Alaskan Bush People Recap 10/23/22: Season 14 Episode 5 “The Alaskan Code”

Tonight on Discovery Alaskan Bush People airs with a new season where the Wolfpack faces the biggest challenge on an all-new Sunday, October 23, 2022 episode and we have your Alaskan Bush People recap below. On tonight’s Alaskan Bush People Season 14 Episode 5 “The Alaskan Code,” as per the Discovery synopsis, “In Alaska, Noah risks losing a dream property when he volunteers his siblings and himself for a hauling-and-build mission to help an off-grid family in need. On the mountain, Bear invents a new way for him and Raiven to accomplish a tedious bush chore.”

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Alaskan Bush People recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Alaskan Bush People episode, Noah and his wife were still house hunting or as they termed it “reclaiming Alaska”. Noah and his family traveled to Alaska with his two sisters and everyone has been helping the family find a new home there. Their last home has gotten reclaimed by nature. Noah liked another place, but it was sadly too close to the neighbors and so he was still looking for a place. They didn’t find one at their destination. Only they traveled to Juneau next. They continued the house hunting there and that trip had actually been quite painful for Bird. Bird just had surgery on her abdomen. She hasn’t quite recovered and so jumping on a boat really taxed her.

Bird has left in horrible pain afterward. She couldn’t keep getting on and off the boat that way and so her brother Noah rigged up a makeshift lift to help her. It wasn’t all that safe. It was basically a swing she had to sit on. It also hurt to sit on it because Bird was in that much pain. But she got on. The lift helped her get on the boat and it was a lot less painful than relying on her upper body strength. They took the boat out on the water. They showed off Alaska to little Eli. It was his first trip there. He seemed to be enjoying himself. What kid doesn’t love visiting a nature preserve or getting on a boat? And Noah was instilling his love of Alaska to his son.

Noah used the boat trip to teach his son the rules about being on the water. He also showed off the fish and the beautiful coastline. Noah loved being in Alaska. He felt at home there. He wants his sons to be able to say the same one day. The family visited Hoarse Island. It was a literal island and there weren’t a lot of houses on it and one of those houses was for sale. Noah has always dreamed of having his own island. If he gets the house, he’ll get a lot of acreage on the island, and its the next best thing. Noah didn’t have to worry about neighbors because the nearby islands weren’t all that close. He would just have an open ocean. It would also be impossible for anyone to sneak up with their boat.

The island has a rocky barrier around it. They didn’t have sand or sand fill beaches. Noah himself had to take a smaller boat to the island and then pull it up behind him to get it on the shore. He was also supposed to have run into the people who currently owned the place, but they weren’t when he stopped by and so he just let himself in. He got to view the house. Its amenities. He even viewed the workstation. It was a huge shed with natural light as well as amenities of its own. Plus, it had shelves. It was perfect for Noah. He could turn that place into his own work studio. He didn’t need to add anything to the house. It was already fit for a family.

Noah also toured the island. He met up with his potential neighbors. They lived far enough away that he didn’t have to worry about privacy and they were nearby enough that he could always turn to them for help if he needs it. The island has Bush rules. The neighbors looked out for each other. They protect each other’s property if someone has to go to the town to do some shopping. The couple actually needed to visit the mainland but they didn’t want to leave their house unattended because their neighbors weren’t in and so Noah said no problem. He went go to collect what the couple needed. And Noah volunteered to help them set up the turbine.

Noah’s sisters assisted with putting the thing up. They were crunching on time and yet they didn’t want to leave with a job half-finished. But one of the reasons they didn’t want to do it fast is because they didn’t want to be on the open water at night. Their dad told them of the risks when he tried to do it and now his children know better than to ever try it themselves. This also mattered because Noah wasn’t done looking at houses. He wanted to view another house. That house was first come first served and so Noah had to get there in a short time span. Which was hard to do with them already running late.

Back in Washington, the family’s bulls managed to escape. They have two bulls and they escaped from their pen. No one knows how. Bear and Gabe were able to get both bulls back into the pen without anyone getting hurt and that was a miracle because one of those bulls has been problematic from day one. The family even considered just slaughtering one of the bulls. But they ultimately chose not to and things went up from there. Bear’s wife Raiven has said she would like a washing machine. It’s hard doing the laundry in the river And so Bear hooked up a “bush” washing machine.

He got a metal tube with a sealed lid, he put the clothes in there with detergent as well as rocks, and then he drove with that tube tied to the back of the truck. It was fine. It operated like a washing machine. And Raiven loved it.


Kristine Francis:
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