Station 19 Recap 05/20/21: Season 4 Episode 13 “Comfortably Numb”

Station 19 Recap 05/20/21: Season 4 Episode 13 "Comfortably Numb"Station 19 Recap 05/20/21: Season 4 Episode 13 "Comfortably Numb"

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, May 20, 2021, season 4 episode 13 called, “Comfortably Numb,” and we have your Station 19 recap below.  On tonight’s Station 19 Season 4 Episode 13 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “Ben and Dean wrestle with life and death after the Black Fighter’s Coalition banquet.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 4 episode 13 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Maya is saying goodbye to her girlfriend, Carina. Carina is returning to Italy. She was unable to renew her visa and she has to go back to her home country however she also wants to go back. Carina’s country was tarn apart by Covid-19. She wants to go back to help heal her country and she was packing for a trip that didn’t have a return date. Carina doesn’t know when she’s coming back.

She doesn’t know when she’ll be allowed back. She lives with her girlfriend Maya and originally Maya was supposed to go with her. Maya hadn’t wanted to lose Carina. She thought she could go to Italy with her girlfriend and it would be fine and then she changed her mind. Maya has a lot to lose if she went. She was currently a captain in the Seattle Fire Department and she risked being fired if not demoted if she left her station in the middle of a crisis.

The whole country was experiencing Covid-19. There were also widespread protests after George Floyd was murdered and so the United States was dealing with a lot and Maya couldn’t leave. She chose to stay behind. She knows she risks losing Carina this way and she was scared. She doesn’t want to lose Carina. Yet, she also wasn’t telling Carina everything. Maya’s mother went back to her father.

Her father was abusive and her mother left after years of living in fear of him. Then the pandemic hit. Her mother got scared of being on her own and she moved back with her ex. She told Maya about it when it happened. Maya didn’t say anything to Carina and she waited until Carina’s last day to tell her what was happening. Carina was just as concerned as Maya was. She also wondered why Maya didn’t say anything before.

The two of them were talking about it as Ben was being admitted into the hospital. Ben was being treated for a condition in his downstairs area. It wasn’t STD. It was possibly cancer and so the team was making jokes about it while Andy was the one who acted as his emergency contact. She wanted to be there for him. She said her father would have wanted her to be there. Andy was with Ben and she decided to miss out on the latest protest with her husband.

Andy and Sullivan were okay. They were stronger than they were before and yet Andy warned Maya against proposing to Carina. She said rushed marriages went the answer. She and Sullivan love each other and were happy. Only that didn’t change all the things they went through to get there. Maya shouldn’t marry someone just to keep them in the country.

Maya should marry someone because she loves them. Admittedly, she always thought she would marry a man and so Carina was the first woman she ever became serious about. The two women were still talking about things they’ve said or haven’t said to their families when Jack experienced a crisis. He had been at home with his girlfriend and they were taking advantage of finally having childcare when they witnessed a woman falling out of the window of the third floor.

The woman’s name is Sonia. Sonia was having an affair with her grungy neighbor. They both thought his girlfriend came back home and so she tried to sneak out of the window when she fell. She fell right into a dumpster. Sonia said it’s what she deserves for cheating on a good man. Her husband loves her. She loves him. And so she doesn’t know why she tried to sabotage it.

Sonia said she freaked because of the pandemic. Either way, she landed in a dumpster and she was slowly losing feeling in her fingers. She also hurt all over. Sonia was saying how much she deserved landing in a dumpster when her husband came back and he overheard her complaints. Her husband knew she cheated on him with the neighbor. He attacked the neighbor and they were in a fight when the Fire Department arrived.

Jack wanted to stay with Sonia while she received treatment. He was with her when her husband returned and her husband told her off for running everything. He said that they were good. They had their groceries delivered every Tuesday. They had family game night every Thursday. They were good and then she did this. She just had to ruin it. Sonia was rushed to the hospital.

Jack and his girlfriend went back to their apartment. They finished where they left off but, for some reason, Jack wasn’t as into it as he was before. Jack sees his girlfriend as this fragile bird because he rescued her from an abusive marriage and she’s more than that. She’s her own person. She wants to be sexy and she wants to be wild and she doesn’t want to be on the pedestal. She wants to be a person. Inara is a wonderful woman.

She likes Jack and he needs to decide what he wants before he starts sleeping with the neighbor as some means of self-sabotage. The two were off getting busy as Maya and Carina fell into the worst argument to date. They had been happy. They were talking about the future and then Maya picked a fight about marriage. Carina didn’t want to get married. She viewed marriage as a trap because that’s what she saw with her parents.

Its also what Maya saw with hers. Yet, she picked a fight about getting married even if she wasn’t sure about it and she also asked for a break when she didn’t get her way. Carina was not surprised in the least. Carina knew that Maya would set out to sabotage them before she left and so she didn’t want a ride from Maya to the airport. S

he didn’t even want to look at Maya. Carina was going through so much with this deportation and Maya never once tried to get to know the immigration process, or about Carina’s heritage, or about Carina’s wishes for the future. She doesn’t want to get married. Ever. She thinks moving in with Maya was commitment enough and one day she envisioned having kids and it was after she said she wanted children that Maya picked a fight Carina went rushing to the airport.

Carina called a friend on her way there, her friend told her not to throw away what she had with Maya and so Carina went back to Maya. She realized that a piece of paper wasn’t enough to break up. Carina went back to Maya and she proposed. Maya admitted she wasn’t sure if she wanted kids. She said the world was a mess and it turns out they were both scared but they decided to take a risk on each other. And now they’re getting married.

Ben was later released from the hospital missing a certain part. He came out to see Maya and Carina kissing and so he was one of the first to congratulate them on their engagement.


Kristine Francis:
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