Animal Kingdom Recap 06/26/22: Season 6 Episode 3 “Pressure and Time”

Tonight on TNT Animal Kingdom returns with an all-new Sunday, June 26, 2021 episode and we have your Animal Kingdom recap below. On tonight’s Animal Kingdom season 6 episode 3 called, “Pressure and Time” as per the TNT synopsis, “Deran and Pope search for Craig. J tries to sell Gia’s diamonds. Much to Smurf’s displeasure, Julia gets a job at the mall and Andrew embraces Church.”

Tonight’s episode of Animal Kingdom looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Animal Kingdom recap at 9:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the return of season 6 of Animal Kingdom.

Tonight’s Animal Kingdom recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s Animal Kingdom episode begins with Smuf making breakfast for Pope and asks him how community service is going, he says it is better than juvie. Present day, Pope arrives at the skateboarding ramp and there are guys on it, the gate is unlocked. He demands they get off and throws their boards over the fence. Elsewhere Deran gets a message, one of the tenants won’t leave. Then he and J find out that the blue diamons cannot be moved because they are too perfect. Once upon a time they belonged to an upstanding citizen and they reported them missing at some time. Deran has to go deal with the building.

Back to Smurf, she drops by the mall to visit Julia were she is working. Julia is not happy to see her, Smurf doesn’t like that she is working for minimum wage. Julia tells her that she has to start somewhere, at least she is working. Smurf tells her that when she was her age she made $400 in an afternoon, she tells her “let’s go.”

At the police station, Thompson comes in with her things, Captain Torrez welcomes her. Then he asks her if she likes bullshit, he didn’t ask her to be assigned to his cold case unit. He puts several files on her desk. He tells her she has one job, she needs to get him some clearances by the book.

J is getting the diamonds broke down so he can sell them. The guy tells him they are nice stones, if he had the cash he would buy them himself. He tells him to start with Eddie Pham.

Deran stops by to see Pope who is working on the ramp, he tells him that he can’t find Craig, he is not answering his phone and he has to do one of those apartment things. Pope goes with him.

We look back at Pope doing his community service outside a church, he takes a break and goes inside. Once side, a priest asks him if he can help him. Pope asks him what the deal is with the nails. The priest tells him it was a crucifiction, he died for their sins. He then asks Pope if he wants to tell him what got him there.

Deran and Pope arrive at the building, they knock on the door and Deran calls out to Quinn who is inside. Then they hear a gun load and both jump to the side. Pope and Deran make a run for it after Quinn shoots a hole through the door. Quinn shouts out at them to come get him, try to evict him. Deran throws a bottle at Quinn that distracts him and gives Pope time to climb up on the roof and jump Quinn.

Craig stops by to see Renn, he tells her that he doesn’t want to co-parent, he wants her to go him with him. He got sober for her and she is high. She throws him out.

J visits Eddie Pham who offers three grand. J says no, they are worth way more than hat. Eddie says the diamonds are nice, top grade, J says he inherited them from his grandmother. Eddie says he hopes that is true, because if there is anthing wrong with them, his guy will go after him. Eddie officer eight thousand.

Deran and Pope have Quinn under control. Quinn says he has been there for twenty years, Deran told him it doesn’t matter, he has to pack his things up and leave. Quinn says Smurf gave him the place and he is not going back to the streets. Pope tells Deran that if they put this guy out he will be dead in a week. Deran tells Quinn to pack up his things, he has a place for him to stay.

Thompson is working on Catherine Belen’s case, she is given three file boxes of files.

Deran and Pope take Quinn to the surf shop, Deran is going to put Quinn in there.

Smurf and Julia are outside near the car drinking milkshakes, Julia tells her that she needs to get back to work. A guy drives up in a swanky convertible and gets out. Smurf asks Julia if she wants to take it for a spin. They go for a drive and Julia really drives fast, cut in and out of lanes, almost hitting a girl on a bycicle. They return to the lot and Smurf says, that’s my girl. Julia loves the car, she says it’s amazing. Smurf tells her that if she wants it, it is hers. But one thing, it is 110% stolen and she doesn’t have time for an ethics debate, she can be cruising with her friends tonight, or she can drop her off at her mall job.

Craig shows up at the bar, Deran gives him a water. J walks up and says the diamonds are sold and the guy who bought them is just sitting on cash. Craig picks up Pope’s beer and belts it down, asks Tommy to give him another one. Later, Deran asks Craig about his new friend Vince. Then he tells him about the building and it supposing to be empty.

Julia and Smurf are still in the car and both are laughing. Smurf tells her that it is really hard to kill a person but it is really easy to make them think you are going to kill them. Pope is there, he tells Smurf she forgot to pick him up and father Kirby dropped him off. Julie goes inside after him and apologizes for them forgetting him. She says she can pick him up from now on, she has a new car. he is not happy that the car is from Smurf, she calls him a buzz kill. She says Smurf’s a bitch but at least she got a car out of it.

Craig stops by to see Vince, he says he busted his ass to stay clean and threw it away in ten minutes. He says people like him drunk and high, his ex and brothers, it started with his mom. Vince takes him out to a deserted field where there are three abandoned cars, unveils his machine gun in his truck and Craig lets loose and shoots the vehicles.

J wants to rob Eddie, he thinks there is a way in, he treats his brother like crap. If they play it right, he thinks the brother can help them get in.

Smurf goes in Pope’s room to see him, she says she went to church once and they tried to give her wine, it is filled with perverts and suckers. She tells him that he doesn’t need church, he just needs his family.

Back at the skate board ramp, Pope walks up and there are guys using it. Pope gets his board and he joins them.

Thompson meets with Lena asks her what she saw on that last day, was there anyone else with her mom and dad. She says uncle Pope was there too.


Dorothy Gale:
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