Outdaughtered Recap 03/23/21: Season 8 Episode 5 “Too Scared to Sleep”

Outdaughtered Recap 03/23/21: Season 8 Episode 5 "Too Scared to Sleep"Outdaughtered Recap 03/23/21: Season 8 Episode 5 "Too Scared to Sleep"

Tonight on TLC Outdaughtered the reality show starring the Busby family returns with an all-new Tuesday, March 23, 2021, episode, and we have your Outdaughtered recap below. On tonight’s Outdaughtered Season 8 episode 5 “Kindergarten Quints,” as per the TLC synopsis, “As the Busbys’ RV adventure continues, a storm threatens to ruin their fun.

Hazel finally has her eye appointment, but the visit could mean bad news; with kindergarten looming, the Busbys face tough decisions that may upset the girls.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Outdaughtered recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Outdaughtered Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Outdaughtered episode, the episode starts six weeks since the quints started kindergarten and it is going great. Ava says her favorite thing is that her sisters are no in her class. Hazel on the other hand likes being in class with her sister. Riley is doing great in her advanced kindergarten class. Adam and Danielle feel like life is a little normal now. Danielle says one thing hasn’t changed; they can never get out of the house on time.

On the drive, they are talking about Halloween and Adam tells the girls he is going to take them to the Halloween store. After school, the family heads over to the pumpkin patch. Adam is happy that his sister is living in Texas now, they left Louisiana after a hurricane.

Hazel hurts her knee, has blood, and needs a Band-Aid. The family is talking about Riley, she has had nightmares and they had to put her in her own room and surprisingly she is thriving. Adam thinks it is just a phase, Danielle is more worried.

At dinner, the family talk about Halloween, Danielle doesn’t think it is safe to take them out during COVID. Adam suggests they make a haunted house so they don’t have to go out. Danielle tells Riley that she has to go back to her room eventually and Riley starts crying, she says she doesn’t want to go back. It’s been weeks now, Adam thinks it is a habit that is going to be hard to break.

Adam gets a text from his mom and dad, they are coming to stay because of a hurricane that is coming their way. Adam got a head start on Halloween and brought home a scary mask, Danielle thinks the mask is the reason Riley is having bad dreams. The family heads to the Halloween store, usually they pick a theme but this year they are all picking their own costumes.

There are zombies in the store and the girls start to freak out. Danielle wants to leave, she doesn’t think the girls are ready for scarier things, like a big haunted maze-like he wants to do. That evening Is the worst night that they ever had with Riley. Since Adam’s parents are visiting, they are just going to let Riley sleep with her sisters to have peace. It’s going to be busy the next few days but everyone is safe. They are hoping the storm blows through and they can go back home in the morning. Adam’s dad says the power went out at home, everything is black on his surveillance.

Adam has a whole lot of Halloween stuff in the backyard. With everything going on, they kind of fell behind on decorating but Danielle is not worried, she thinks they can do it on time. Adam decides to do two mazes, one for the little kids and one for everyone else but Danielle is worried that his “not scary” is still too scary, and they have to put their kids to bed after all this.

With all the craziest over the last few days, they haven’t been strict on Riley sleeping in her own room, but tonight that changes. Riley is a pro about bedtime stalling, she is just always has something that she needs to do before going to bed. She lasts for five seconds and says she doesn’t want to sleep alone.

She wants to go sleep with Ava and Olivia. Blayke thinks it is silly that Riley doesn’t want to sleep in her own room because she is like a daredevil. Riley tells Blayke that she is having bad dreams about a show that she watched that didn’t make her happy. Blayke tries to reassure her that monsters are not real and she can leave the bathroom light on, that way it is not dark.

The two mazes are ready, Adam is excited to get the girls over there. The kids actually thought the little maze was boring. Although, the other one seemed very scary. Shockingly, the girls sneak into the big maze and they do fine, even Riley. In the end, Riley goes to her bed and does fine, she says her big sister helped her and she is not afraid anymore.


Dorothy Gale:
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