9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 02/14/22: Season 3 Episode 5 “The ATX-Files”

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, February 14, 2022, season 3 episode 5, “The ATX-Files” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below. In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 3 episode 8 as per the FOX synopsis, “In an attempt to bond with Wyatt, Owen and Judd take the teen alien hunting, but their search takes a different turn when they find two dead bodies.

Meanwhile, Tommy joins a grief group for widowers, as mysterious events around her house lead her to believe Charles is communicating from the beyond with her and the twins. Then, a woman fears she is cursed and takes drastic measures to cure herself

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star episode, a young couple were out camping when they saw two people that were glowing. Caleb had just promised to never abandoned his girlfriend ever again in a crisis and his first response to spotting what he thought was aliens was to run off on her.

He drove his ATV into a barbed wire fence. She had to call the emergency services for him. Owen and his team got the call. They were able to talk Caleb into calming down while they removed him from the fence. Owen did so by mentioning the aliens and he later revealed that he absolutely believes in aliens. His whole team was shocked. They never thought Owen was the guy to believe in aliens.

But surprisingly Owen’s knowledge did come in handy. Judd was spending his first weekend with his teenage son Wyatt because he only found out about the kid a week ago and since then he couldn’t think of anything to do with him. His son was vegan. He didn’t believe in hunting or fishing and so Judd was at a loss about what to do that weekend. The alien thing came up as a last ditch effort and it worked. They got to talking. Judd doesn’t know much about it and so Wyatt was happy to fill him in. It also gave Judd a way to enjoy the weekend. Judd came up with the idea to go alien hunting with his son.

Judd even roped in Owen. He knew that Owen would know more about aliens than him and he was right because Owen has actual equipment for this. He was going to join father and son on their trip to the forest were that young couple last spotted the aliens. They were doing this as Tommy was feeling a supernatural presence herself. It was coming up on her and her late husband’s anniversary.

She was feeling sad and then she noticed that all the lights in her house were flicking. They were doing so in a pattern. Tommy came to believe it was her husband trying to contact her because the pattern used to be their code for “I love you” and the psychic she saw only reaffirmed this.

Tommy and her team were called to an emergency at a psychic’s studio. They got there to find a woman with two ring worms coming out of her nose and they helped her and told her in the future that she needs to wash her food more thoroughly because otherwise she was bringing in germs.

Tommy was leaving when the psychic stopped her. The woman told Tommy that someone was trying to contact her from the other side. Tommy said she knows and so the psychic told her to be open. Tommy later visited the psychic at the end of her shift. She wanted to know what to do on the anniversary and the psychic told her to treat it like any other.

To put on her best dress, to do herself up, and to even cook him his favorite meal. Tommy needs to set the mood before she talks to him. She needs to say what she needs to say. Its probably why her husband is contacting her and so that’s what she chose to do. But then work came involved.

She was a part of the response team that got sent after Owen and Judd called for backup. They found a hot spot of radiation. It was very fortunate that they didn’t go deeper into the woods because none of them got sick or were affected and it turns out the radiation was stronger the more they went. Judd sent his son to the hospital to get checked out. And meanwhile he and Owen pursued the radiation.

They put on protective suits. They also learned from Grace that several 911 calls came from that area and so no one wanted to leave it to the DOD clean up team. They went after the source. They found a cabin the woods and they found two sick people. The people were dying from radiation poisoning. They were apparently artists living off the grid. They found old metal to rework and they found some radioactive dust from an old hospital. They didn’t think about why it glows in the dark. They just used it in their art. They created a necklace using it that they sold. They also put in paint and then covered themselves in it.

The guys notified Grace. All Grace had to work with was the last four digits of the card number and she kept getting putting on hold yet once she explained that she was trying to stop a mass casualty event then that’s when she got what she needed. The fire department tracked down the woman who bought the necklace. It was a birthday present and so Owen and Judd had to break up the party to get rid of the contaminated item. They also got Tommy back home where she thought she would get to enjoy her anniversary but it wasn’t to be. She found out that her dead husband wasn’t contacting her. She just had a rat problem that was eating on her wiring.

An electrician fixed it. Tommy could have let that depress her and she chose to instead follow through on having an anniversary dinner with her late husband. And she asked for a sign that she still managed to get.

And Wyatt meanwhile told his dad that he had the time of his life with him. He always wanted to go camping with his dad and now he has.


Kristine Francis:
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