The Masked Dancer Recap 01/13/21: Season 1 Episode 3 “These Masks Don’t Lie”

The Masked Dancer Recap 01/13/21: Season 1 Episode 3 "These Masks Don't Lie"

Tonight on FOX The Masked Dancer airs with an all-new Wednesday, January 13, 2021, Season 1 Episode 3 and we have your The Masked Dancer recap below. On tonight’s The Masked Dancer season, 1 episodes 3 called “These Masks Don’t Lie,” as per the FOX synopsis, “The four dancers from the series premiere episode return for the “Group A” finals. Guess alongside host Craig Robinson and panelists Ken Jeong, Paula Abdul, Brian Austin Green and Ashley Tisdale.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our The Masked Dancer recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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It started with ten, two were eliminated, but the battle to keep it on has just begun. Eight remain, all trying for place in the super 6. Tonight group B is back. The Sloth, the Cotton Candy, the Zebra, Miss Moth are all on stage. Our judges are Brian Austin Green, Ashley Tisdale, Paula Abdul and Ken Jeong. Tonight our guest panelist is two time Emmy nominated member of the Fox family, Cheryl Hines.

The Zebra is up first and here some more clues; he has had a promotion to Z.E.O., UFC, he won medals and tonight he is going to bring the sexy out of the zebra. One word clue: Champion.

Cheryl: “I’m new to this, so to see somebody dancing with a full costume on is impressive. I don’t even think I could walk in the outfit. Your partner was very trusting and brave I thought. You spun her around and took care of her, once in a while there was this weird hip thrust and it was very entertaining. Maybe it’s a comedian.” Paula: “ The Zebra moves like a boxer.

I was thinking A-Rod because in the clue package you look like someone who likes to help people. A-Rod is a ZEO, he likes to help little zebras. But then your frame is not A-Rod’s frame, so I I think you are Floyd Mayweather.” Ashley: “I got some Tony Robbins vibe, he mentors people and helps others. Or maybe Mario Lopez vibes. Mario knows how to shake it and knows how to dance.” Brian: “Yes the footwork thing is something that boxers do. The UFO and UFC stuck out to me, I am going with Tito Ortiz.”

Cotton Candy, more clues; she grew up in a place that was carefree and simple for everyone but her, it was so hard to balance practice with everything else in her life. She missed out on so many milestones, and she felt iced out from kids her age, she even missed her high school prom. One word clue: Team Player.

Cheryl: “That is someone who seems like a professional athlete because that is not easy. I loved the butt wiggle. I think you were on an Olympic team. I think you are Tara Lipinski.” Paula: “When I see dancing like that it takes core strength. I think you might be Janet Dewan.” Ashley: “This was so different than the first performance you had, you either a gymnast, a professional dancer or an ice skater. I think you are a dancer. You had ice skating in your background, Tara Lipinski.” Ken: “Technically your performance was so sound.” Brian: “I think you are a figure skater. You won Dancing With the Stars at one point, Kristi Yamaguchi.

Miss Moth, more clues; it was her choice to not let her past define her future, and we see a photo of Queen Elizabeth in the background, she is a survivor. One word clue: Best Seller.

Brian: “That was really fun, you move really well, confident, maybe this is something new for you but you really enjoy it, that comes across when you dance. Based on the clue package last time Paula and I thought Monica Lewinsky. But, this time this is Elizabeth Smart.” Ken: “You are really telling a wonderful story when you dance from beginning to end. You may be a model, someone who has a lot of experience on the catwalk. And I think this may be Karlie Kloss. The White House clues.”

Ashley: “I am thinking she is an author.” Cheryl: “She does not come off as someone who is a professional dancer but definitely someone that is powerful in some capacity. I am getting an Omarosa vibe. I was thinking about Megan Kelly, she would feel this stature and she is confident, she also had a best seller.” Paula: “Your physique is tall, I think you are Elisabeth Hasselbeck or Kathy Griffin.

The Sloth, more clues; we see some sports, when he was young he moved to a new place with a new language, he had a reputation as a bad boy, it is not easy for him to be vulnerable. One word clue: Leading Man.

Brian: “I think he is a trained dancer. I think you are in really good shape.” Cheryl: “I don’t think you are a trained dancer, I didn’t get that vibe. I think you are a tall comedian, Keegan-Michael Key.” Ken: “You are the one to beat, you are my favorite. Could be an actor who can dance. We saw the boombox, I thought John Cusack. Thinking more, Jonathan Groth.” Ashley: “You are so cute, but you are like a huge comedian. I know someone who stands just like you. You are giving me Will Ferrell vibes.” Paula: “You are going to be around a long time.

Fans must choose their favorite of the night, the one with the least amount of votes will go home. And it is Miss Moth.

Brian thinks it is Elizabeth Smart, Ashley is going for Jewel, Cheryl for Megan Kelly, Ken for Karlie Kloss, Paul for Kathy Griffin.

Miss Moth is Elizabeth Smart