Station 19 Recap 05/27/21: Season 4 Episode 15 “Say Her Name”

Station 19 Recap 05/27/21: Season 4 Episode 15 "Say Her Name"Station 19 Recap 05/27/21: Season 4 Episode 15 "Say Her Name"

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, May 27, 2021, season 4 episode 15 called, “Say Her Name,” and we have your Station 19 recap below.  On tonight’s Station 19 Season 4 Episode 15 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “When Vic helps her parents through a devastating loss, they have a long-overdue conversation about the anguish of being Black in America.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 4 episode 13 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s episode of Station 19, Seattle was going through an upheaval. There was a bunch of protests for Black Lives Matter and Dixon was shown a lot. Dixon was former Fire Chief Dixon until he was forced to quit. He rejoined the police department and now he was the face of police response to the protests. He was on tv every day. He was asking for calm and he was telling protestors not to get violent.

But this was Dixon. Dixon was a horrible Fire Chief and he’s even worse as a cop. He didn’t care about people or businesses. Dixon was an arrogant white man who loved authority. He was against homosexuality and he refused to speak to his son after he came out as gay. Dixon also had disdain for women and people of color. And that he showed in abundance back when he was Fire Chief.

None of the firefighters were ever going to listen to someone like Dixon. They hated the sight of his face and so it sucks that he was on tv every day pretending to care about people. Vic was especially tired of the protest coverage. She was feeling spent after hearing about Breonna Taylor.

Taylor was killed at home after police entered the wrong address and so Vic’s heart broke when she heard that. She realized that it didn’t matter what black people did. They could be sleeping in their beds and still be killed. Vic just needed a break from it all. She changed the radio when they brought up the protests and she did the same when it was mentioned on tv. Vic also changed the topic whenever Jack mentioned some new fact he learned.

Jack did his research. He found out that police were originally used to terrorize slaves and, while slaves were technically freed, black men and women, can still be forced into unpaid labor. Jack didn’t know any of this before. He was doing his research as he heard about what’s happening and he has repeated everything he heard back to the team.

Jack was a font of information lately. It annoyed Vic and so she changed the subject whenever it was mentioned and she instead wanted to focus on other things. Like Maya getting married. Maya recently convinced his marriage-reluctant girlfriend to get married and Carina has to go to Italy while they wait for the marriage license. Maya told the team that she doubts she’ll have a wedding.

It will probably be a courthouse thing. She was also going to have a registry and so the team was informed and now have no reason to not get something from the registry. Vic was also cooking mussels for the first time. She was doing everything not to think about the outside world and then the worst happened.

A fire broke out at her parents’ restaurant. The restaurant was like another child in the family and so Vic called it her older sister. Vic and her station were called out to the fire. Vic didn’t even hesitate when she saw the whole building aflame. She ran in and she met up with her parents. Theo had been helping clear the building. Vic was too close to this one and so Maya ordered her to stay with her parents while the rest of the firefighters focused on controlling the fire.

There was a lot of media attention to this particular fire. It happened a few blocks down from a protest that had turned violent and so the press was all over this. They tried asking Maya questions. She told them to get out of the way. They next tried Vic’s parents and Vic and Miller told them to back off.

But then Miller ran into an issue with the police at the scene. The police recognized Miller from the lawsuit against the police department and they asked him to do his own crowd control only Maya stepped in and so did the police captain on the scene. The two women kept both sides separate. They were the calm ones. They kept the peace and the fire was eventually handled.

The fire was started by looters. The firefighters caught two white kids sneaking out back and they were able to detain one of them because he injured himself. The looters were not the same as the protestors. They had their own agenda. They merely attached to the protests because they wanted to create violence and they wanted to steal from upstanding businesses. Businesses like a restaurant.

Vic’s parents own and operate a restaurant. The only thing the looters could steal was money from the till and some food. Vic was upset about her parents’ restaurant had been targeted. She had needed time to process and her parents didn’t. They went into the building the second the firefighters cleared the scene because they wanted to salvage what they could of the restaurant. And so Vic shouted at them.

Vic told them that their way of handling things wasn’t okay. They just buried everything they were feeling in order to focus on work and that’s what she did too after she lost her fiancé, but she doesn’t want to do that anymore. She wants to feel her feelings. Vic was angry about Breonna Taylor who was a first responder who was killed in her home and the worst part is that it could have easily been her.

Vic was also a black female first responder. She was so scared at night of what could happen to her that she sleeps with a knife now. She knows a knife is no use against a bullet and still, she slept with it because she wanted to feel it. Vic stayed behind to help clean up. She and Montgomery and even Theo were cleaning up when the media came back.

The media wanted to turn the burning down of a business into a bigger story than black people dying. Vic was therefore surprised when both of her parents put the media in their place and said they would happily watch their business burn down again if it meant murderers will be held accountable.

Vic joined her parents. They recited the names of all innocent parties killed by the police. They made a stance and, back at the station house, the rest of the team were cleaning up. They were making dinner. They were also taking showers and doing their best to put what happened behind them. Then Maya received an email. The email was from the city and the city was pulling their license to operate a medical tent at the protests.

The city didn’t want it to appear that Seattle Fire Department was going against Seattle Police Department. There was no way to fight this ruling and so this was yet another power play from the police. Jack just didn’t get it. Jack was also concerned about his relationship with Inara.

He thinks he’s better off in a crisis than he is during peace. Jack doesn’t like talking about himself because he thinks and knows that bigger things are happening right now and so he buries what he feels. He buried about how wrong things feel with Inara. Jack was doing that while Vic had found her wall of achievements. Her parents clipped every article she was in and they still had playbills of every play she was ever in. Vic’s parents love her.

Vic realized that now. She also realized that her parents and most especially her white mother does know how it feels to raise a black child in America. Her mother was kicked out of the family for marrying a black man. Vic has never met her mother’s family because they wanted nothing to do with her or her father and Vic was a little girl when she was accused of stealing candy that her mother had just bought her. And Vic’s mother Lenya does understand how dangerous the world is for her but it was never going to stop her from loving her daughter.


Kristine Francis:
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