America’s Got Talent Extreme Recap 02/28/22: Season 1 Episode 2 “Auditions 2”

America’s Got Talent Extreme Recap 02/28/22: Season 1 Episode 2 "Auditions 2"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent Extreme begins with an all-new Monday, February 28, 2022, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 1 episode 2 “Auditions 2″, as per the NBC synopsis, “The auditions continue as a variety of contestants – showcasing the most outrageous, unique and jaw-dropping acts too big for a stage – compete for a chance to win a $500,000 prize. Creator and executive producer Simon Cowell will judge alongside Nikki Bella and Travis Pastrana. Terry Crews hosts.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back later for our America’s Got Talent Extreme recap from 8 PM – 10 PM ET! Refresh often so you get the most current info! While you wait for the episode head over and check out all our AGT spoilers, news, recaps & more!

Tonight’s America’s Got Talent Extreme recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode begins with Host Terry Crews. The judges say their hellos. They discuss their own prior scary stunts before introducing a group of five guys who call themselves the Contraption Kings. They ride BMX bikes and aren’t afraid to try all the stunts. They plan to ride down a dangerous ramp with a huge gap to make it to the landing.

After they get up on top, one of them sunrises the crowd and judges with a jet ski. Yes, he plans to ride it down the ramp. He takes off on a jet ski with wheels. He makes it and hits his landing. The next guy goes on a tricycle and makes it. The crowd goes wild. The next of the team members ride down on a scooter and make it. After, the remaining two rides a recliner and a rocking horse. They all celebrate after making their landing. They head to the stage to receive their results – they are in!

In a shocking twist, the next contestant has been doing tricks on his dirt bike. After years he has now added his grandmother to his act. Hunter and Lillian, 24 years old and 90 years old, take the stage to talk to the judges. They introduce themselves. Simon is shocked by Lillian. But she and Hunter are ready. First, Lillian wants a hug from Simon. He gives her a hug! They head to the bike. Its dangerous conditions out as it are raining. The pair get on the bike and ride fast through several gates on fire. After, they get a yes from all three judges!
Nikki gives Simon and Travis a birthday cake to celebrate their big day. Nikki gives Simon a gift basket from the UK. A royal guard brings him the gift and doesn’t talk. Simon pops a balloon behind him. He doesn’t move. They are impressed.

Diako is from Paris. He has been skating since a young age. He loves inline skating. He wants to win to give his mother a great life. He shows off his skills with jumps on his rollerblades. He has never used this particular ramp before. Simon isn’t overly impressed but Nikki and Travis are. Simon is going to take a leap. He gives him a yes.

Up next is a wire walker named Jake from Vermont who has been practicing his craft since the age of 14. Terry is impressed and scared. His wife is with him today. They have three kids. He will walk with no nets. He plans to push the limits.

Jake has big plans to help his mom buy a house if he wins. Before he begins, the wire is set on fire. The crowd goes wild. He walks the fiery wire, stopping, dancing a little. After he finishes, he goes back on a bicycle. He makes a stop on the bike, keeping his balance. He makes it again. Travis is impressed. Jake comes to the main stage. He gets a yes from all three judges.

The Flying Royals include 8 members. They are a flying trapeze act. They must be perfectly in sync with one another. They have been practicing for years. They take to their set up all dressed in one.

They maintain the perfect sync until one falls to the net. After, Simon gives them a no. He finds the act very boring. Travis and Nikki think otherwise, advancing them to the next round.

Danny Z. is a father of five who has been doing some of the craziest escape stunts ever. He is ready to go to the very extreme here on AGT. He gets into a box. He is locked up and put in a mailbag. He is being taken up 140 feet until the air. He has one minute to escape before they just let the box go.

His wife stands on the sidelines, feeling sick. The pair recently lost a son. The crowd chants his name. The crowd counts down. No one sees him. It’s too late. The box drops and smashes on the ground. He is still on the hook up in the air dressed in black. Back at the main stage, Travis loved Danny. Simon and Nikki are also on board. Nikki hugs him.

The Cage Riders are up next. They will perform a dangerous ride in a cage, the cage of death. They ride in the cages with dirt bikes. They plan to claim the title. Alfredo, one of the riders, was once on previous shows. Simon is familiar with him. It is slippery out but they plan to move forward. Two riders get in the cage and drive in sync. Two riders jump insane heights over the cage. In one of their final acts, Alfredo stands in the cage as they ride. After, he gets on his bike with the three all sharing a cage while the other two make several jumps. They head to the main stage. Simon was impressed and almost had five heart attacks. Travis and Nikki were also very entertained. Simon knows Alfredo so he cannot vote. Terry says there is no need to vote. He pushes them forward with his own personal pass. They all celebrate!