Animal Kingdom Recap 07/31/22: Season 6 Episode 9 “Gethsemane”

Tonight on TNT Animal Kingdom returns with an all-new Sunday, July 31, 2021 episode and we have your Animal Kingdom recap below. On tonight’s Animal Kingdom season 6 episode 9 called, “Gethsemane” as per the TNT synopsis, “Pope is brought in for questioning. J, Deran, and Craig grapple with the truth. Julia tries to make amends with an upset Andrew.”

Tonight’s episode of Animal Kingdom looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Animal Kingdom recap at 10:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the return of season 6 of Animal Kingdom.

Tonight’s Animal Kingdom recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s Animal Kingdom episode begins with J, he goes into the kitchen to speak to Deran and says he is really worried the cops could be on their way. They go into Pope’s room and he is not there. The two go outside and Pope is gone, they are thinking maybe he went to the skate park.

We go back to Smurf, Andrew is eating breakfast when Julia comes in the room and wants to spend time with him. Baz walks in the kitchen, then walks out. Smurf tells Julia she needs to watch the boys, she and Baz got errands to run. Andrew is out cleaning the pool, Julia want to talk to him, he says it is not right Baz is their brother and it’s disgusting. She asks him if he is mad at her, or just Baz.

J arrives at the skate park, he doesn’t see Pope anywhere. J gets a call from Penny, Cindy od’d, she is in the hospital. He tells her it is not a good time and he cannot be there.

Deran shows up at Craig’s house looking for Pope, he finds Pope in the bedroom who tells Deran this is where he killed her, Catherine Bell.

Craig comes out of store, he got a drink for Renn who has been high for two days. He tells her to stop dealing and they will be find. She says she wants to leave Oceanside, otherwise she will get sucked in again. She wants to go to Texas and bring their son, he says no way, this is their home and they will get through this.

Deran tells J they need to get Pope out of the country, he disagrees, he says they need to get him a good lawyer. J tells Deran to talk to Pope, find out more about the cop, he’s got something to take care of.

Craig is working out when the phone starts ringing, he ignores it, Brittany walks in and she answers it. She tells him that it his brother who says get his butt down to the house, it is about Pope.

J shows up at the hospital to see Penny, she tells him that Noah is coming home, for at least a year. J tells her that Cindy is not her kid or her mom, not her responsibility anymore. J tells her that he has to go, he has family stuff to take care of.

Deran goes into the bedroom, Pope is lying down, he tells him that they need to talk. He asks him what the cop has on him, he says he doesn’t know. She’s not from Oceanside, and she knows what he did and he doesn’t’ know how she found out.

Smurf is with Baz looking at an apartment she was thinking of renting. She throws him the keys and tells him that the place is his, but no more BS, no more teenage drama, he needs to keep his focus. Baz heads back to the house and packs his things. Julia tells him that he knows what it means to accept things from Smurf, he reminds her about here new car. She tells him that Smurf is not done, she is never done until she gets things the way she wants them.

Smurf arrives home and she has brought some girls from the beach. She goes inside to get Pope and asks him to go out to the pool to meet her new friends.

J tells Deran that he found a good lawyer, Craig walks in and looks a wreck. J tells him that a cop is looking for Pope, for killing Catherine and he admits he did it. Craig storms into the room to speak to Pope, he drags him out of the room and puts him in the shower, turns it on. Craig tells him to get dressed and meet him in the living room, they are going to talk.

Pope is with his brothers, he says he killed Catherine in Baz’s bedroom.

The brothers are with the new lawyer, the cop’s name is Louise Thompson, they found Catherine Bell’s body in Riverside. Pope says she broke into the house. The lawyer tells them that Oceanside PD is going to issue a warrant for Pope arrest for assault on the kid at the skate park. The plan is for Pope to turn himself in, it will go much better for him.

Smurfs new friends are in the pool with Andrew when Smurf calls him in. She asks him which one he likes best. She tells him to take what he wants.

Deran is with Pope outside near the pool and asks if he is ready to go to the police station. Deran tells Pope he did it for them, to protect them.

They arrive at the police station, Detective Hutchins arrests Pope for assault and reads him his Maranda rights.

Pope is put in a room, Louise walks in and says she is there because of Lina, a beautiful girl and so fragile. She remembers Pope driving in the middle of the night through the desert when her mother was killed. Louise shows him a photo of her body when they found her. She tells him that she won’t show the photo to Lena, but the DA will in court. And he can save her from that. She also mentions Amy and how he made her an accessory by telling her what he did.

Kendra is the last girl to leave the pool party that Smurf had, she pays her after she spends time alone with Andrew in his room. Julia is furious that she paid Kendra to be with Andrew.

Louise goes out to speak to Deran, she tells him that his brother is staying in jail for confessing to the murder of Catherine.

J gets a call, he tells Craig that Pope confessed to the murder.

Back to Smurf, she is sitting outside at the pool when Andrew comes out and sits near her.

J goes back to see Penny at the hospital. He tells her that Pope is being charged with murder.

Deran walks in the bar and Tommy has an idea for a job, Deran freaks out, tells him to go home and fires him.

Craig goes to see Ren, he is crying and tells her that he can’t stay at his place, she opens the door for him to stay there.

Pope is in jail.


Dorothy Gale:
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