The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Thursday, February 11 – Rey’s Marriage Ultimatum Fails – Sharon Cheats With Adam

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Thursday, February 11 – Rey’s Marriage Ultimatum Fails - Sharon Cheats With Adam

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers update for Thursday, February 11, reveals that some gripping drama’s on the way. Impeachment trial coverage could mean this episode will be delayed, so keep that in mind as you prepare for some soapy turmoil in Genoa City.

For starters, Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) is waiting for Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasuso) when he arrives home from the station.

Sharon talks about how when Rey saw her with Adam Newman (Mark Grossman), Adam was emotional over Chelsea Lawson’s (Melissa Claire Egan) situation and was thanking Sharon for her help.

However, Sharon knows things might’ve looked more intimate than that and wonders how Rey’s feeling. Rey says he’s doing his best to compartmentalize – to separate his feelings about Adam being Sharon’s ex out of the equation.

Unfortunately, seeing Adam holding Sharon’s hand in their own home blew all Rey’s “careful calculations to hell.” All Rey wants is this pariah out of their lives. “As your husband, as a police detective, as a person who just believes in basic human decency, Adam disgusts me,” Rey declares.

Sharon gets why Rey would feel that way, but Rey interrupts and insists Sharon always prioritizes Adam’s needs over everything else. Sharon chooses Adam every single time according to Rey.

Of course, Sharon argues that she chose Rey when she married him. Even so, Rey feels like Sharon always goes running to help Adam and does whatever he needs.

Rey understood when Sharon helped Adam in Vegas, but the strength of “Shey’s” relationship didn’t hold. Sharon couldn’t stay away from Adam.

Rey recalls how they found their way back to each other, but then Connor Newman (Judah Mackey) started struggling – and Rey understood that Sharon had to help then, too.

Then, it was Adam’s childhood trauma. Rey tried to understand once again, but Sharon lied to him after returning from Kansas. Sharon took off and tracked Adam down to his motel room.

Rey recalls how when Adam said he was leaving town, it was like a weight was lifted – like it was finally over.

“But it’s not over! It’s never over! Adam isn’t going anywhere!” Rey shouts. Sharon contends that Chelsea’s stroke changed things. She notes that if Adam remains in Genoa City, it’s not like she’ll be spending time with him.

Rey snaps that Adam always comes back for more – and Sharon always lets him. Rey just wants to know why.

Sharon says Adam is only back in her life because Chelsea is going through a horrible medical crisis, and she’s in a unique position to help her. Rey feels like Chelsea would probably choose anyone else over Sharon.

Rey adds that one of two things is happening here. One is that Sharon is too weak-willed and susceptible to Adam’s influence, which Rey refuses to believe. The other option is that Sharon is getting something out of this.

Rey feels Sharon wants to be the one who saves Adam and supports him – the one Adam can always count on. “It almost sounds like wedding vows,” Rey says. Sharon counters that there’s no comparison between what she feels for Rey and what she feels for Adam.

Rey doesn’t doubt that Sharon loves him, but he also thinks on some level is that Sharon’s still in love with Adam. What scares Rey most is that it’s the kind of love that may never completely go away.

Sharon admits Adam matters to her and that they share a history, but Rey is her husband. She’s insulted over the way Rey’s acting like he doubts her vows to him.

Rey feels like Sharon’s getting defensive and warns he’s drawing a line in the sand. He doesn’t want Sharon to see Adam again for any of the reasons they come up with. Rey knows he doesn’t have a right to give Sharon an ultimatum, but he’s doing it anyway.

Rey pushes Sharon to put his needs above Adam’s. If Sharon can’t do that, Rey feels like they’ll both know her bond with Adam is unbreakable and that this marriage was a mistake.

Sharon can’t believe Rey’s threatening their marriage because he walked in her holding hands with Adam. Rey snaps that this isn’t about handholding.

“Oh, poor Adam! Always with some crisis! Always with some rationale to pull you into him!” Rey yells. He wonders if Sharon’s in denial, but she maintains that no affair’s going on – nothing like that’s happening.

Rey counters that not every betrayal is sexual. In fact, sometimes the ones that aren’t are the most painful.

At Adam’s penthouse on Thursday’s Young and the Restless episode, he checks in with Chelsea’s nurse and learns she’s sleeping peacefully. Adam admits he’s having trouble winding down, so he’s going out for a while.

On Elena Dawson (Brytni Sarpy) and Nate Hastings’ (Sean Dominic) beach trip, Nate gets out of bed and finds Elena outside. Elena woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep, so she thought listening to the waves might help.

Nate’s surprised Elena’s struggling to relax considering they’re thousands of miles away from Genoa City – completely unplugged.

Nate thinks Elena should come back to bed and fall asleep in the arms of the man who adores her. Nevertheless, Nate can tell that something’s bothering Elena. She admits to having a dream that shook her up, so Nate asks if it was about Devon Hamilton (Bryton James).

Nate feels like something changed after Elena called him by Devon’s name earlier. He wonders if even when Elena’s not actively trying to think of Devon, perhaps Devon is still somewhere in her psyche.

It would make sense given the impact Devon’s had on Elena’s life. Nate just can’t help but worry this is all happening too fast.

Elena argues that it was her idea to take this trip and insists she’s happy. Nate reminds Elena that she can’t sleep and feels like there’s something she isn’t telling him. Elena tries to distract Nate by insisting she wants him to make love to her until the sun comes up.

Later, Nate’s fully dressed and standing by the door when Elena awakens in bed. Nate’s thinking about Elena’s subtle body language with Devon the last few times she saw him. Now Elena’s restless and evading questions with lovemaking.

There was an urgency and a desperation when Elena made love to Nate this last time. Nate thinks Elena is hiding something and suggests she’s got a secret. He knows the signs since they kept a similar secret under wraps.

“You slept with Devon, didn’t you?” Nate asks. “Yes,” Elena admits softly. She’s sorry and reveals it happened during the storm.

After Elena recaps the story, she talks about how they had to figure out if there was anything left between them. Nate wonders if it was a goodbye for Devon and Elena – or a goodbye for Elena and Nate.

Elena suggests she’s putting Devon behind her, but Nate isn’t so sure and doesn’t think she knows what she wants. Nate has some thinking to do, so he goes to take a walk by the beach.

Back in GC at his penthouse, Devon’s shirtless on the sofa and takes a drink from his water bottle. “What are you doing down here?” Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan) asks after descending the staircase following their lovemaking session. “Did I scare you away?”

Devon teases that “scary” isn’t how he’d describe what they just did. He explains that he had to rehydrate and prepare for whatever else the night might bring.

Amanda likes the idea of the night not being over and could go for one of those. “Water or me?” Devon quips. Amanda says both and wants to know more about Devon’s body art.

Devon suggests it’s like he’s the professor and Amanda is the student, so they dabble in roleplay. After Devon explains more of his tattoos, Amanda decides it’s getting warm in there.

Devon agrees it’s pretty hot and asks Amanda what she has in mind when she says she needs more than water.

After Amanda and Devon have some ice cream, they flirt and reflect on being happy about where the night ended up. Amanda nervously asks what this all means.

At Society, Adam finds Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) at a table and realizes he’s up late, too. Victor asks about Chelsea, so Adam admits there’s been no change. They talk about how it’s not in the Newman genes to be patient.

Adam says he’s keeping himself together for Chelsea’s sake, but his emotions are a jumbled mess. If it wasn’t for Sharon grounding him, Adam would be all over the place.

Victor wonders what Sharon has to do with any of this. Adam explains that Sharon is helping with the psychological aspect of Chelsea’s recovery.

Victor wonders if there isn’t someone more qualified to help, but Adam defends the decision and insists there’s no one who knows them better than Sharon. Victor notes that this brings Sharon back into Adam’s orbit and suggests it’s funny how that always seems to happen.

“Is it because she is drawn to you or do you pull her back into your life, is that it?” Victor asks. Adam doesn’t even know how to answer that, but he guesses that they both care about each other’s well-being and happiness.

Adam assures Victor that it’s a friendship. “What else would it be?” Adam wonders. Victor doesn’t know and chuckles about how only Adam would know that.

Adam insists he’s in love with Chelsea, so Victor backs off and insists he’s not accusing his son of anything. Victor decides to be honest and admit he’s never trusted Chelsea, who has a history of deception and self-preservation.

However, Victor can acknowledge that Chelsea has been a good mother to Connor and was there for Adam when he was falling apart.

Adam says that’s right and now he intends to be there for Chelsea, too. “And yet there’s this primal connection between you and Sharon,” Victor points out. Adam just wants Chelsea to get better and doesn’t want to have this conversation anymore.

Talk turns to when Adam revealed his name change to Adam Wilson, but Adam admits he could never escape being Victor’s son – with all the bad and good that comes with it.

Afterward, Adam runs into Sharon as he turns to leave Society. Adam’s apologetic about putting Sharon in a tight spot by asking her to help with Chelsea.

If Adam’s being honest, perhaps he really wanted Sharon to be there for him and offer comfort. Sharon isn’t sure she deserves the apology since maybe she had ulterior motives for helping as well. Adam reflects on how they can never quite figure out “this thing” between them.

Sharon tries to end the conversation and insists that she has to keep moving forward. She reflects on ending her cancer treatments and getting married. Sharon started the year off so positively, but now Faith Newman (Alyvia Alyn Lind) is keeping secrets and Rey is questioning whether she still loves Adam.

Adam wonders why Rey would question that, but Sharon starts to run off. Suddenly, Adam grabs Sharon’s arm and pulls her back in for a steamy kiss right there in the restaurant!

Back at Devon’s penthouse in Thursday’s Y&R episode, he assures Amanda this isn’t a rebound. Devon suggests it’s the start of something more, but Amanda’s in agreement about not putting labels on it. This is about two people moving forward together.

In the back of Amanda’s mind, she can’t help but wonder if Devon is really over Elena. Amanda doesn’t want to put her heart on the line and then realize Devon isn’t over his ex. Devon promises that’s all in the past and that he’s ready to move on with Amanda.

As other Y&R news and updates emerge, we’ll keep you posted. The Young and the Restless spoilers say some exciting twists and turns are still to come. CDL will have other sizzling Young and the Restless spoilers, updates and news for you, so stop by regularly.