Prodigal Son Recap 02/09/21: Season 2 Episode 5 “Bad Manners”

Tonight on FOX their new crime franchise Prodigal Son airs with an all-new Tuesday, February 9, 2021, episode and we have your Prodigal Son recap below.  On tonight’s Prodigal Son season 2 episode 5 called, “Bad Manners,” as per the FOX synopsis, “Malcolm and Ainsley both race to find the killer in the so-called “Debutante Slayings,” but Ainsley’s persistence has Malcolm worried about what her actual motive might be.

While Martin is thrilled to see his daughter’s passion in the field, Jessica suggests she and Ainsley take a vacation. Meanwhile, JT meets with his union rep to decide if he should file an official complaint against the cop who discriminated against him.

This series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Prodigal Son recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

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In tonight’s episode, the media dubbed the latest serial killer the “Bridal Butcher”. The killer received that name because he or she liked to kill women and then pose them as brides. The brides were immaculate. The victims were posed in the middle of a flower arrangement and their hands were resting as if they had been laid out in a casket. The victims looked perfect. The killer even removed their flaws.

One of the victims had an eye condition that meant she had mismatched color eyes and the killer chose to replace the eyes altogether with doll eyes so that the victim wouldn’t have any noticeable flaws. This killer was meticulous in carrying his or her vision. Malcolm also had fun with this case. He loves a good serial killer. He was giddy as he walked up to the latest crime scene and so he wanted to be around friends.

However, there was an issue. Dani was loaned out to Vice and JT was meeting with his union rep. There was an incident with JT. He was manhandled by another cop who failed to identify as one of his own and thought he was just another black man he could abuse. This cop put a chokehold on JT. JT had to fight back and him fighting back is what’s creating the issue. JT could file a complaint against the other officer only it would cost him. Both men would be suspended for about twenty days and so it was unfair. JT only fought back to save his own life. He shouldn’t be punished for it nor should he be pressured into letting what happened to go. JT couldn’t afford a suspension right now because he was having a baby. And so he had to drop his complaint.

JT didn’t like it. Malcolm didn’t like it. No one liked it. JT soon rejoined the team after his meeting was wrapped up and he found out about the doll’s eyes. It led to a search of anyone with sexual problems and a doll hobby. This was how they found Trevor Falvey. Falvey was a registered sex offender because he showed off his genitals to a Mommy & Me class in the park. He also creates high-end dolls and so JT went with Gil to question him. Malcolm on the other hand was following another lead. He accidentally let slip to his sister that the victims were posed were gloves. She asked for the length of those gloves and, once she had been told the measurements exactly, she became the first to realize the victims weren’t posed as brides. They were posed as debutantes.

So, Malcolm went to the etiquette school. He wanted to ask the proprietor, Ms. Windsor, about the people that have attended her class and there Malcolm again ran into his sister. Ainsley decided to track down the debutante angle as well. She apparently thought she was competing with Malcolm to solve this crime and so she was having fun with this one too. It took Malcolm seeing how happy Ainsley was about the murders to get him to take it seriously. He no longer wanted to joke about death and he later found out that Falvey makes dolls for Ms. Windsor’s etiquette class. Falvey was the only connection between the dolls and the debs. The police arrested him and they found him trying to hide a life-size doll.

Falvey does have sick sexual fantasies. Only he releases such emotion out on the doll and so he wasn’t their killer. He already has an outlet. The killer does not and that’s why he or she is killing. Malcolm believes a killer is a man. He talks about the killer as if he was a man and the others on the team adopted his stance. They all believed they were looking for a man with twisted sexual fantasies. It was only Ainsley that was keeping her options open. Ainsley reached out to other girls in her debutante class that had drug problems and she ran into Violet. Violet left her message asking to meet. She said she was scared and so Ainsley showed up at her apartment alone, but she found Violet’s body.

Ainsley should have called the cops right away. Instead, she shot a promo from inside the apartment for her network and she took in as many details as she could because she wanted to build a segment around it. Ainsley was reckless. This was new behavior from her while she’s always tried to go after the story she has never taken such risks with her life and it wasn’t over. Ainsley got in trouble with the police for what she did.

Gil wasn’t happy and neither was Malcolm. They both took her to task for what she did. They asked her not to do anything like that again and she ignored them. She instead followed a lead with the killer. Ainsley had unlocked Violet’s phone and she found all the numbers on it. She even found out that Violet spoke to someone from the Windsor School.

Ainsley went straight towards the school. She bothers telling anyone else and Malcolm only realized it when he became suspicious. He knew his sister had found a lead with the way she rushed out of the police station. He searched the video promo she made with the body and he noticed that Ainsley had unlocked Violet’s phone.

So, Malcolm did his own search of the phone. He found the numbers and he didn’t know what that meant until Edrisa came in. Edrisa recognized one of the numbers for being very old. It had to belong to an old building like a library or a hotel or the Windsor School which has been around for centuries. Malcolm went racing to the school once he put everything together. He called Gil and JT on the way.

Malcolm was alone when he confronted Ms. Windsor. He demanded to know where his sister was and she tried to fob him off. She tried to lie. She claimed Ainsley wasn’t there and Malcolm saw through her. He also confronted her with the fact her personal phone number was found on the victim’s phone. Ms. Windsor said she would never use that phone but she suddenly realized who would and so she told Malcolm that his sister was in her office.

Malcolm went to the office. He didn’t find Ainsley there and he had been proven about the killer. The killer wasn’t a man. It was a woman. It was Ms. Windsor’s assistant Rachel. It’s why the killer used the date rape drug on her victims before she suffocates them. She didn’t have the strength to fight them on her own and she had needed the help.

Not that Rachel needed to drug Ainsley to follow her. Ainsley followed her all on her own because she was still concerned about getting the story and so it was until they were alone together that Ainsley began feeling drowsy. Rachel it seems wanted to kill Ainsley for the same reason she killed everyone else. She killed them for betraying the etiquettes they were taught at the school and she felt that way because she was Ms. Windsor’s daughter.

A secret daughter. Ms. Windsor fell in love with the wrong man and so her parents made her hide her pregnancy. She had her daughter in secret. She kept her daughter in a secret room inside the school and her daughter grew up watching Ms. Windsor give all of her attention to other girls. And so Rachel turned her hatred towards them.

Rachel was just about to kill Ainsley when Malcolm stopped her. Not that Ainsley truly needed him because she has a new nail polish that changes colors if it’s been near the date rape drug and so she only pretended to be knocked out. Ainsley got up while Rachel had a gun pointed at Malcolm. She was going to stab Rachel as she did with Endicott and Malcolm stopped her. He didn’t want his sister to kill another person. They ended up knocking out Rachel and using that opportunity to flee the house. And it came at the right time because Ms. Windsor blew up her own home/school to hide the fact she had a daughter outside the bonds of marriage.

The whole family was messed up, but Malcolm’s family wasn’t any better. His mother found out what he and Ainsley did and she turned to their serial killer father for help.


Kristine Francis:
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