9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 03/28/22: Season 3 Episode 12 “Negative Space”

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, March 28, 2022, season 3 episode 12, “Negative Space” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below. In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 3 episode 12 as per the FOX synopsis, “Owen fears the past is back to haunt him when a stalker targets him and Catherine (guest star Amy Acker).

Meanwhile, Tommy and Gillian face consequences when Gillian saves the life of a woman wearing a “Do Not Resuscitate” bracelet.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star episode, Owen and Katherine sit with the police who are investigating the pig head found in his bed. After they go through the list of recent men Owen has punched, he is told a former police officer by the name of Roy Griffith is out on the streets after Owen helped put him away. The man is a psycho. Later, Owen tells the crew.

Grace takes a call from a hysterical sister. Her sister is inside her house, it is locked and she isn’t responding. She has cancer. The team gets in and resuscitates her. When the woman comes to she is angry. She doesn’t want to live.

Marjan and Paul track down Roy. He has a job as a security guard. Marjan goes into the store and makes an announcement on the PA illegally that the store has hired a murderer. She and Paul leave.

Back at the station, Nancy is served for saving the lady that was a DNR. The woman is suing her. Meanwhile, Owen has a talk with Marjan about her behavior at the store. Marjan and Owen get to talking. Sadie, one of his victims, is still in town. In fact she has an art show that night.

Marjan and Owen head there later that night to warn her. Roy shows up. Owen asks him to leave but he won’t. Roy says a few choice things, telling Marjan he wishes he would have left her in a ditch. Owen ends up in cuffs after punching him. At the station he learns that Roy is asking for a restraining order against him.

Nancy and Tommy meet with a lawyer. It seems Nancy may be all right with the DNR case. How was she to know the woman was wearing a DNR bracelet with long sleeves on. Later, Owen and the crew are brought to the art gallery where Sadie was working and living. The place is on fire. They try to call Sadie. No answer. Owen heads in and finds her laying unconscious. They both make it out.

Nancy admits to Tommy she saw the DNR bracelet. Tommy is disappointed but thinks there is a way around this for Nancy who insists she is going to quit.

Owen brings Sadie from the hospital to Carlos’ so he can watch her since she wasn’t given a police detail. Owen then heads to keep watch on Roy secretly. Katherine insists she wants to go with him. He hesitates but agrees.

Tommy and Nancy meet with the sisters about the DNR fiasco. The woman who was saved is sick with cancer and in pain, she wanted her wishes to be acknowledged. But Nancy saved her and now she gets to continue to suffer.

Owen and Katherine find Marjan staking out Roy’s. He sends her home. Meanwhile, Carlos and TK eat with Sadie while discussing Owen’s troubles when it comes to fighting crime. They watch through video footage of the art gallery and more. Carlos sees that Sadie was on camera the day Katherine had cornstarch blown in her face. Carlos starts to question Sadie. She is the one behind the pig head too. She tells him how she and Owen need to be together. They are destined to be. TK is in the bathroom. Carlos tries to get up and falls. He has been drugged. Sadie shares she drugged them both. They cannot tell Owen.

While Owen and Katherine talk, Roy jumps into the back seat of their car. He takes a photo of Owen. He laughs. Owen has broken his restraining order. Roy jokes he is headed for tacos to celebrate. The car he goes to jump into explodes. He catches on fire. Owen runs to help him. Meanwhile, Marjan checks on Carlos and TK. Sadie answers the door and lies, saying they went out. Marjan pushes her way in. Sadie says her in the back of the shoulder. Marjan knocks her out.

Sadie wakes to Owen and is cuffed by the police. The next day, Nancy and Tommy talk. She has sometime to get her case together before she heads to trial. TK comes in. He cannot stay home anymore. He is feeling fine. But he is angry he has to start his sobriety over after Sadie drugged him. Just then, the sister they helped arrives. She shares her sister has passed but before she did she dropped the lawsuit.

Owen visits Marjan in the hospital. He stops in to see Roy who is in awful shape. Owen confronts him. He knows how Roy skipped on the murder charge, he made a deal with the FBI to snitch on the cartel. Then they blew up his car.


Sarah Luoma:
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