Station 19 Recap 12/09/21: Season 5 Episode 7 “A House Is Not A Home”

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, December 9, 2021, season 5 episode 7 called, “A House Is Not A Home,” and we have your Station 19 recap below.  On tonight’s Station 19 Season 5 Episode 7 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “Vic and Jack lean on one another as they process the loss of Dean while Ben and Bailey try to convince Dean’s parents to allow them to raise Pru. Meanwhile at Station 23, Andy’s role temporarily expands and Sullivan subs in. Carina and Maya explore growing their family.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 5 episode 7 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Gibson hasn’t been back to work since Thanksgiving. He took some personal time. His best friend had just died and he wasn’t back mentally or physically to do the job and so its good he took the time. It was clearly needed. Gibson has sort of also distanced himself from everyone. He hasn’t reached out. He hasn’t returned calls and so Montgomery thought Vic should reach out to him.

Vic was also struggling with Miller’s death. Montgomery thought it would be nice if she and Jack could babysit each other and he nagged Vic until she called Jack. Jack was at Miller’s house. He’s been staying there for a while and no one thought it was healthy. They all thought he was living in a shrine to Miller. They also didn’t have the legal permission to let him stay at the house. Miller’s home went to his daughter Pru. And they were still fighting custody over her.

On one side, there was Pru’s grandparents. They had just lost their only son and so they wanted to devote their time and money into raising their granddaughter. It didn’t matter that this wasn’t Miller’s wishes. Miller didn’t want his parents raising his child if anything happened to him. He thought they would take his daughter away from the friends that have become her family and that they wouldn’t teach her the values he came to love in himself. Miller wanted to give his daughter to Ben and his wife Bailey. Ben and Bailey know the little girl. They are great parents to two boys and they would love to have a little girl of their own but they aren’t as well-off as Miller’s parents. Pru’s grandparents also entered an arrangement with Pru’s other grandparents.

Pru’s mother abandoned her when she was a few days old. She went back to Hong Kong and it seems her parents wanted a relationship with their grandchildren and therefore they made an arrangement. Pru would be raised in Seattle by her paternal grandparents. She would then spend her summers with her maternal grandparents on their yacht in the Mediterranean Sea. Pru would want for nothing. But she wouldn’t have her father’s friends in her life. She wouldn’t even have her name because her grandparents want to change it to her middle name. Ben and Bailey had given Jack permission to stay on the houseboat and he was there when Miller’s parents came in packing everything up.

They had signed the mortgage. They owned a half of it. They were also going to sell it and erase the fact had anything to do with the Seattle Fire Department. To them, that wasn’t the biggest shame there is. They didn’t see their son as a hero or a noble first responder. They just saw that he wasted his college education on a career that didn’t really need it and so they were selling the place.

They kicked out Jack. They were fighting Ben and Bailey over custody and Bailey wasn’t sure if she wanted to fight. She knew it was Miller’s wishes. But she also knew that Pru would be dragged into a custody battle and she didn’t want that affecting the child. Bailey was genuinely what was in the best interests of the child and unfortunately might be walking.

Jack meanwhile went to Vic’s place. She started out by trying to put up a towel rack in her bathroom and she ended up wanting to redo it entirely. She needed something to help her vent. Jack needed the same. He came over and they demolished the bathroom. Hitting the tile with a sledge hammer had helped them through their grief and the others was also choosing to move Miller’s death by devoting themselves to work. Andy was still interim captain of Station 23. She had needed a probie to fill in and unfortunately Sullivan was sent. Sullivan being around had made her testy. It also didn’t help that she had members of her new team questioning her judgement and her every decision.

Theo did his best to help when he could. The other probie at the station couldn’t help because she was being hazed and she saw how Andy was being treated and she didn’t want to ostracize herself from the group. Station 23 was dealing with the fire at an apartment building. Andy gave orders. There was one person who refused to listen to her and he went running into danger in spite of everything. Sullivan and Theo on the other hand were rescuing people.

Andy was figuring out how to earn respect as Montgomery was helping his mother move. It turns out his mother wanted to leave his father and the house. She didn’t take the news well that her husband is gay or that she let the man bully her son throughout his entire life. And so she finally apologized to Montgomery.

Jack and Vic also had a come to Jesus moment when Jack finally let the tears flow. Jack then proceeded to make it awkward when he kissed Vic. But Ben and Bailey tried to talk Miller’s parents into a peaceful resolution and they refused to do it. They even called Ben and Bailey selfish for wanting Pru. The little girl has already lost her father. She would lose another father if something ever happened to Ben as well and so there didn’t seem like there would be a resolution until Pru’s grandparents called the couple. They said Pru woke up crying. She was asking for Bailey and so the grandparents know now that cutting off everyone to save themselves the hurt isn’t what’s best for the little girl.

Andy and Sullivan also a nasty confrontation after she showed some ruthlessness on the job, but then she told him that she slept with his captain and he walked away.


Kristine Francis:
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