Station 19 Recap 10/21/21: Season 5 Episode 4 “100% Or Nothing”

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, October 21, 2021, season 5 episode 4 called, “100% Or Nothing,” and we have your Station 19 recap below.  On tonight’s Station 19 Season 5 Episode 4 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “Diane (Traci Thoms) returns to help with Crisis One intervention training for Station 19 and Station 23 firefighters. Meanwhile, Andy and Sullivan continue to be at odds, and Jack helps a young autistic man on a city bus on a new episode.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 5 episode 4 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Dr. Diane Lewis is back. The resident therapist in the Seattle Fire Department came back to Station 19 to host a seminar on conflict resolution and she invited everyone working with Crisis One. Crisis One is growing. It’s a program that Miller began. Its to help people without the need of calling for the local police and so the program was there to eliminate police shootings.

The police often aren’t equipped to handle certain calls. They don’t know how to handle people with mental issues and they would rather go for a gun than talk down a mentally unstable person with a weapon. But Crisis One is different. It’s there to make sure people receive treatment and that everyday individuals are handled with care. And so Miller was very proud of this program.

Miller created after his own brush with the police. Miller was a black man in America and he knew how dangerous and how often the local police would discharge their weapons as a first resort. He therefore created the program to save lives. The fact the police were glad not to accept emotional distress calls were a plus and Miller held out hope that one day the city would be willing to pay for the program.

He was currently paying for the program out of the settlement money the city paid him after his wrongful arrest. Miller devoted all of the settlement for this project and unfortunately no one wanted to take it seriously. Lewis tried pairing people together to get things started at the seminar. She unfortunately paired Andy and Sullivan together.

They were asked to play a waring married couple. It started off as acting and towards the end it got very real. Thankfully, an emergency call broke it up. Maya took Sullivan on the call while everyone stayed behind and so Diane tried asking Beckett to step in but Theo chose to volunteer just to head the Beckett thing off. Captain Beckett and Andy had slept together. It was something she instantly regretted and she didn’t want anyone finding out about it.

Theo was the only one who knew. He guessed it himself and that’s why he volunteered to act as the husband in the situation. Diane asked Vic to be the mediator. She and Theo ended up flirting and Diane quickly realized that she had once again made a mistake when she was pairing people off.

Miller told her that he would handle it. He acted as the mediator for a situation and he quickly lost his patience with it. He wasn’t a teacher. Diane is. Miller was a leader and so he had to lead. Miller and the others all took a break. They got to talking and Vic asked her boyfriend who “Teresa” was? Theo had called his fake wife by that name and so he explained that Teresa was an ex-girlfriend. She was crazy.

Vic told him that she hates when men call women crazy and he said it was actually true in this case. Teresa was committed. So, was another a girlfriend of his. Theo has had two girlfriends that needed to be committed and so his excuse was that he has a type and Vic didn’t know if she should be offended or not.

The team continued with the scenarios. Ben was great at it. Ben was able to talk people down without pushing and Jack later put what he learned into action. Crisis One got a call. Jack, Vic, and Emmett responding to a young man in distress. The young man’s name is Myles. Myles fell asleep on the bus and so the bus driver woke him up. Only Myles flipped out on the driver. He kept shouting “Do Not Touch me” over and over again.

Myles was clearly in distress. He thought the bus driver was trying to steal his bag and that’s why he reacted like he did. He fell back in the tussle with the driver. He scratched his hand and it was bleeding. Jack tried to get Myles to show him his hand but Myles was firm on no one touching him. He couldn’t even recognize the fact that Jack was trying to help.

Then there was the call that Maya and Sullivan were on. They were called in after a guy came home drunk and tried to get into his house using the doggy door. He became stuck. His wife woke up to find him there and so the two were yelling at each other the whole time the firefighters were getting him out of the door.

They didn’t stop fighting until the guy came out of the door with a long gash in his chest. His wife was so freaked out after that she ended up begging him not to die. The couple had been fighting because after twenty years together the wife said she had wanted kids. The wife went through cancer treatment. She could no longer have children and so the husband didn’t know how to respond because he didn’t know how to fix it. He just continued drinking.

Both Sullivan and Maya saw their own marriage as they helped those people. It made Maya scared that one day her wife would resent her for them not having kids and it made Sullivan think about how his marriage is basically at the doggy door stage. Sullivan realized maybe he should let Andy go.

She already served him the divorce papers and Sullivan didn’t want to hold onto someone who wanted to let go. But Andy wasn’t sure she wanted to let go. Andy talked to Diane one on one and she realized that she might have overreacted. She was feeling blinding anger when if she really stopped loving Sullivan then she wouldn’t be feeling at all. And so Andy went looking for Sullivan at the end of the day.

She found him out on the cat walk. Sullivan gave her the divorce papers and told her that he signed. He was also called out on another call before Andy could tell him how she was feeling.


Kristine Francis:
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