The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Tuesday, June 15 Recap – Ashland Wants to Kiss Victoria – Adam Gives Victor NYC Bad News

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers recap for Tuesday, June 15, reveals that Ashland Locke (Richard Burgi) will want to kiss Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) while Adam Newman’s (Mark Grossman) source spills info. That’ll give Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) some NYC news and leave him demanding answers on Tuesday’s Y&R episode!

At Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) and Lily Winters’ (Christel Khalil) new place, they’ll be excited to have Johnny Abbott (Holden and Ryan Hare) and Katie Abbott (Sienna Mercuri) staying the night.

Billy will point out that the same rules apply – just like they do at Victoria’s place.

Johnny will ask if this means Lily is Daddy’s new wife, but Billy will insist they’re just very much in love. After they send the kids upstairs to play, Lily will find out about Billy’s phone call to Victoria and how concerned he is about her being in New York with Ashland.

That’ll lead to some bickering about Billy’s motives, but he’ll insist he wants to have Victoria’s back since she’s always had his back, too.

Later, Billy and Lily will joke around with the kids over a coloring contest before having pizza for dinner.

Once the kids are back upstairs, Lily and Billy will reflect on their relationship over wine. Billy will admit he sometimes feels like he didn’t earn what they have.

It wasn’t a brutal or contentious path to get here, but Lily will appreciate that since she’s had her heart broken over and over. Lily will think they did earn their relationship through the journeys that led them to each other.

In New York, Ashland will admit he’d very much like to kiss Victoria. She’ll suggest that’s funny, so he’ll smile over nothing fazing her.

Victoria will argue there’s a difference between making every moment count and being impulsive. She’ll want to proceed carefully, but Ashland won’t be upset since all hope is not lost.

Victoria will confess she’d like to see where this takes them, but Ashland will note that it’ll be a short journey. After Victoria brings up the treatment idea again, she’ll point out that it’d offer Ashland more time with Harrison Locke (Kellen Enriquez).

Victoria will think more time is better, so Ashland will flirt by suggesting it seems like she doesn’t want to lose him.

Ashland will want to drop the talk about his condition since dwelling on it serves no purpose. He’ll offer Victoria another glass of wine, but she’ll think it’s time to turn in for the evening.

After Ashland reveals that he’s headed back to Genoa City with Victoria in the morning, he’ll insist he needs to be near his son.

Ashland will thank Victoria for salvaging his trip and encourage her to sleep well as they part ways for the night.

Back in GC, Adam will appear at Crimson Lights right as Sharon Rosales (Sharon Case) is wrapping up a phone call to Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasuso) about their Miami trip.

After Sharon disconnects, she’ll talk to Adam about Noah Newman (Robert Adamson) potentially taking the job at Newman Enterprises and moving back to GC. Sharon will be impressed over the Adam reboot she’s seeing, so he’ll admit he’s taking it one day at a time.

Adam will be hopeful about Chelsea Lawson’s (Melissa Claire Egan) recovery – both for her sake and Connor Newman’s (Judah Mackey) sake.

Once Adam talks about how he can’t wait to see his son, he’ll start to confide in Sharon before stopping himself. Adam will apologize for opening up and will insist they can’t go down this road again.

Adam will also admit to overhearing about the trip and will encourage Sharon to be happy. Sharon will think Adam deserves to find peace, too. As for Rey, he’ll visit Chelsea at her psychiatric facility and note that didn’t like how they left things.

Chelsea will be glad Rey came back and will apologize for letting Adam get her all worked up. She’ll talk about how exhausting it is trying to be sane sometimes.

Rey still won’t get why Chelsea got so upset yesterday, but she’ll put the blame on Adam and hurry off to a session when Dr. Hedges (Michael Bofshever) appears.

However, Rey will corner Dr. Hedges for a private discussion before he can join Chelsea. Dr. Hedges will assure Rey that Chelsea isn’t a well woman.

Rey will note that he’s had long conversations with Chelsea – ones where it seemed like they were chatting in a coffee shop and not a mental health facility.

Dr. Hedges will insist Rey can’t judge based on brief visits and will shut the conversation down.

Rey will find Sharon at Crimson Lights and brush off her attempt to grill him about his Chelsea visit. They’ll choose to concentrate on their honeymoon instead and prepare to catch their imminent flight.

Back with Dr. Hedges, he’ll warn that he didn’t like Rey’s tone earlier. Dr. Hedges will worry that Rey’s digging and will push Chelsea to undo it if she’s done something to alert the inquisitive detective.

The doc will argue that Chelsea is unwell and that no one can doubt it. Chelsea will promise she has everything under control, but Dr. Hedges will doubt it and will remind Chelsea that he holds her future in his hands.

Next, Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan) will meet with Victor, who’ll urge her to be honest about her connection to Sutton Ames (Jack Landron). Victor will share his suspicion that Sutton is Amanda’s grandfather, so she’ll admit he’s not wrong.

When Victor asks why Amanda withheld that info from him before, she’ll confess she’s also the missing child Richard Nealon was trying to track down.

Victor will hope this means Amanda will no longer tell the jury that someone at Newman Enterprises was involved in shady business – blackmailing or worse.

After Amanda admits that’s still part of her defense strategy, Victor will have some bad news for her. He’ll insist there were no under the table payments and no cash for favors.

Victor will contend that whatever Amanda has been told isn’t accurate and will plan to send her a report to confirm it. He’ll also acknowledge how overwhelming all this must be for Amanda and will hope she gets to the bottom of what happened to her dad.

When Amanda returns to The Grand Phoenix, she’ll spot Naya Benedict (Ptosha Storey) in the lobby.

Naya will note that she talked to Sutton, who calmed down and knows how much he needs Amanda. Nevertheless, Sutton still won’t be on board with the defense strategy change.

Amanda will wonder if maybe Sutton fears more family secrets will be uncovered if they go down this road. Naya will ask what else Sutton would be hiding. “You tell me,” Amanda will fire back.

Naya will insist this is about losing the trust of voters as well as Sutton’s personal shame. Sutton denied his own grandchildren despite being a man who values family above all else.

Naya will urge Amanda to take a step back and consider this from Sutton’s point of view. Amanda won’t be interested and will decide she’s done. Since Sutton wanted to fire her, Amanda will choose to accept that and walk away from the case.

She’ll assure Naya that nothing can change her mind before Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) walks over and asks if Amanda’s OK.

Amanda will mention having a lot more free time on her hands before she heads up to her suite with Devon. That’s where Amanda will admit she’s off the case and feeling liberated.

Amanda will want to make finding out what really happened to Richard her singular focus. Devon will assure Amanda that she’s never alone in all this, so Amanda will insist that means everything to her.

At Newman Media, Adam will admit to Victor that he’s been keeping an eye on Ashland. According to Adam’s source, Ashland took Victoria as a passenger to New York.

Adam’s updates will throw Victor for a loop as Victor considers the possible reasons for this trip. Adam won’t see the need to speculate since they have no way of knowing for sure.

Victor will eventually leave her a voicemail that pushes her to call him back. “What the hell are you doing in New York with Ashland Locke?” Victor will demand to know in his message.

In her suite, Victoria will ignore a voicemail from Dad. She’ll call someone at the office instead and will ask for everything they have on Locke Communications Group. “Size, employees, liability, assets…Send me everything,” Victoria will insist.

Back with Amanda, she’ll call Denise Tolliver (Telma Hopkins) and point out that Denise hasn’t retired from her private investigating days just yet. Amanda will have one last case and will push Denise to find out why her father was really killed.

The Young and the Restless spoilers say Amanda will do whatever it takes to uncover the real story, so stay tuned for more Y&R drama. CDL will have other terrific Young and the Restless spoilers, updates and news to read up on, so make us your one-stop source.

Heather Hughes:
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