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9-1-1: Lone Star Premiere Recap 01/03/22: Season 3 Episode 1 “The Big Chill”

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, January 3, 2022, season 3 episode 1, “The Big Chill” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below.

In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 3 episode 1 as per the FOX synopsis, “An unexpected arctic cold front brings an ice storm to Austin and a variety of weather-related emergencies. Meanwhile, Owen deals with the fallout of the 126 closing, as Tommy, T.K. and Gillian settle into new employment and Judd and Grace prepare for the birth of their first baby .

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

9-1-1: Lonestar begins tonight with Owen Strand (Rob Lowe) in May is entitled to have a union rep through the proceedings, they are investigating him hitting his superior Billy Tyson (Billy Burke). Strand says Tyson was using his influence to shut down the 126 because of a personal issue. Billy reminds him that this is about the numbers and he should blame himself for the closing of the firehouse. Chief Bowman, reminds them this is about the disciplinary action against Strand, not about the firehouse; but Owen pleads with them for another chance and more time to audit the books to keep the house open.

Once outside, Owen Strand is forced to reveal to his crew that he has been temporarily suspended and they are to remain at their temporary assignments for the time being. They are not going to reopen the 126, they have also planned on tagging the place for demolition. Owen tells them this is not the end, and if they get knocked down 7 times, they get up 8 as they are a family and will keep fighting, never giving up until hell freezes over.

Jump forward to January

There is a weather advisory and they are to stay off the roads; a couple is fighting as they drive through the hazardous weather and end up on the side of the road. She insists they could walks from there, telling the baby turtles in the back that they will be right back. Carol warns Jude how precarious the ice is as he attempts to say another turtle, but when he lifts the turtle up, Jude spots a boy under the ice and yells for Carol to call for 9-1-1 when the boy screams from the water under the ice.

The news displays an Ice Storm is headed for Austin; 8 hours before the big freeze.

Tommy Vega (Gina Torres) approaches her chief who wants to go over a few details her team went on earlier. Captain Vega learns their patient from last call was fine as she is questioned about why she didn’t administer a single drug on the call. The company “Paragon” that she works for is to offer elite care as they are not a municipal service provided from the government. He says if the opportunities that come with it bother her… he never gets to finish the conversation because she takes the baked goods and tells him she gets it.

Meanwhile, TK Strand (Ronen Rubinstein) and Nancy Gillian (Brianna Baker) discuss her holiday party. She admits that she invited Carlos Reyes (Rafael Silva) but as of that moment she doesn’t know if he is coming; reminding him that she is not taking sides. He feels if there is a 126 hang than it should only consist of the 126 crew. Tommy joins them, offering the sweets and saying she was kindly reminded to gouge their patients on every call; all three of them want to leave Paragon as TK reminds them at least they are still together.

Judd Ryder (Jim Parrack) is busy working on the baby nursery when Grace Ryder (Sierra Aylina McClain) walks in. He is frustrated that he fell behind but she reminds him the baby doesn’t see for a while so he has plenty of time. She understands how hard things are for him but he needs to get some sleep. He is upset about what is going to happen to the 126 as she wants him to remember the people who are counting on him. Grace is teasing him about his artwork when he gets a call from Marjan Marwani (Natacha Karam); avoiding telling Grace who it was.

Marjan is watching a construction scene, when she runs in front of the firehouse and refuses to allow them to demolish the 126 Firehouse. She handcuffs herself to the wall and goes live on social media, explaining they have a gofundme page for the firehouse and demands to fight for it. It suddenly begins snowing and the construction company shuts everything down as Carlos arrives with sirens on. They greet each other as he places cuffs on her.

Carlos and Marjan bicker on the way to the precinct as he comments about her pouring sugar in the bull dozer gas tank and cutting the hydraulic lines on the machines. She begs to differ as they are baseless accusations. Carlos tries to encourage her that there is not a next move for 126 as everyone has accept4ed the brutal reality of the situation. She confronts him about whether he is talking about the firehouse or a certain paramedic. She insists they are family and need to fight.

Owen is at the farm, chopping wood when Sadie walks over, saying she is in the cabin over yonder after her divorce 3 days earlier. He says he learned how to swing an axe in his previous job so she jokes about what he does now that he is no longer an axe murderer. She warns him about the snow coming in and how people loses their mind when it happens in Texas.

Several friends are skiing attached to the back of a pickup truck until another truck behind them gets impatient and rushes past them with a huge sheet of ice coming off his roof and straight into the neck of the man skiing. 9-1-1 is called about a skiing accident and his boy’s head is about to come off. TK, Nancy and Tommy show up immediately for Brody.

129 arrives as Vega tells him they need to cut the ice before they move Brody and he brings in his best guy, Mateo Chavez (Julian Works) who is thrilled to see them and ready to work. Tommy explains to Mateo what she needs while TK orders Brody to remain as still as possible. They quickly get him on the gurney, as they praise their “probbie” who is “all grown up.” Mateo is sad to watch them leave the scene.

Marwani is sprung from the holding cell and given back her belongings. She learns it was Billy Tyson who bailed her out and she prefers to go back into the cell. He says she is lucky he didn’t suspend her or even fire her; which makes her vicious, wondering if this is him ordering her to shut up. He wants her to help build up the team as she is furious that he is railroading her captain Owen Strand. Tyson informs her that Owen isn’t being completely honest with her. He asks her to get Judd to call him as he won’t return any calls, she tells Billy to take a hint; receiving a call and taking off.

Vega is with Brody who is asking to call his girl while they travel to the hospital, but he goes unconscious and he is going to bleed out. She orders TK to pull over as they need to make their own shield to freeze and seal the artery. She demands he turns off the heat and opens the windows as they pack ice around his neck and pray it holds. The numbers begin to rise and Brody wakes up again; Tommy welcoming him back.

Sara ortiz (Michelle C. Bonilla) walks onto the 9-1-1 call center floor, informing everyone that it is about to get a whole lot worse. Grace takes a call that there is a break in at his store and fears they are still inside. She sends police over to Pike’s Furniture store, where Carlos arrives. There is a hole in the glass door as Carlos calls in that they are still on the scene and he is breaching but is advised that back up is at least 12 minutes out. He goes in demanding they show themselves, where he has his gun drawn. He encounters 2 men who are attempting to stay warm. Carlos demands the man laying in the bed to stand up, a former war vet, but he is in a wheelchair. Carlos is told to arrest them or let them be.

Marjan arrives at the 122, where she bolts straight to Judd; saying it was the chief who bailed her out and the building will remain standing at least until the weather clears. Paul Strickland (Brian Michael Smith) tells her that to be fair, Owen Strand didn’t abandon them, it was the fire department chose not to reinstate him but she gives them a letter showing he chose not to. She informs Judd that she got the information from Billy who would love to talk to Judd. He says Billy can go to hell and the Strand could come back at anytime as soon as he signs the apology letter. Judd says he wouldn’t bend a knee for Tyson neither and the only reason they lost the firehouse is because they lost their leader and lost each other. She is taking a snow day and getting Strand back, walking out of the firehouse.

Carlos Reyes brings in the two veterans, Major Garrett and Sgt. Vincent Thompson; neither wanting their charity, only a place to ride out the storm. Lindsey Robertson (Carly Dutcher) escorts them to a space they can use for now. A tree breaks through the window and everyone rushes to cover up from the deep freeze.

Judd calls Grace, who is worried about Marjan making it out there in the snow. Judd thinks it is useless. Judd is worried about Grace and keeps insisting she just take care of herself and their unborn daughter; their call gets disconnected from bad weather. In the meantime, Marjan arrives at Capt Strand’s cabin, barging in before he gets a chance to stop her. She tells him that nothing happened and that is why she is there. She reminds him that today is “D” day – demolition day; but the building is still standing as the weather froze the wrecking ball literally and the universe granted them a stay of execution. He begs to differ.

Strand tells her that they did everything they can and she produces the letter. He says signing it will be a lie and he is not sorry he hit him. He is sure that even if he signs that doesn’t say 126 will be back as it is dead and buried. He is tired of being the hero as haters like Billy will just take them down anyways. He hasn’t given up, he has given in. He is not going to fight this and going to enjoy it instead because Billy will keep coming no matter what he does. Marwani grabs the letter and says she will go to a Starbucks on the way home. She reminds him he can hide but the universe knows where he is and who he is, even if he has forgotten. Strand sits down, pondering what she said.

The Major that Reyes brought to the shelter is panicking, having PTSD about closed spaces. Reyes tells him that he is safe where he is, but as he is trying to call him down the building starts to collapse and Reyes grabs the Major to run out the building.

TK and Nancy are cleaning out the ambulance, both reflecting on their last call. Nancy begins to become philisophical about how life is similar to life in the rig. She wants to know why him and Carlos are not together as she loves them both. She says the mystery is killing her but TK doesn’t say a thing.

Judd arrives as Carlos learns there is no place to place the people who were in the shelter but he suddenly comes up with the idea. The fire department is busy working with the fire and explosions as Carlos brings all the displaced homeless and elderly to Pike’s Furniture store, where the owner welcomes everybody. Tommy and TK arrive to assist with the injured, giving TK and Carlos an awkward encounter. Carlos is seriously distracted when asked questions and he realizes someone is missing.

Judd and the guys are talking about how the place looks like a frozen palace as their water froze almost instantly when hitting the building. Carlos interrupts their banter, saying the volunteer Lindsey is missing. She was the one keeping the list but did not count herself. They fret that if they send a team in, its too dangerous for a secondary collapse, if she survived the first one. The news reports the story as Judd and Mateo speak to their crew; both her parents are on scene and begging them to save their girl.

Paul, Mateo and Judd realize they need to work quicker and spread out. They can hear her knocking, everyone as quiet as possible. Paul is on top of the structure, listening to her when he is hit by a huge part of the ceiling collapsing; both Mateo and Judd scream for him.

Owen, walks his dog, loudly discussing what Marjan had said to him. His dog, Buttercup bolts from him, where Strand finds a man who was unconscious on the pathway. Owen blames the universe for this. They are unable to communicate as the man only speaks Spanish. Marjan ends up riding off the side of the road, avoiding another car in the accident, she smashes her head into the airbag.


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