The Resident Recap 10/19/21: Season 5 Episode 5 “The Thinnest Veil”

Tonight on FOX their new medical drama The Resident airs with an all-new Tuesday, October 19, 2021, episode and we have your The Resident recap below.  On tonight’s The Resident season 5 episode 5, “The Thinnest Veil”  as per the FOX synopsis, “While looking for a distraction on Halloween, Conrad treats a group of witches who send the ER into chaos; Devon treats a patient who thinks he is being haunted by ghosts; Bell picks up a hitchhiker who is not what he seems.”

The Resident season 5 episode 1 air at 8 PM – 9 PM ET on FOX. Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Resident recap! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

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The Resident begins tonight with Conrad Hawkins (Matt Czuchry) waking up after having a sweet dream of being with Nicolette Nevin (Emily VanCamp). He hears Gigi and gets up to get her breakfast and dressed. Meanwhile, at the hospital daycare, Kit Voss (Jane Leeves) brings her magic bag and brings out a skeleton; Conrad arrives, saying he didn’t bring her a costume nor does he have one for himself, admitting to Kit that even though it is his day off he is hoping they can use the extra hands as he needs a distraction.

Devon Pravesh (Manish Dayal) and Leela Devi (Anuja Joshi) are dressed up and tending the ER; both looking for a new place for them to live in. She admits that she believes in ghosts, Irving Feldman (Tasso Feldman) freaking them out with his costume and knife. They are surprised to see Conrad in the ER, saying he is not prepared to be there but Gigi needed a change. The EMTs bring in a patient who is screaming at the top of her lungs, she steals Leela’s witch hat, then asks her how dare she, vomiting all over her. Devon tends to her wounds as he pages for Billie Sutton (Jessica Lucas).

Irving seems to be having his own issues with a patient, who insists he is burning her while trying to get her vitals. Conrad’s patient is cuffed to the bed to prevent her from hurting anyone, she panics when the blood pressure cuff inflates. He asks her to stay still so he can draw blood but she is squirming too much, him commenting that this is definitely a distraction.

Kit calls Randolph Bell (Bruce Greenwood), who said he enjoyed his sailing trip; their call is cutting in and out as she tells him not to pick up any hitchhikers but that is exactly what he does when they hang up.

Conrad’s patient wants to see her girls, Holly and Cat. She says they were just preparing their Samhain ceremony, explaining what Samhain is and that Halloween originates from Samhain and if he pays attention he can see the spirits as they are all around them. She puts her hand on her abdomen complaining about the pain so Conrad says he is going to order a scan and tests, but can’t help and stare at another doctor, thinking it could be Nic for a moment.

Devon is encouraged to take the place him and Leela are looking at, even though someone died there a few years prior. He proceeds to his next patient, Ethan’s room, who is having chest pain. He has been experiencing this ever since they moved into their home and feels it is crawling with spirits, he finds it horrifying but his girlfriend loves it. Ethan says he is not a prankster but he has seen things in the house that ain’t right and believes they have followed him there; the gripping feeling on his chest and heart happen as Devon says he is sure that is not the case but Ethan says he can prove ghosts exist as he has it on video.

Devon and AJ Austin (Malcolm-Jamal Warner) watch the video on Ethan’s phone, Devon trying to explain everything off but AJ saying they can assume the house is filled with vindictive spirits and he needs to challenge the spirits and earn their respect; fear alone sustains them and he cannot let them win. He informs them that he lived across the street from a cemetery in his youth and he made those spirits fear him more than he feared them and they could not hurt him. Devon asks him if their treatment plan is for Ethan to stand up to ghosts and AJ says yes, but they are also going to find out what is happening medically.

Randolph chats away with his hitch hiker, saying he needs to play at his strengths and that is how they find their place. He tells the hiker to stay quiet when Kit calls him, but Mike says hi to him too, asking Randolph to call him when he drops off his new friend. Mike is surprised that Randolph is not going to tell Kit the truth and feels it is not good to be dishonest.

AJ finds Billie who is with her patient, who is suffering from hallucinations. She calls AJ Doctor Angel, insisting she sees his halo. He says he does in fact have a halo but they are going to order an EKG. Meanwhile, Devon finds Conrad telling him that AJ believes in ghosts. Devon thinks everyone there is on some sort of drug but Conrad says they won’t know until they get the tox screens back. Devon wants to know what Conrad was listening to and he plays back Nic’s message on his phone. Devon reminds him that he can go home, but Conrad says it is worse at home and he’d rather be there. One of their patients begins screaming and they rush into the room, ordering an EKG as she codes; both concerned this could happen again.

Ethan is lying on his gurney when he sees the water pitcher moving across the table and suddenly panics, AJ and Devon running in, trying to calm him down as AJ says they need to get a chest CT. Conrad returns to see his patient who’s stats are dropping and she is talking to no one in particular. The nurse says besides hallucinating, she was fine a second ago. They shock her system, but just as they are about to inject her with various medications she jumps up saying she just died but now she is back. She says there is no light, no tunnel and she didn’t see him. Her son, the one who died and she couldn’t see his face. Conrad is told this isn’t the best case for him and to let Devon take over, but he wants to see this case through.

Irving opens the curtains, now needing a code green as Cat is now gone. Cat is in the bathroom, where the lights are flashing and she stares into the mirror. She reaches out and touches the mirror and it cracks, looking through the mirror she sees a dark cloud surround her from behind. She screams, causing the staff to find her and restrap her to the gurney. Conrad tells Irving that their tox screens are clean but they do have hyperglycemia.

Devon shows Ethan that he has a medical condition that is causing his body to feel like he is having a panic attack and Dr Austin can remove it in the OR; nothing to do with spirits.

Kit watches the news, where they are talking about a hunt for a serial killer that is underway in rural Georgia and the suspect’s name is Michael. He is likely armed and dangerous. Kit attempts to call Randolph, but it goes straight to his voicemail. She tells him she saw something on TV that worries her and asks him to call her back.

Conrad and AJ speak to their patient who admits she sees the halo too but everything looks yellow. Both wondering if a rival witch or coven would want to poison them as the only thing they can think of that would cause this is the highly poisonous foxglove. Conrad suggests giving them a medication to see if it helps reverse the affects.

Mike asks Randolph what it is like being a surgeon and he says it is intoxicating. He doesn’t think anyone can hold the euphoria he feels when he has a scalpel in his hand. Mike wants to know if he has ever killed anyone, forcing him to admit mistakes happen in the OR but Mike pushes him asking if he has done something, knowing it was wrong and did it anyway. Randolph doesn’t answer but Mike asks him to turn left down a side road and says he is about 5 minutes that way if it isn’t too much trouble.

As they prepare for surgery, the doctors discuss their patient being Wiccan, Dr Sutton saying she read the Tibetan book of the Dead after Nic died and she wants to believe what she read to be true as she misses Nic so much. She gathers up her thoughts and walks into the OR determined to get through it.

Mike stops Randolph in the middle of nowhere who says he knows his way in the dark, as Randolph wonders if there is a problem when he doesn’t get out. Mike poses the same question again as Randolph insists he gets out of the car. Mike saying he feels they are cut from the same cloth as he is good at reading people and he knows that Randolph has taken lives and if he keeps secrets, they become burdens. Mike pulls out a knife, saying that Randolph is lying to him and he knows how Mike feels about dishonesty and says he should tell him the truth.

Randolph tells him a story of doing a surgery when he had a problem and shouldn’t have even held a blade in his hand. He knew he was a risk and killed someone in a simple surgery that shouldn’t have been risky. Randolph confesses that there was no punishment for him because the white coat is a shield. He didn’t get away with it because that death haunts him everyday and he lives with the guilt. Mike doesn’t feel guilt. Mike says it is a pleasure to make his acquaintance and tells Randolph to drive safe before he exits the car. Randolph quickly gets out of the area.

AJ performs Ethan’s surgery with Devi, saying the ghosts are getting a bad rep as they were what brought him to the hospital and they found his life threatening tumor. She says ghosts freak her out. Conrad brings his patient to see Cat, asking her what she put in the tea this morning; learning she added the foxglove. She is so sorry but everyone is well but feels she should have kept the bottles separate. Conrad realizes he knows his patient as him and Nic used to go to her bookstore all the time and he remembers her son.

He offers his condolences as she asks about his wife, sensing and admitting she asked a nurse about her. He sits by her bedside and explains how he feels like he is in some alternate space where nothing makes sense, but he has a daughter and she keeps him going. He says he doesn’t believe in ghosts as she wonders if Nic has visited him yet. He reveals he has dreams about her that feel very real but then he wakes up and she is still gone. He learns she is with him and always will be just like her son is with her and his memories and dreams keep her alive; death cannot take her away. Conrad tears up as she reminds him that her love will always live with him.

Kit is offering the leftover candy to any kids that come into the hospital, but stops short when she sees Randolph walking in. They hug as she tells him she was so worried about him, thinking he was dead in some ditch somewhere. He promises he won’t be riding down any dark roads any time soon. The news is on, Randolph looks at the TV revealing to Kit that the serial killer was his hitch hiker and at some point he will tell her but right now he just wants to go for a drink.

Devon finds AJ, pushing that AJ about his beliefs in ghosts. AJ is followed by Devon and Irving as he explains about what used to be on the property before Chastain was built. AJ and another doctor warn Devon to stay away from one of the rooms in the hospital as it is haunted and he may see something extraordinary in there. Devon, of course, needs to check it out, a light turning on by itself with Devon calling out but nothing. He then is startled by a janitor in a Jason mask and suddenly the lights turn on in the room he walked out of.

Devon finds Leela, saying they should just take the apartment she wants. He denies that AJ didn’t get into his head, but they should make sure the place wasn’t built on some burial ground before they sign the lease. Conrad wants them to come over for dinner, telling them to only bring themselves. He carries Gigi into the house, apologizing for not having a costume for her; but before he can walk into the house he finds a package of something Nic ordered, and it is a costume for Gigi. Conrad saying that mommy is still looking out for them and puts the chicken costume on Gigi, bringing her out to say goodnight to everyone in the living room. Billie takes her from Conrad, wanting to put her to bed.

Everyone takes their seat as their going to eat Thai food, Nic’s favorite. Conrad says they are going to do a dumb supper, dumb as in silent. It is a pagan ritual to honor the ones they have lost; silence among friends and thinking of their memories on Samhain, which is tonight, when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest. He encourages everyone to speak from their heart as everyone closes their eyes, tearing up over those they have lost.

Conrad thanks everyone for coming as Kit tells him that was really beautiful. Billie hugs him, wishing him a goodnight. Conrad closes the door, turning off the lights and heading upstairs where he opens the door to see a 5 year old Gigi, dressed as an astronaut, saying he got her the best costume ever.


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