Teen Mom OG Recap 03/16/21: Season 9 Episode 8 “Better Days Are Coming”

Teen Mom OG Recap 03/16/21: Season 9 Episode 8 "Better Days Are Coming"Teen Mom OG Recap 03/16/21: Season 9 Episode 8 "Better Days Are Coming"

Tonight on MTV Teen Mom OG returns with an all-new Tuesday, March 16, 2021, episode and we have your Teen Mom recap below. On tonight’s Teen Mom OG Season 9 episode 8 called, “Better Days Are Coming,” as per the MTV synopsis, “First comes love, then comes… baby?! Cheyenne and Zach are definitely feeling some pressure from their families to get engaged.”

Teen Mom OG should be another episode filled with crazy drama. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Teen Mom recap tonight from 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait, don’t forget to check out all our Teen Mom recaps, spoilers, news & More, right here.

Tonight’s Teen Mom OG recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s episode of Teen Mom OG, Cheyenne is 10 weeks pregnant. She is happy to be able to have her mom and Zack in the delivery room. Her whole family wants them to get married. Even his dad wonders if they are going to marry. Over dinner with him, they explain they need time.

Catelynn and Tyler are working on registering to vote as the 2020 election is coming up. They talk about all of the scary things going on. Tyler’s family comes to visit. They get into voting and politics. Things get a little heated.

Amber cancels a hang-out with her daughter. She thinks she might have covid and needs to get tested. Leah gets mad and lashes out at her, bringing up the past. Amber just wants to sit and talk with her to straighten all of this out.

Mackenzie and the kids have been in Florida for a few weeks. Josh is coming to visit. She is nervous. They pick him up. He isn’t feeling well. He has a headache. Mackenzie comments at his lack of excessive to see them.

Maci’s friend calls her. Bentley’s grandfather has told the press they cannot see him. Maci won’t let them. Maci gets upset. None of that is true.

Catelynn heads to see her in-laws. She is wearing a BLM shirt. He has a Trump flag. He asks her about her shirt. She tells Tyler at home later. He gets angry.

Gary and his wife are putting a puzzle together. They talk about Leah and Amber. She missed out a lot on Leah’s life because of prison and boyfriends. Gary has tried to explain all of this to Amber. She needs to try and spend time with Leah.

Ryan’s parents talk about how he spoke with the tabloids. He didn’t want to be mean. She thinks they both should not be talking to anyone.

Mackenzie and Josh bring the kids fishing. She is trying to work on their relationship and forget the past. Later, she calls her friend and expresses how Josh is so different. Her friend reminds her that he has done this before. What will he do when normal sets in?

They and Zack look at engagement rings together with a sales rep via video. Later, she meets up for dinner with her dad. He wants to know what the hold-up is. She shares how they have been looking at rings. He laughs. Rings don’t matter, he tells her before confessing he bought her mom a fake diamond and she had no idea until after the divorce.

Catelynn and Tyler bring the kids to vote. After, they hang on their porch and talk about how great they feel having voted.

Amber has lunch with her mom to get her opinion about Leah and what to do. Amber understands her past was rough for both of them but she wants to focus on the future.

Ryan and his wife talk about Maci and her actions with Bentley. Ryan’s wife thinks Maci is petty. At Maci’s, they talk about what to do with this situation. She doesn’t care if the whole family comes for her all day long. She only cares about Bentley.

They and Zack have lunch. He tells her he wants to propose on his terms. It will be before the baby comes. Meanwhile, Josh wants to stay with Mackenzie and the kids. She wants them to really try.


Sarah Luoma:
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