibbs remains a man of honor and he didn’t want to be on the run. Only they convinced Parker to delay his arrest of Gibbs until they could take down Eberhart. They told Eberhart that they have their sights on her and they lured her into a trap to make her call her partner.

She called Phil Hanover. His wife’s death had looked like just someone being killed to play up the serial killer angle and instead it was so much more. Hanover had property in Alaska. He sold it to Eberhart for millions and the deal would have gone bust if the real environmental impact had gotten out. And so she told him to get someone to fix it.

Hanover hired LaMere. LaMere killed those people and Hanover had his wife thrown in after she found out what he was doing. Hanover was the last link. He was arrested. Eberhart was arrested. Then Gibbs was arrested. Gibbs had been willing to turn himself in because he hadn’t wanted McGee to be charged with aiding and abetting and so he told McGee to arrest him. McGee did his job. He arrested the fugitive.

McGee handed Gibbs over to Parker and Parker almost went through with the arrest in spite of his own protests to the matter. It seems Gibbs was only going to be arrested because he was known outlaw. The FBI has been waiting for Gibbs to mess up to arrest him. They hated that Gibbs sometimes colored outside of the lines and so they ordered Parker to arrest him.

But Parker later chose not to. Parker refuses to arrest Gibbs because he was going to deny Gibbs stole his car to drive off with the suspect and so that cost him job but he spoke with Fornell and he’s willing to believe his old co-worker that Gibbs is one of the good guys. And so he let Gibbs go.

The FBI doesn’t have an obstruction case without Parker’s complaint and so Gibbs went fishing to celebrate.

McGee later flew back but he did it alone because Gibbs chose to stay in Alaska for a while. He said he felt peace there. A peace he hasn’t felt since his family died.



Kristine Francis:
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